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Third Generation Morgans need more respect.


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Yeah, I don't aim for good Morgans either (she's usually my rally bot when she's not busy bein' a loli). She's just a side effect of the supports.

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I just like the bonuses a Second-gen Morgan gets more than Third-gen Morgans, even if stats are a high priority for Morgan if the Avatar is a Female Avatar. I seldom need to marry a Second-gen to feel that Morgan is overpowered as heck (and I seldom need to marry Chrom with Avatar to feel that I'm getting the best out of the kids).

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Ask yourself this: How many of those classes do you actually use?

Depends on the skill set-up I want them to have. They usually end up as promoted versions of their base classes when I've gotten all the skills I want though. (Severa as a Hero, Morgan as a Grandmaster)

I have nothing against Gen 3 Morgan, I just prefer Gen 2 Morgan + sibling.

Edited by Virion
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I absolutely hate the idea of marrying a 2nd gen, seeing as it's disgusting and pedophilic. The slight extra stats isn't worth sacrificing a second Morgan, to be honest, so I never do it.

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The side effect of Pair Up, A - S supports, and min maxing is the fact that your slight stats lead make practicaly every unit all the same.

Example is say.... Chrom!Inigo vs Chrom!Morgan. Both Doubled Anna with optimal pair up, both killed shit dead. Who give a damn about extra stats because it make no fucking difference

This is in a sense also why Donnel is not so good, contrary to popular belief. Every other unit does not die and kill shit dead with half as much effort. Donnel who does not have a mounts without lolbowknight become nothing more than an Average combat unit

That being said, most of my planned set ups relied on 2 Morgan, although if I make a Streetpass team(which only need 10 units), I go gen 3

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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I'm sorry, Horace, for such a rude response on my part. I did create this thread to see if others would agree with me (kind of a bad move on my part, I probably should've left it be and be happy with my own opinions), and I let a valid opinion get to me. I dunno whether it's how late it is (almost 3 AM over here), the stress of the trip I'm on (a ton of kids running around at this time does not make me a happy camper), or if I'm just a rude person in general (doubt it's this, it really isn't like me to lash out at these kind of things). Once again, I'm sorry.

That was beautiful to read. This is why I love these forums!

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2 of my 3 Morgans have been 3rd gen because I mostly prefer the 2nd gen characters to the 1st gens ones >>'

There are some awesome 1st gens, I'm just saying that the 2nd gen characters usually get more development.

I absolutely hate the idea of marrying a 2nd gen, seeing as it's disgusting and pedophilic. The slight extra stats isn't worth sacrificing a second Morgan, to be honest, so I never do it.

I understand that some people dislike the idea of marrying 2nd gen, for similar reasons, but isn't that overstating it a little? They're pretty much the same age as the MU is, because they came from the future, so I'm not really sure that it can be seen as pedophilic.

unless you make the MU look like a super old guy

or alternatively you could make your MU look like a child and then any pedophilia is completely cleared up hehehehehehehehehe

Edited by The Fush
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I am going to make a 3rd gen Morgan in my new run. I still haven't decided with who though...

Thing is I always preferred to have two children and it has really nothing to do with stats...

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I absolutely hate the idea of marrying a 2nd gen, seeing as it's disgusting and pedophilic. The slight extra stats isn't worth sacrificing a second Morgan, to be honest, so I never do it.

I understand that some people dislike the idea of marrying 2nd gen, for similar reasons, but isn't that overstating it a little? They're pretty much the same age as the MU is, because they came from the future, so I'm not really sure that it can be seen as pedophilic.

unless you make the MU look like a super old guy

or alternatively you could make your MU look like a child and then any pedophilia is completely cleared up hehehehehehehehehe

Here's what I'm saying for both sides:

There are people that are uncomfortable with it.

Both of y'all shut up and just accept it instead of going on crusades on each other. My premier examples are Vapo and Airship Canon in that regard considering how both of you have had that condescending tone.

If anyone's has the right to should sound elitist and condescending, it's the weeb, not the regular members.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If anyone's has the right to should sound elitist and condescending, it's the weeb, not the regular members.

Please stop that.

any who

I don't see why the player can't just pick who the Avatar marries for the Morgan they want.

