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[FE13] Wacky Reclass Draft


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PKL: Myrmidon Stahl, Dark Mage Cordelia+Dark Mage Severa, Thief Panne+Thief Yarne, Archer Ricken, Archer Lucina,

Quintessence: Troubadour Miriel+Barbarian Laurent, Archer Stahl, Thief Vaike, Archer Morgan, Libra

Randa: Fighter Gaius, Mage Nowi+Mage Nah, Mage Virion, Troubadour Cherche+Priest Gerome, Mage Maribelle + Mage Brady

bearclaw13: Myrmidon Sully+ Myrmidon Kjelle, Barbarian Gregor, Thief Lon'qu, Archer Tharja+Archer Noire,

JSND: Knight Sumia+Knight Cynthia, Thief Kellam, Knight Tharja+Knight Noire, Barbarian Henry,

[spoiler=Units Remaining]

Cleric Lissa+ Priest Owain

Cleric Sumia+ Cleric Cynthia

Priest Kellam

Villager Donnel

Archer Anna


Cleric Cherche+ Priest Gerome



General Basilio

General Flavia

Trickster Flavia

According to Randa's list he gets Magebelle + MageBrady, so bearre your pick is invalid 8/

Pick again

edit: teams updated

Picking order.

Archer Tharja+ Archer Noire

Troubadour Cherche + Priest Gerome

Archer Ricken

Mage Maribelle+ Mage Brady


Archer Anna


Cleric Cherche+ Priest Gerome

Archer Lucina

Archer Morgan



General Basilio

General Flavia

Cleric Lissa+ Priest Owain

Cleric Sumia+ Cleric Cynthia

Priest Kellam

Randa's list updated Edited by Quintessence
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So for PKL the picks went.

Archer Anna

Mage Maribelle

General Basilio



Cleric lissa

Cleric Cherche.

Edited by Randa
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