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Toonami Mafia: Game Over


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Shinori (4): J00, SB, Prims, Snike
SB (2): Cam, BBM
Voteless: bluedoom, Sangyul, Shinori
Cannot Vote: kirsche

A stern slap on the wrist go to various representatives (you know who you are), and a couple of hosts (we know who we are).
Hate me later. Given the circumstances, this is what I'm doing. I have my reasons.

Shinori has been cancelled. He represented...

Dear Shinori, you represent


Yu Yu Hakusho: Hated 1x DayVig
Don't worry fool, we've entered into an alliance and I'm not the type to break it. Of course, after we win the tournament I can't guarantee anything.

Everyone can relate to the rise of using spirit energy as a means of offense during the earlier episodes of the anime. Your ability prides itself on that. You do not have a night ability, but during the day, you may post in the thread "Hey [uSER], eat my Spirit Shotgun!", where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. That player will be shot by your spirit energy with enough force to cancel their series outright.

Because of your subpar performance as a Manga, however, you have a poor following within the published community. You require one less vote than the announced "Hammer" to be "Hammered". If this is reached at any point, you will be instantly cancelled, and you may not use your Day ability if you have reached the point of being hammered. If it is submitted and you have been hammered already, it will not take effect.

You are allied with the Absolution (Town). You win when all threats to the Absolution (Town) have been eliminated.

Night 3 has begun! Feel free to submit your night actions. No talking.

Night 3 ends at 1800 GMT-5 (5PM CST, 6PM EST, etc etc) on 7/31/13, and end up to 24 hours early depending on action submittion.

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Another morning, another meeting. Gentlemen, what have you got for me?

The representatives of the office stood still.

Sir. This isn't what I expected when I signed up for this. People are dying left and right, and I've got a family. I can't do this anymore. This is-

Silence! You have shown incredible dedication to our cause! Just like scorri! Just like Essbee! Just like BB...wait, where's BBM?

And the biggest surprise of all came when a knock-knock-knock touched the office door. Snike got up to open the door, but no one was there. There was a package, labeled "Open Me".

Snike carried it into the office room, placed it on the round table and opened it. On the top was a letter, identifying the contents. Under the letter, were the decapitated heads of...hamsters?

BBM has been killed. He represented

Dear BigBadMarshmallow, you represent


Hamtaro: Multidoc

In the journey of life, there are no wrong turns, my friend.

Since there are so many cute critters, captive audiences will be drawn to your cuteness, and not towards acts of violence. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Ham-hams, we need to protect [uSER]!", or one time only-REMOVED, HOST ERROR you may gather all the hamsters in town and shout, "Night X: Ham-hams, listen up. [uSERS] need our help!" where [uSER]/[uSERS] represents another living player besides yourself. In either case, [uSER] refers to any living player other than yourself. If you choose to use your shout, you may protect 2 or 3 [uSERS]. However, for each [uSERS], you must rest for an entire night before you may use your basic protect again. (As in, if you protect 3 users on night 2, you may not act again until night 5, as you must rest for nights 3 and 4, not for user X but for users Y and Z.)

You are allied with the Absolution (Town). You win when all threats to the Absolution (Town) have been eliminated.

Uncalled for! This is an outrage! I'm losing representatives like flies! And these are shows in which I enjoy!

Carry on! I have a massage at noon, and don't intend on being late. All this stress is getting to me. I expect results when I return!

Day 4 has begun. You have 72 (+6-ish) hours to decide on a lynch for today.

Day 4 will end at 1800 GMT -5 (6pm EST, 5pm CST, etc) on 8/1/13. With 8 alive and present, 5 votes yields instant hammer and triggers phase end.

It is now LYLO.

If you did not receive night results, please inform me as I did it all from my phone and may have overlooked something.

Edited by Elieson
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I'm inclined to believe she's telling the truth about her wincon but posted a fake show to keep you off her back, since Yu-gi-oh is a high budget show.


Dear j00, you represent


Yu-Gi-Oh! MultiSeries: Lynchproof 3x Role Recharger Survivor

His studies of hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptians' writing, kept turning up one particular word over and over again. And that one word was "Duel".