Unless you're doing some serious min/max stuff for some of the tougher maps. Then again Rallies and Pair Up bonuses exist.... Hm.

Or you can just go with whoever strikes your fancy. That's funny phrase. Strikes your fancy.

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Personally, I prefer third gen Morgans.

I've never felt the need for having two "Morgans" and I have a lot of fun thinking up pairing combinations for fun/weird modifiers for the Morgan.

Eg. Most recent one I did was a Ricken!Noire!+STR-RES!Morgan for a nice mixed attacker.

The Speed modifier leaves something to be desired, but hey, that's part of the fun with experimenting!

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The only real technical reasons why you would want a third-gen Morgan is if you are a modifier junkie or if you are wanting to have a female Morgan with Aether/Rightful King.

Since modifiers aren't very important, you must either really like a second-gen character or desire an even more broken Morgan in exchange for another broken child.

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Man, 3rd Gen Morgans are awesome, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I suppose.

Well, I guess the only practical thing about 3rd Gen Morgans are their ungodly caps; other than that, the only unique skills that 3rd Gen Morgans can gain access to are Rightful King from Lucina's brothers, Aether from Lucina and her sisters...and Aptitude or Underdog from Donnel's kid...yeah...but hey, high caps and Aether/Rightful King are pretty solid in my book.

2nd Gen Morgan gets the skills listed above along with Conquest and Shadowgift. Lower caps, but the difference is practically negligible (unless you went for UBER Morgan or a Morgan with evenly spread mods like Lon'qu!Laurent!Morgan), AND you get a second Morgan (yay! ^^). The only REAL downside is that Morgan's sibling will not utilize all the skills that they have access to...

...And so, there you have it. There are your pros and cons. You can add more to this list if you want as there's a good possibility that I was Mister Ignoramus and forgot some other shit that belongs in the argument. *clenches fist* It's okay I can take it. T^T

The Speed modifier leaves something to be desired, but hey, that's part of the fun with experimenting!

That indeed. That indeed

Edited by kDog214
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As far as I'm concerned, the practicality of marrying the avatar to a child character is kinda questionable, particularly for some kids (I'm looking at you, Inigo!).

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Why marry a second-gen when I can marry my Nowi-Wowi and have a super-powered Nah to go with my super-powerful Manakete Morgan? I understand that third-gen Morgans are even stronger than second-gen Morgans, but since second-gen Morgan is strong enough, third-gen is overdoing it. Plus you get a cool sibling for him/her if you have a male avatar or you marry Chrom.

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I ain't waiting a minimum of after chapter 17 to get one veterankid with actual bases when I can have 2 right after 13


Pretty much this. Ingame is what really matters, and 3rd gen Morgan sacrifices far too much for essentially no benefit (you won't hit caps in game, generally)

Of course, postgame is what most people seem to be implicity talking about here, at which point I'd agree it's possibly better. You do lose out on a Galeforce child, I believe (three females with daughters don't have pegasus knight, only two non-Avatar males give it), and depending on how good you can make the skillset of the other child, a potentially worse 2nd gen child, but Morgan becomes slightly better, which might just make up for it. I don't know enough about optimising kids to say for certain.

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The only real technical reasons why you would want a third-gen Morgan is if you are a modifier junkie or if you are wanting to have a female Morgan with Aether/Rightful King.

Since modifiers aren't very important, you must either really like a second-gen character or desire an even more broken Morgan in exchange for another broken child.

but the latter is impossible

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I absolutely hate the idea of marrying a 2nd gen, seeing as it's disgusting and pedophilic.

Sixteen years old and I'm already a disgusting pedophile. Woe is me.

That was beautiful to read. This is why I love these forums!

I hope that's not sarcastic. XD

but the latter is impossible

No it isn't. Well, female!Morgan can inherit Aether from Lucina or Chrom!Cynthia, at least. Is that what you meant?

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No it isn't. Well, female!Morgan can inherit Aether from Lucina or Chrom!Cynthia, at least. Is that what you meant?

he said Rightful King too

i think he means that no non-lord character can have both aether and rightful king (which is true)

yeah that

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