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except Hard (skipped right over it), and Lunatic+

Play and beat Lunatic+.

THEN you can impose all the non-existent rules the game itself does not recognize on yourself.

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hard mode without pairups is actually really fun, it actually does make it (somewhat) less of a joke

i did a run of lunatic where i forced myself to deploy and use a full team (ie no avatar/henry/tharja/manakete solos) which was also interesting

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Play and beat Lunatic+.

THEN you can impose all the non-existent rules the game itself does not recognize on yourself.

I had to put down Lunatic+ for fear of breaking my L, R, and Start buttons. I really don't think that randomly assigning horribly broken skills is the kind of difficulty I'm looking for. I mean, when the leet pro haxor players give the advice "If 'x' has luna+, just restart", it sounds less like a test of wits and more of a patience trial.

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it sounds less like a test of wits and more of a patience trial.

It depends on how you go about doing it.

You CAN just go ahead and play it without restarting over enemy units, you know.

It's possible.

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Chapter 2 is just dumb. I've heard it gets a little better after that, but really, all of earlygame Lunatic (not even +) is pretty bad. Enemies being stronger than you, sure I can live with that. Enemies outnumbering you two to one, 1-2HKOing all but one member of your team while being 3-5HKO'd in return, and generally being aggro'd in 1-2 big groups? It becomes silly.

If Luna+'s earlygame was a little more tolerable (say, only one skill each from Hawkeye, Pass, Vantage+ for chapters P-2, only one from all seven on chapters 3-5, one of Pass, Hawkeye, Vantage+ and one from all seven on chapters 6-8 and full random from 9+) then I think I'd really enjoy it. But as it was, I got burned out too quickly.

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Chapter 2 is just dumb. I've heard it gets a little better after that, but really, all of earlygame Lunatic (not even +) is pretty bad. Enemies being stronger than you, sure I can live with that. Enemies outnumbering you two to one, 1-2HKOing all but one member of your team while being 3-5HKO'd in return, and generally being aggro'd in 1-2 big groups? It becomes silly.

Sounds like FE12 Lunatic to me, except the enemies get 3HKOd.

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Arran trivializes them more than Freddy does

Or so I heard >_>

Arran has Okish offense(relatively the same as MU), but he has better defense and gets 3HKOd by chapter 1 Barbarians. I hope you read this right,BETTER DEFENSE, GETS 3HKOd. AS GENERAL.

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honestly if you want to do something different you may as well try a draft or something

or LTC (which stands for low turn count, not lunatic) it but idk if that's your cup of tea

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It's not even comparable, your units are a lot better offensively by chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in FE12 than FE13. The enemy density also isn't that high compared to the BS that is thrown in FE13 L and L+

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It's not even comparable, your units are a lot better offensively by chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in FE12 than FE13. The enemy density also isn't that high compared to the BS that is thrown in FE13 L and L+

That's kinda what I was saying. You have 8 chapters for a head start in FE12, but I was telling Dragon Boner that you have a much better offense, while still being as squishy as in FE13.

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That's kinda what I was saying. You have 8 chapters for a head start in FE12, but I was telling Dragon Boner that you have a much better offense, while still being as squishy as in FE13.

Not really as squishy. Most characters actually escape OHKO territory unlike say, Miriel lol or the notOHKO'd but doubled anyway fml Stahl and Vaike. The only one in danger of OHKO is Cecille if she didnt get levels in Prologue, but she escapes it with a Pot.

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Not really as squishy. Most characters actually escape OHKO territory unlike say, Miriel lol or the notOHKO'd but doubled anyway fml Stahl and Vaike. The only one in danger of OHKO is Cecille if she didnt get levels in Prologue, but she escapes it with a Pot.

They are getting 2HKOd, at 100%(not really but, DS games avoid lol) hit rates. Still not as squishy as the chapter 2 FE13 scrubs, but that still a lot of damage to take in. And it doesn't change till the second arc of the game, when your units start promoting. Then it falls back down in the akaneia arc when Forges start appearing, and generals start getting doubled. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO THINK GAME, STOP TORTURING ME ;_;

DB you should play FE12 Lunatic, it's my second favorite mode in the series, and it's a great challenge. Just beware that the prologue is a puzzle, units die FAST, dragons always have 2-range, and Enemies hit lotsa caps near the end.


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I would, if DS emu does not lag and I finished all the shit that I left off

Sadly, im far too scrubby to finish Lunatic without Male class 2 and access to crackpot(my first run in H1 was finished without crackpot on EMU <_<), has FE7 playlog, AND far too stubborn not to play Soul Hackers in permanent Hard Mode, despite the fact that realistically, all that do is quadruple my grinding time >_>

Not to mention im so bad at FE that my answer for FE12 H1 chapter 19 is to solo it with Cecille lol

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After checking my files

Oh wow, I still have FE6 HM to finish

*add to the list

And to be somewhat on topic I kinda want to try LTC-ing without Fliers and Rescue Staff, but it would be very boring

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i actually didn't have a whole lot of trouble with fe12 lunatic (admittedly i didn't go full strict ltc but i did go semi-efficiency!)

fe13 lunatic wrecked me (admittedly for that it was a blind run)

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FE12 Lunatic rekt me so hard, that I had to look for a guide. But then again I was a huge scrub, and I only needed a guide for the prologue since like I said, the prologue chapters are puzzles, once you figure them out, you can repeat them anytime.

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