Many people believe that they have the soul of a powerful past being deep within them. Your show advertises that strongly with Yugi having two personas. Since there are two voice actors for your lead character, you are able to survive an attempt on your life that happens in which you are aware of. This means that if death were to occur due to a lynch, it would not occur, but simply end the voice acting career of one of your two voice actors.

Furthermore, with the basis of the trading card game under your belt, you have expert skills at augmenting real life (somehow). During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Activate Trap Card! Gift of the Mystic Elf, heal [uSER]!" where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. [uSER] will be invigorated, and will recover any used X-shot actions to their full extent. You may not target the same [uSER] multiple times after being confirmed successful in recovering X-shots. You may only use this three times.

You are allied with yourself. You win when all threats to a primary alignment have been eliminated and you still live.

successfully restored prims, one shot remaining

so what went down tonight?

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can we like work this out

-> force NL

-> shoot SB while prims kills whoever

-> proc lynchproof on j00

-> I shoot boron while scum shoots someone and we all win?

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And curse you, BBM, I was supposed to die last night.

##Vote: No Lynch

Snike, shoot me/eclipse tonight so the next day's flavor can be hilarious.

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Also, our dear host wants me to compile votals, so ...

No Lynch (4) : Snike, j00, SB, Sangyul

Prims (2): bluedoom, kirsche

Not voting: Prims, Cam

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Yeah, Snike, we figured that Boron would go unprotected by BBM and that she'd probably have a higher value than SB in the first place, so that you wouldn't screw over j00 instead and ruin us.

##Vote: No Lynch

Can NL be hammered?

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Phase Pause

The meeting was at a standstill, when the alarm system tolled. Everyone was evacuated from the meeting room as a boiler overheating in the basement screamed trouble for everyone in the building.

The meeting will reconvene tomorrow. RUN!

it is now night 4. Blah blah 48 hours blah blah I'll end 24 hrs early blah blah

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The combined playerslot for Sangyul/eclipse no longer has Sangyul representing it. Sangyul has left the game.
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The members of the Toonami development staff all awoke to the buzzing of their smartphones, as a mass message was sent out from the President.

Park Square. 2 PM Sharp. Be there or find a new job.

Needless to say, everyone got up and rushed to the park by 1:30 pm, expecting the meeting to reconvene in a place that was less dangerous than the main building. No one questioned why, except for Sangyul, but she questions everything, so no one took heed to her curiosity. In fact, she was so fed up with everything that she just left the circle.

With exactly one minute until 2 o'clock, the President and his secretary turned out from behind a small set of trees. The President smiled, knowing that something big had just happened, and was about to happen again.

Gentlemen, Ladies. As you all know, we were told to evacuate the building last night due to an overheating boiler threatening to detonate, potentially causing the building to collapse to the ground. That wasn't the case. We received word that an unidentified object was due set to come crashing to Earth and land within a 500 ft vicinity of our main building at any point between yesterday and today. Well, today we watch and see just what it will be.

Confused, but intrigued, the various representatives gathered behind the President, all with their eyes glued to the building from what was expected to be a safe distance away. Time passed, and nothing happened. Cloud cover was perfect, and the gentle breeze was cool enough to provide an almost soothing sensation beneath the starchy suits and ties of the executives.

Minutes passed, nothing. Hours passed, nothing. The representatives grew bored, and started talking amongst eachother, but the President never took his eyes off of his precious office suite. He raised his voice, still looking forward, and shouted

Where's Bluedoom?

The others looked around, not seeing him or his predecessor, scorri, anywhere. It was probably as was feared, as what had happened to the rest. Someone had gotten to him just like the others. After a few minutes, the secretary read his report out loud.

Everyone, due to Bluedoom not being present today, he is no longer a part of the Toonami Rebirth project, and his series is effectively removed from the lineup.

Somehow everyone knew there was more to his absence, but no one questioned it. No one wanted to bring more attention to themselves after what they all knew was the truth.

Bluedoom has been killed. He represented

Dear scorri bluedoom, you represent


Zoids: Eagle Eye Voyeur

What's the point if there isn't any prize money?

