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Donnel's purpose

The value of Donnel as a unit  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Ingame, how do you view Donnel?

    • Yes, he's like the best unit ever.
    • No, Donnel's the worst unit in this game.
    • I just marry him off and use his spawn.

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donnel is ok, not really worth the effort even if he gets amazing stat since it's such a pain to baby him, just like other ests

his stat mods are meh, they neutralize the +1 in every stat that 2nd gens get

his class set is extremely limited though since he has merc/hero he's passable

he's the only one that can pass down merc/hero and peg/dark flier though so he's got that to his name at least

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Wait how does Donnel's stat mods compare to the other fathers? I really didn't care that much about gameplay during my first playthrough and just kinda paired him with Cherche just so he could have a wife.

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-1 everything, +1 STR, +3 LCK

LCK is lollck

STR does not make a difference for the most part

Luck can help when you have Armsthrift. Especially with the weapons from Infinite Regalia.

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Luck can help when you have Armsthrift. Especially with the weapons from Infinite Regalia.

I don't think an extra 6% Armsthrift chance is worth the negative stat mods in most other stats (I think Defense is also a +1) plus giving only Troubadour, if we're still talking about Severa.

Just for fun, since I sometimes have trouble remembering his last class that he passes to daughters...

Sons get Villager/Mercenary/Fighter, which is Donnel's own class set.

Daughters get Pegasus Knight/Mercenary/Troubadour.

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His purpose is to max Luck, get All Stats +2, and then to kill enemies with Armsthrift and Glass weapons. I do this when I have nothing better to do, and I find this fun. Don't ask me why.

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Luck can help when you have Armsthrift. Especially with the weapons from Infinite Regalia.

1. I consider 90% enough

EVERY character has, at worst 90% AT chance.

2. Pair Up exist

So, in the end LCK is kinda worthless unless you make 101 Miracle

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Donnel would be a great growth unit, what with Aptitude, until you remember that this is the one FE where, if you're gonna be hand-holding a unit, growths don't matter, since everyone has infinite levels anyways.

He passes good classes to daughters, though.

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He's a great father skill-wise for the Galeforce-less girls(Kjelle, Noire, Nah), but one of the worse dads mod-wise.

Still, I dunno if some of you won't even bother with Donny!Brady(I consider it decent), but Donny!Brady!Morgan(+lck avatar) could hit 100(maybe even more) luck for Miracle and Despoil(as pointed by JSND).

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I like Donnel, and I couldn't care less about gameplay when pairing my men up, Olivia/Donnel is my OTP, because a purple-haired Inigo > Galeforce daughters. Overrated by a mile. I wouldn't call Donnel "the best", but I do enjoy using him, and not grinding in a game with infinite grinding is just plain silly anyway. It's worse than Pokemon, why must people focus on what's "the best".

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Donnel would be a great growth unit, what with Aptitude, until you remember that this is the one FE where, if you're gonna be hand-holding a unit, growths don't matter, since everyone has infinite levels anyways.

I'd argue Donnel would still be trash in FE6(Donnel is the new Wendy), FE7, FE8, FE11, and especially FE12

And it should be noted that FE12(maybe other than Tellius) is about the only game where he stand a chance thanks to "BEXP"

Okay wtf am I smoking. Weapon Ranks become even more important nvm

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Unlike other people I never had problems training donny, he caught up pretty damn quick. However, he's not the best because he NEEDS a second seal to be good, and his mods are meh. I'd say he's an okay unit, but a great father.

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I see Donny the same way as I saw the trainees. Not good for efficiency, but reasonably good if you spend some effort in him. Its a shame that he has very little classes to choose from with villager taking up a spot and Mercenary and hero having a class overlap.

I do agree that he's pretty adorable.

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Donnel for me is......meh. There should be an option for that, since I see him as neither the best or worst, and I never marry him to anyone. I just use him when I feel like it, and that isn't often.

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He's a great father skill-wise for the Galeforce-less girls(Kjelle, Noire, Nah), but one of the worse dads mod-wise.

Still, I dunno if some of you won't even bother with Donny!Brady(I consider it decent), but Donny!Brady!Morgan(+lck avatar) could hit 100(maybe even more) luck for Miracle and Despoil(as pointed by JSND).

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40938#entry2447979 yep

Donnel!Brady!Morgan can get just one lower than that, so 108 Luck.

As for Donnel, he's decent if you take the effort to train him. ...Then again, pretty much all characters are, he just takes less training.

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His purpose (for me) is to die a slow and painful death in his Paralogue.

How slow can that possibly be? He gets ORKOed by like 90% of the map.

Anyway, his purpose was to be an Est that was actually usable, but they failed at that by giving him absolute shit bases and no boosted exp gain like the trainees in 8.

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Underaverage Stat Modifiers, his greatest stat mod is in LCK, ew

Shabby Classes except for Mercenary...

He gets Fighter. Which makes his manseed ideal for daughters.

So, "bullet_star_rated.png I just marry him off and use his spawn."

Edited by Ƶerker
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Donnel is one of my favourite characters. He's pretty bad overall, I'll admit that before starting, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for growth units. On top of that, his personality is really great and thematic, I think. Aptitude isn't just a skill he starts with because, it's something that really ties into his personality shown through supports.

For in-game, he's bad, but pretty fun. It takes considerable effort to get him going, but without wasting too much time you can get him to level 10 by around chapter 8. As soon as he takes the Second Seal, he's still a little behind other characters if you're training a large-ish team of maybe 6+ characters, but gains EXP way faster and gets 5-6 stat levelups on average, which quickly makes him catch up. Combine that with Aptitude use right away and massive luck, and he's soon able to grab all your valuable weapons or forges and do whatever he wants.

On top of that, he's basically everyone's best partner for in-game, because aptitude. He passes on Hero to males and Pegasus+Hero to females, that's more than enough options, and of course aptitude as well, making whoever his child is like a more extreme version of himself - similar growths but a much stronger start, from which the child will quickly start destroying everything.

Postgame wise he still has two big plusses. He passes on Pegasus Knight to females, which is obviously huge (Gaius and Avatar being the only other ones who do). On top of that, he passes on the 2nd best avoidtank skill in the game exclusively - an essentially permanently active +15/15 hit/avoid skill. Unfortunately, none of the people he wants to pair with (Sully/Nowi/Tharja) to pass down Galeforce get both Quick Burn/Lucky Seven, so that kind of sucks. But Donnel!Kjelle can run Underdog, Limit Breaker and three of Quick Burn, Avoid+10, (Bow/Sword/Lance/Axe)breaker, Outdoor Fighter, Indoor Fighter and Patience as an Assassin, which makes for a great avoid set with high speed/luck.

But the obvious postgame downside is his mediocre mods. They're probably the 2nd worst in the game to Olivia (excluding terrible Avatar builds), but really, mods don't make a huge amount of difference, so I don't think it's that bad.

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