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FE 14 plot

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Something more along the lines of a classical Fire Emblem game, with a bunch of countries and nobles, some of which may be corrupt. Also, there has to be a dragon revived by a user of black magic and/or an evil cult. Throw in a bunch of teenagers in each country who will be willing to join you under the right conditions, and we now have our foundation for a wonderful game.

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I would like a strong focus on story, and in terms of what i want for story, i dont want an evil dragon, i want it to be people against people and i want it to a storyline where you never quite know if your characters are the heroes or if it is your enemies, i also want a branching story where you can pick a path. picking your path also leads to picking your perspective, one of the things i liked in fe 10 is you saw different sides of the story, i think that at the beginning of the game you should pick a main character and follow thier story (you would also recruit other lordsand a feature i had in mind about that is that you only get a game over when all lord characters in your party are killed, and that which ones live also changed the outcome)

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I always figured that Fire Emblem is mostly all just human versus human action, and the series staple was to stick a dragon on the end. I really can't think of a better way to end a story, imagine if at the end of the Lion King after everything was all said and done, all the lions had to fight a giant dragon. Or at the end of Titanic, a dragon emerges from the iceberg and attacks the survivors, and they must ready the harpoons to survive the onslaught.

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Something more along the lines of a classical Fire Emblem game, with a bunch of countries and nobles, some of which may be corrupt. Also, there has to be a dragon revived by a user of black magic and/or an evil cult. Throw in a bunch of teenagers in each country who will be willing to join you under the right conditions, and we now have our foundation for a wonderful game.

Err....Do you have any reasons why it should teenagers? I personally didn't like it if my "war" game is filled with a bunch of teenager actually. Well, I know that some past title have many teenagers in it, but I actually prefer if they have more older character cast in the game.

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Err....Do you have any reasons why it should teenagers? I personally didn't like it if my "war" game is filled with a bunch of teenager actually. Well, I know that some past title have many teenagers in it, but I actually prefer if they have more older character cast in the game.

the whole point is that that's pretty much 100% of fire emblem games
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All I care is that it's a new game and the characters are likeable. Let the story team do they want, something original is always fun.

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I always figured that Fire Emblem is mostly all just human versus human action, and the series staple was to stick a dragon on the end. I really can't think of a better way to end a story, imagine if at the end of the Lion King after everything was all said and done, all the lions had to fight a giant dragon. Or at the end of Titanic, a dragon emerges from the iceberg and attacks the survivors, and they must ready the harpoons to survive the onslaught.

uh no, that wouldn't make any sense

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I would like a strong focus on story, and in terms of what i want for story, i dont want an evil dragon, i want it to be people against people and i want it to a storyline where you never quite know if your characters are the heroes or if it is your enemies, i also want a branching story where you can pick a path. picking your path also leads to picking your perspective, one of the things i liked in fe 10 is you saw different sides of the story, i think that at the beginning of the game you should pick a main character and follow thier story (you would also recruit other lordsand a feature i had in mind about that is that you only get a game over when all lord characters in your party are killed, and that which ones live also changed the outcome)

Interesting, for I've had the same thought for a while. To further detail your idea, if there were more than one lord, they should each have their own separate ideals and personalities, and shoudn't all play as mr hero in the long run and eventually go at war with each other. My typical number would be four.

Though at the beginning, there would be an evil force, where they all join together to stop, but once mid game comes, they fight each other over how the world should be run to prevent such a conflict from ever happening. Throughout their campaign, they can forge alliances with other countries, or even bad blood between them but, eventually comes down to. Think of it as a clash of ideals, and eventually obtain a god-like power, which only furthers their resolve. The game would have several endings, where the lord that you chose becomes the victors and ushers their ideal world. The true ending, where the chaos and energy released from their colliding powers give rise to an all knowing and all powerful god that will destroy everything.

I haven't quite figured out how this final arc would end( I know, I'm a horrible story wright) but that's my idea of a Fire Emblem game: an all out world war that will change the world forever.

Edited by HeroKingMarth
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I'd like a longer game, even longer than RD, and with a higher difficulty (than Awakening, as its easiest mode is easier than that of any other game I've played so far, imo). This would allow for much plot and character development and a larger cast in general. It would work nicely with a cast not that much smaller than RD's (and imo, RD just wasn't long enough to make every unit worthwhile. Many just didn't get enough availability). The 3DS would likely not be able to handle a game this big, so it would go on the Wii U.