Ironically, you convey a strong message of success through teamwork and diligence. The characters in your show often act according to their own will, yet somehow pull through. Often times, the under appreciated characters are the one who do the most work; in this case, Jaime. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Jaime, check the skies around [uSER]." where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. The incredible guidance technology will be able to track anything that happens in the sky surrounding [uSER], but because of the darkness and the fact that your radar relies on echolocation, it cannot determine who performs any actions towards [uSER]. Also, you will always be able to tell if actions target you, and what they are, but due to the distraction of late night commercials, you won't be able to tell who performs them.

You are allied with the Absolution (Town). You win when all threats to the Absolution (Town) have been eliminated.

Another show gone, and this one seemed pretty good too. After reading her report, all eyes gathered towards the sky, where a shining dot seemed to be coming out of nowhere, and straight towards the ground. It wasn't an airplane, but what was it?

eclipse knew what it was. It was her dream, coming to her in reality.

It's a Gundam.

The others looked at her, questioning her assurance, but she coaxed everyone to just continue watching as the shimmering beacon of light fell to the earth. She walked forward, running towards the building. There was no way she would reach it first, but she wanted to be the first on the scene.

But one of the representatives was chuckling, almost with a confidence of evil behind it. This wasn't an ordinary laugh.

Go, eclipse. See this for yourself. Kehkehkeh, go. Go!

And she ran, each moment getting closer to what would momentarily be the dusty wreckage of a beautiful skyscraper. Within seconds the giant had made its debut, and in what seemed like slow motion, crushed the building in an instant.

It's...beautiful. My dream. It's right there!

Eclipse shouted. Screaming at the top of her lungs, eclipse danced before the destruction. She knew that this was her calling. The show she dreamed of being on the Toonami Lineup meant more to her than anything, and here it was before her, shrouded in the cloud of dust and debris. Just as the breeze cleared the air, she could make out the majestic helmet and shape of the Gundam

It's real. I can't believe it, it's really here. I can fin-

And an anticlimactic moment startled all the others, as a piece of shrapnel from the devastated wreckage had fallen from the sky, crushing eclipse mid-sentence. Everyone lowered their heads to signify peace, because there was no way she could have survived being crushed by the giant steel bar falling from the sky.

The President turned, and looked at the others.

I have her report right here. Take this as you will.

eclipse has been killed. She represented

Dear eclipse Xin'dy Sangyul eclipse, you represent


Gundam MultiSeries: Scan-swap Rolecop/Courier (selects User1 and User2. Users display each others role/alignment upon scan. Also learns the role of User1, and sends message to User1)
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. It tells me to defeat you!

There are many series Gundams, toys and collectibles, and even model kits. Because there are many types of Gundams, you can utilize their many forms to gather information about the other series' around you, and can fire your disabling beacons into the air, which shuffle and disorient technical scanners. During the night, you may respond to your Role with "Night X: "Confusion time. Analyzing [uSER1], debilitating [uSER2]." You will learn the RolePM of [uSER1] and [uSER1] and [uSER2] will appear to be each other if scanned by a source not included in your brigade.

Also, may submit message to send to [uSER] by responding to your RolePM with "Night X: Mayday! Mayday! [uSER], can you hear me! [Message]." where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself and [Message] will be a 500 character maximum message. [uSER] must be [uSER1].

You are allied with the Fandom Series Brigade. You win when all threats to your brigade have been eliminated, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring.

It's a sad day indeed, but we're almost done. We're this close to the revival of the greatest television series that this planet has ever seen. Don't stop! I want to see this worth it! I want all these deaths to be held in glory, not vain! I want to see you victorious!


Day 5 has begun. You have 72 (2.5-ish) hours to decide on a lynch for today.

Day 5will end at 1800 GMT -5 (6pm EST, 5pm CST, etc) on 8/3/13. With 6 alive and present, 4 votes yields instant hammer and triggers phase end.

It is now LYLO.

If you did not receive night results, please inform me.

Edited by Elieson
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##Vote: Cam

I would rather lynch a townie today than NL; otherwise it's more probable for my faction to get screwed over in a worst case scenario.

Also, Snike, how much money did you earn?

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