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Your favorite Fire Emblem for each category


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Which are your personal favorites for each of: gameplay, story, music, characters, difficulty and others.

I'll start, of course :P

Gameplay: FE12

I just can't get enough of this one's gameplay. It's simple yet so complex, if you know what I mean.

Story: FE9

I think this game was the best in terms of story pacing. I absolutely love it's story and feel it is very well done.

Music: Tie between FE12 and FE13

Both of these games have awesome OSTs so I can't choose.

Characters: FE10

I like the cast from FE9 and 10 a lot. Since FE10 has more and I like a lot of the new ones, I choose 10.

Difficulty: FE12

Love H2 and H3 so much. So challenging, in the right ways.

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Gameplay: FE7

I love how simple it is. And it's the most replayable one for me, since I found the gameplay awesome.

Story: FE9

Same reasons as PKL stated. Plus, the Jill/Shiharam plot point was well-done.

Music: Tie between FE5 and FE8

They both have some pretty awesome tracks I can't help but listen to a lot.

Characters: Tie between FE8 and FE13

FE8: Sure, it has a small cast. But the fact that each character has a good amount of depth and backstory, plus actually having more incentive to join the war their in is really nice to see.

FE13: The DLC conversations are pretty great, and the reason why I like these characters so much. Especially the Gen II characters, and Future Past/Future of Despair roped me in.

Difficulty: FE4

Not too hard, not too easy. Just how I like it.

Edited by Zeem
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These are the FE games I've played (or in the process of playing): FE4, FE6, FE7, FE8, FE9, FE10, FE11, FE13

Gameplay: FE13 (its much of what I love about the game)

Story: All of them

Music: All of them

Characters: All of them

Difficulty: FE7

...what can I say? Aside from gameplay and difficulty, all Fire Emblems have spoken to me with the same wonderful story, music, and characters.

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Oh, simple for me. :)

Gameplay: Awakening, no question. I love the pair up mechanic and how easy it is to build supports and stuff! It's also nicely paced and doesn't make you wait forever for the enemies to move (like in RD, errg. I do love that game's gameplay too though otherwise).

Story: Radiant Dawn, nuff said. The different points of view you go between, the Crimean rebellion, the Laguz Alliance vs Begnion (and later everyone vs Begnion pretty much), and the liberation of Daein was interesting too. Part 3 was the best thing ever in an FE game too, imo.

Characters: Both Awakening AND Radiant Dawn. They have the most characters I love, particularly Ike, Frederick, Kieran, Elincia, Boyd, Ranulf, Gaius, Lon'qu, Stahl, and Cordelia! They are just generally so well done in both games!

Music: Radiant Dawn. Eternal Bond and Stalwarts Unite. Nuff said. <3

Difficulty: Radiant Dawn again since I couldn't get anywhere in normal mode in that thing. o_o

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It's simple yet so complex, if you know what I mean.

*doesn't know what you mean*

That being said:

Gameplay: FE13

Story: FE10

Music: Tie between FE10 and FE13

Characters: FE13

Difficulty: FE10

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Gameplay: FE12 and FE13

Story: FE4 and FE10

Characters: FE10 and FE13

Music: FE10 and FE13

Difficulty: FE12

as you can probably tell, my three favorite Fire Emblem games are 10, 12, and 13 (no particular order)

Edited by shadykid
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Gameplay: FE8

I just enjoyed how the game played. Difficulty sucked but the split branch promotions and just the overall way it worked was a lot of fun to play.

Story: FE9

Nothing else to add was the best paced and most well done.

Music: FE13

I just love the music for this game. It has songs that suit every emotion and work with every major event.

Characters: FE7

IMO it had the most in depth and fun to play with cast.

Difficulty: FE11 and FE12

I find that the higher difficulties add enough of a challenge that you are never bored, but they aren't like lunatic+ which is just cheap.

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*doesn't know what you mean*

That being said:

Gameplay: FE13

Story: FE10

Music: Tie between FE10 and FE13

Characters: FE13

Difficulty: FE10

That it doesn't have stuff like skills and other variables that other FEs do. But the gameplay is still really complicated and makes me think.

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Gameplay: FE13

Love everything about playing this game. Pair up is amazing.

Story: FE8/4

I really love 8's story, Lyon is so tragic and I love how the story makes me feel something at his demise, unlike 90% of the other bosses in this series.

Four just has an amazing story, imo.

Music: FE13

Pretty simple.

Characters: FE8

I love FE8's cast with a passion. I like how it's small and I really liked having twin lords, and everyone else. I also really liked Lyon.

Difficulty: FE8/13

I really like games where I can grind and FE8 and FE13 both have easy modes regardless, so I enjoy them both. FE13 is nice because I can pick harder or easier depending on my mood.

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Gameplay: FE12

I just can't get enough of this one's gameplay. It has Dragons, if you know what I mean.

Story: FE5

The story of Leif and how he develop from a naive ignorant noble into a dependable, yet still flawed Leader, his determination to save Eyvel, and actually suceed at doing so, the way they potray Leif as an inferior being compared to Seliph, the way the compare Finn and Trabant, the fact that their problem is NOT about World Destroying Illogical magical shit out of nowhere, and in fact, about the people of Thracia and the goverment.