The game should use Awakening and RD as bases since the former is so successful and the latter is the most recent home console title (not to mention pretty popular among fans in general as well). Take Awakening's awesome pair-up system and support system and combine it with RD's smooth gameplay, various objectives, and the unique things characters can do on the maps (like climb ledges and send ranged attacks from atop them). With some more diverse and interesting map designs too. Battling from different people's points of view like in RD isn't a bad idea either, though it's not absolutely necessary. The overworld map is a nice feature too, as is the marriage system, but again, neither are necessary. But if they would fit nicely with the plot, then by all means throw them in again. If the marriage system IS added though, this time give the guys children linked to them as well for more options and fun supports and characters. ^^

If the game is going to continue an already existing story, such as Tellius, IS MUST make sure that the heritage of certain characters (such as some of the royals) is kept (mostly) anonymous in terms of who's related to who from PoR and RD. This way, shippers won't rage at their preferred pairings being shot down and we can use our imaginations to fill in the missing blanks. I like when IS lets us do this, like with Priam. All we know is that he's Ike's descendant, and in a case like him, it's perfectly fine because there are a number of women people like shipping Ike with. Thus, we, the players, can imagine who Ike had children with (or if someone wants to think Priam is descended directly from Mist rather than Ike, they can think that too, though I personally disagree with it) instead. And if IS decides to give as many pairing options as in Awakening, they fucking hell should NOT push any one pairing as "canon" in the player's face (ie ChromxSumia). Imo, it just about defeats the whole purpose of us deciding for ourselves who should marry who. If a pairing is meant to be canon, what's the point of giving us other options for the characters that make it up?

Lastly, of course, some new and never-before-seen features. I came up with a few myself, but I bet there could be even more. Just gotta THINK.

Throw in some DLC and stuff, have a little patience and motivation, release it at a good time in the Wii U's life, and I think IS would create one helluva game here, that would sell beyond the 700,000 goal they came up with. Especially if preorder bonuses include cool figures or artbooks. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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i think it would be nice if the next FE's story includes moments where your army are losing, and the Lords (with 11 units) are surrounded by the whole villain army, and none will helped them, you've got to figure out how to survive in said chapter, either the lord died or not determines the next path of the story.

or situation where you basically lost the whole war after 13+ chapters, (no, not like FE4, you really fail in war >.<) then few years later, next chapter starts and instead of war, you need to go head on with the villains, and by that point all humans are already brainwashed or physically morphed into killing machines, and you had to fight them,,, but then certain important character died and the villain's plan succeed and world are doomed for real. months passed, this time, the lords succeed in beating the villain >.<

in short, i wanna deconstructed stories in next FE game,,

Edited by Pukuriripo
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New idea, the next one could be a sequel to Awakening, but has Priam as the protagonist. His epilogue says that he disappears and speculate that he could possibly have went back to Tellius. Personally, I like Priam and I'd much rather have him in a larger role than just as an extra character. Wouldn't it be nice to figure out how much Tellius has changed with Ike gone?

Edited by HeroKingMarth
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I always figured that Fire Emblem is mostly all just human versus human action, and the series staple was to stick a dragon on the end. I really can't think of a better way to end a story, imagine if at the end of the Lion King after everything was all said and done, all the lions had to fight a giant dragon. Or at the end of Titanic, a dragon emerges from the iceberg and attacks the survivors, and they must ready the harpoons to survive the onslaught.

This man is a genius. A dragon at the end of Titanic would have been fantastic.

Anyway, I am inclined to agree with Knight. We've seen what happens when IS tries grandiose stories; look at RD and Awakening. Both are fairly criticized for their stories, and not unreasonably so. Keep the story simple and do a good job of it, a la PoR.

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the whole point is that that's pretty much 100% of fire emblem games

Is that so? Even Genealogy of the Holy War? The teenager part I mean, I have no qualm with dragon, elder or dark gods.

This man is a genius. A dragon at the end of Titanic would have been fantastic.

Anyway, I am inclined to agree with Knight. We've seen what happens when IS tries grandiose stories; look at RD and Awakening. Both are fairly criticized for their stories, and not unreasonably so. Keep the story simple and do a good job of it, a la PoR.

That's pretty much the result of bad writing and lack of focus. So in the end if IS didn't realize how bad the story is, at worst they would repeat the same mistake all over again even with less grandiose story.

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I don't want a focus on story. They've shown they're not very good at that. I want them to concentrate on balancing the gameplay. After all, what keeps me going back to FE is the gameplay. After the first playthrough, I forget a story even existed.

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Story bashing yeah.

I want a story with some evil man/woman dying at the end and then a huge dragon bursts out of their corpse and then Naga sends down a giant robot so the Lord can pilot the robot and defeat the dragon. I'm sorry, it would be a giant golem.

