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Toonami Mafia: Game Over


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Phase Resumed.

The only change to the game is the scorri has been replaced with Bluedoom.

I will extend the phase to make up for time lost, and set phase end to 2200 GMT -5 (10pm CST/11pm EST) on 7/30/13.

Please keep the choice of vocabulary to a minimum, and minimize Spamming. BBM I'm looking at you. Rule 6 is don't post copious images.

Don't be a dick to eachother/dead people.

And please, just keep shit civil.

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ok so Snike let's talk about how you're going to lynch Shinori with us, shoot SB while scanning whichever townie you expect to have a bigger budget, force NL with us D4, then NK that townie D4 to leave the game so scum + j00 endgame the town

if you dissent then we can attempt to NK you, and all interfering BBMs will be hijacked

sound good?

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I'm glad this game didn't end worse than it could have. But since we're all pretty much just waiting on Snike don't expect me to be doing things right now.

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As punishment for threadspamming and breaking Rule 6, BBM, you're in charge of generating votals for today.

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I checked with Elie and he said that in the case of a theoretical redirecting role, only one of my Docs would get redirected (whichever USER I declare first in my action line).

So yeah I can still protect Snike and j00.

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Also here's another thing Snike

If you side with scum, you have no guarantee that they're going to hold to their word and let you kill SB. They have a Kidnapper remember? I just realized this, but Prims scumslipped and let on earlier that the Kidnap hooks when he was like "well scum would just kidnap Snike if we let SB live".

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There's no reason for us to not let him kill SB; the sacrifice won't matter when we'll win in the end anyway if Snike goes through with the plan.

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I feel like cooperating. J00 on the other hand is lying, so there's that.

##Vote: Shinori

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There's no reason for you to let him kill SB either, after you get your Shinori ML. Snike basically has to trust you won't screw him over, whereas town needs both ITPs too much for us to screw them over in any way even if we could.

damnit Snike why

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Also, I'm also 99% sure BBM can't even actually protect tonight: when initially claiming, he said he couldn't protect for the next two nights as opposed to one, implying he used a triple protect on N1 as opposed to a double.

He's obviously going to argue he only claimed that as a bluff, but yeah.

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well they can screw me over by hijacking me either way. Cooperating with them makes for a more likely victory, despite me beng able to be screwed by both sides ( doc, hijack)

Also j00's show is yugioh, not whatever she posted

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I did do that as a bluff. It was to try and get the mafia to defer my kill until tomorrow and go for Kirsche instead, whom I'd be protecting.

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I'm inclined to believe she's telling the truth about her wincon but posted a fake show to keep you off her back, since Yu-gi-oh is a high budget show.

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I'm inclined to believe she's telling the truth about her wincon but posted a fake show to keep you off her back, since Yu-gi-oh is a high budget show.


Sailor moon was 305

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yeah so if j00 is lying about that, you have no clue what she is lying about

And good point Snike. If you side with mafia today, I can just protect SB or whomever and prevent you from getting your bounty.

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Ok guys I'm declaring myself to be an absolutely incompetent host for not having a serious solution for what's going on right now and what has already happened during this phase. Shit will all be addressed Postgame.

In the meantime I have a decision to make which will drastically impact the future of the game. Regardless of which of these two options I take, I will take full heat via postgame (as this was a pretty significant mod error in Dev).

Both options will have those who approve of it and those who don't, but they're the most fair I can think of aside from just throwing the game due to shenanigans.

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