Even in the middle of inconsistency, all of the stuff in Thracia is much more interesting to explore, compared to the rest of the series

Music: FE3

FE3 version of Dark Emperor Hardin and Theme of Love > FE12. I never liked Tearing Shadows that much, to be honest

Characters: FE8

FE8 has perhaps the perfect example on how to make a small cast of extremely likable character and go from there. The core cast of Ephraim + Eirika, Innes, and L'arachel is perhaps the best in the series. Simple in concept, satisfying in practice. I think this is the only game where I actually liked the whole cast.

Archanea would be close if FE12 support is not half assed like they do, and Sheeda x Marth is downright the best Lord + Lover combo in the entire series. By far.

Shoutout for amazing characters in other games for Finn, Jeigan, and August

Difficulty: FE12

While I never finished Lunatic, the ability to give BEXP, favoritism, and the map design that encourage fast plays is pretty amazing. The game throws free shit, so you can allocate your money in different areas. Its enjoyable, and the only reason why I did not play it more is because of the DS Emu Lag, and my 3DS can't play flashcart anymore

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That it doesn't have stuff like skills and other variables that other FEs do. But the gameplay is still really complicated and makes me think.

Maybe, though I'll admit, I haven't played it, and probably won't.

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Gameplay: Shadow Dragon/Binding Blade

Story: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn

Music: Pfft iunno, Awakening(bs I really can't decide) Oh wait yes I can, Path of Radiance, Bittersweet Victory is great

Characters: Awakening

Difficulty: I never play for difficulty to be honest, I'll bs this too and say Awakening/Binding Blade/Thracia 776, ambush spawns make me wet.

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Gameplay: FE5, by far

Story: Probably FE5 again, although FE8 is close

Music: FE4 hands down, although FE13 has some nice tracks

Characters: FE8, closely followed by the Jugdral Characters

Difficulty: I actually think HHM is one of the best game modes overall, FE11 and FE12 hard modes are too robotic and boring.

Edited by General Horace
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Gameplay: FE9 - Combined the best elements of FE4 and the GBA games

Story: FE5 - It's not "gasp ancient evil being revived by sorcerer who happens to command dragon-flying army"

Music: FE4 - Chapter 4 map theme and recruitment theme so good

Characters: FE4 - They're strange but not FE13 "lol nobody can see me" stupid.

Difficulty: FE6HM - You actually need to think a lot. Rather than "my enemies have really high stats and forged weapons".

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Gameplay: FE5

Reviving a lot of these mechanics in future games would be great, I think.

Story: FE4 (Jugdral in general, though, so shout-out to FE5)

Love the scale and presentation of it.

Music: FE13

Because duh.

Characters: indeterminable

I like and dislike plenty of characters from every FE.

Difficulty: indeterminable

I don't play them nearly often enough but I was going to pick FE11/12, because the variety of difficulties to choose from combined with a lack of skills that can let you BS your way through enemies if you get lucky with activation rates is very respectable. Conversely, making fewer and fewer units viable (and especially making classes unviable due to caps) is not, I then realized. So fuck it; can't decide.

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Gameplay: It's hard to choose between FE10's epic battles, or FE7's love of villages and chests threatened by thieves and bandits. I guess if threatened with a gun, FE7.

Story: FE9, Ike's story was fun, FE9 is just really good there, and I'd guess FE4 gets 2nd

Music: FE4, I like the cool map themes

Characters: Hmm, hard to choose between 13, 10, 4 or 7. I won't answer

Difficulty: 7 or 11

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Gameplay: FE10, it just feels best to me. FE13 probably a close second.

Story: FE9, just a cool story all around.

Music: FE11-WAHHHHTTyeah, I like the music and the overworld themes from this one. I forget the name of it, but Michalis's chapter theme was awesome.

Characters: FE10 probably. Just a huge cast overall.

Difficulty: FE13, hard mode is at the point where it's sort of easy to get through, but still I can't slack off and throw units at the enemy like in normal mode.

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Gameplay: FE10, it just feels best to me. FE13 probably a close second.

Story: FE9, just a cool story all around.

Music: FE11-WAHHHHTTyeah, I like the music and the overworld themes from this one. I forget the name of it, but Michalis's chapter theme was awesome.

Characters: FE10 probably. Just a huge cast overall.

Difficulty: FE13, hard mode is at the point where it's sort of easy to get through, but still I can't slack off and throw units at the enemy like in normal mode.

FE11's music is underrated

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Gameplay: FE9 - Combined the best elements of FE4 and the GBA games

Story: FE5 - It's not "gasp ancient evil being revived by sorcerer who happens to command dragon-flying army"

Music: FE4 - Chapter 4 map theme and recruitment theme so good

Characters: FE4 - They're strange but not FE13 "lol nobody can see me" stupid.

Difficulty: FE6HM - You actually need to think a lot. Rather than "my enemies have really high stats and forged weapons".

I don't like how FE6 is hard for all the wrong reasons. Like the fact that the low hit rates only lead to frustration.

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