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Is that so? Even Genealogy of the Holy War? The teenager part I mean, I have no qualm with dragon, elder or dark gods.

That's pretty much the result of bad writing and lack of focus. So in the end if IS didn't realize how bad the story is, at worst they would repeat the same mistake all over again even with less grandiose story.

Yes, it's called gen 2.

A nice story would be cool, but I have to agree with PKL. How often do you really read the story when you play the game? Once, maybe twice, in the case of the GBA games because of alternate routes. I'd prefer a focus on gameplay rather than on story.

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How often do you really read the story when you play the game?

All of the time. I'd prefer it if you didn't speak for me, sir.

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I read it all the time too. The stories are what keep making me want to continue the game, to find out what happens next. I get so curious and excited. Sure, some FE stories are better than others, but I don't think any are bad at all.

As for the ages of the characters, I wouldn't mind if the cast was a bit older in general this time as well. In fact, the lord character of my fic is 20 rather than the usual 17-18 of most of the other lords (I don't think Sigurd is that young, so I say most) or even younger ages of people like Roy and Leif.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hmm I don`t have any ideas for what I would want them to do with the story but I do want a bit of a more classical approach in the next games. I want them to bring back the massive power legendary weapons like in FE4 and FE5 I mean come on those little +5 stat bonuses are nothing pathetic bring back the real bonus for instance Holsety +20 speed +10 skill Mt:30 that`s getting real right there. hmm and as for other weapons like dragon stones for the manakete I liked FE3 approach at it transform for a certain amount of turns it helps save uses. And last keep fighting dancers FE13 bought them back again let them stay in the next

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Is that so? Even Genealogy of the Holy War? The teenager part I mean, I have no qualm with dragon, elder or dark gods.

Yep. See for yourself: http://serenesforest.net/general/age.html

That's pretty much the result of bad writing and lack of focus. So in the end if IS didn't realize how bad the story is, at worst they would repeat the same mistake all over again even with less grandiose story.

The actual writing, as in the language used, wasn't bad in either RD or Awakening. In fact, it was quite good. The reason the stories are unfocused is because they tried to fit too much into each of those games. IS has shown that they can do a good job with simple stories (SS, PoR). The problem with games like RD and Awakening is that they had too much to work with in the time allotted, so they couldn't work everything out as well as they should have. Less to work with means more time to work with what you have.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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I don't want a focus on story. They've shown they're not very good at that. I want them to concentrate on balancing the gameplay. After all, what keeps me going back to FE is the gameplay. After the first playthrough, I forget a story even existed.

draftsdraftsdrafts, eff story!

Yes, it's called gen 2.

A nice story would be cool, but I have to agree with PKL. How often do you really read the story when you play the game? Once, maybe twice, in the case of the GBA games because of alternate routes. I'd prefer a focus on gameplay rather than on story.

Well, I agree, in part, with focusing on improving and fixing gameplay issues/lack of balance, but story is as well important and, IMHO, it is the essence of a videogame: the reason behind a game (take our money, of course), its purpose and how do videogames impact society (not only for fun but also leaving us a consistent lesson, something like secondary purposes). For example: RD's story is awesome in the way that, what it leaves us, is rich and people can take from things that are probably more important than just fun and gameplay, but that's up to each player so...yeah.

I'd like FE14 to be like FE10, with its improvements. But they can just alternate one fe game focused on dragons/mythic thingies and another one in politics/conflicts blah blah blah.

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awesome pair-up system and support system

The fuck? That shitty broken pairup system that does nothing but encourage using one or two units for the whole game? No thanks. Support system is ai'ght.

IS MUST make sure that the heritage of certain characters (such as some of the royals) is kept (mostly) anonymous in terms of who's related to who from PoR and RD. This way, shippers won't rage at their preferred pairings being shot down and we can use our imaginations to fill in the missing blanks.

Nobody cares about shipping, except fangirls and SoC. Also shipping authorities in various ports around the world too, for obvious reasons of obviousness.

Battling from different people's points of view like in RD isn't a bad idea either, though it's not absolutely necessary.

Yet another annoying feature of FE10.

And if IS decides to give as many pairing options as in Awakening, they fucking hell should NOT push any one pairing as "canon" in the player's face (ie ChromxSumia).

A grand total of 7 and a 1/2 people were offended by this (one was a midget hence the 1/2) so I doubt they'd care.

How about the Fatigue and Capture system from thracia? How about no galeforce and bring back movement stars? How about Home Castle from FE4? If they're going to make the next installment another rehash of the previous games on the same level as Awakening was, they might as well get the features from the older systems too.

And they better not bring back biorhythm or I'll ragequit for real this time.

Edited by ManriKlok
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