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Would this game have been better if it wasn't a sequel?

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Imo, RD was gr8 as a sequel. Won't extend myself because the others have already said it.

The issues I see with the game were:

- Lack of consistent support conversations.

- Greil Mercs were pretty much the protagonists of the game, they stole protagonism from the DBs. I'd love the DBs to have a longer story or at least, get a better character development. I mean, Nolan, Edward and Leo just participated from prologue to 1-4, Laura participated on 1-2 and 1-3, Ilyana got a few lines on 1-3, same as Aran and Meg (lol info convos). Volug, what can I say about Volug lol, he acts as Micaiah's bodyguard, what about Tauroneo, Zihark and Jill? They participated in 1-5 and 1-6, though Tauros is an exception. But then Fiona, I see potential on her story-wise if only she got more chapters. These characters would've benefit more from extra chapters.

Thing is, characters important story-wise roflstomped those secondary chars. Sothe, Tauroneo, Geoffrey, Lucia, Soren, Titania, Ranulf, Skrimir, Sanaki, Elincia, the Royals, between others are some examples. What do you guys think of chapters were secondary characters play the role of main ones? Like the Crimean Royal Knights, imagine a chapter where Ranulf and Kyza command a small laguz army during the war? or a chapter where Nolan commands the DB along with Tauroneo leading Jill and Fiona, and Aran and Zihark helping Laura, Meg and Ilyana? It would've made the story much more rich and enjoyable, because there's a certain point that main lords saturate the story.

That would have been cool in terms of story but from an actual gameplay stand point swapping around so much would make training a proper group of characters for the end game much more difficult. Unless you're just talking about adding such chapters in which case they run the serious risk of the game getting to tedious and long.

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I played RD without playing PoR first. It was incredibly confusing, to the point where I had to research PoR's storyline in detail and read a good amount of support conversations to actually understand what was going on.

Really? I played RD before PoR, and I found it to pretty self-explanatory...

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Really? I played RD before PoR, and I found it to pretty self-explanatory...

The whole Crimea-Daein-Begnion jumblemess confused me (especially the allusions to the Mad King's War, the Greil Mercenaries, etc.). RD was my first Fire Emblem game, so the only prior knowledge I had was "Ike is in here somewhere".


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I think it was a great sequel. As said earlier, it would be tough to do another Tellius game without it being a sequel or prequel. I'm not sure how a non-sequel would work considering the Mad King's War was pretty much the focus of every country. Maybe they could have done a prequel, but I personally think prequels are doomed to fail unless they are detached from the "sequel" made before it.

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I think it was a great sequel. As said earlier, it would be tough to do another Tellius game without it being a sequel or prequel. I'm not sure how a non-sequel would work considering the Mad King's War was pretty much the focus of every country. Maybe they could have done a prequel, but I personally think prequels are doomed to fail unless they are detached from the "sequel" made before it.

If they do a Tellius game it would make the most sense to have a laguz lord IMO since that's kind of the only real new territory for a plotline. Any Tellius game would make me immensely pleased however.

Edited by Walhart
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If they do a Tellius game it would make the most sense to have a laguz lord IMO since that's kind of the only real new territory for a plotline. Any Tellius game would make me immensely pleased however.

I always thought that if there would be a third game, it would be about whatever Tormod was doing the whole time.

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I always thought that if there would be a third game, it would be about whatever Tormod was doing the whole time.

Laguz lord with Tormod Jeigan ftw! Seriously though, FE10 didn't leave too many loose ends (especially compared to FE13), but a game centered around one of them (like Bastian or Volke for example) would be awesome, but I don't think it's too likely.

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I played Radiant Dawn first too and never had any problem following the plot. It was also my first game in the series and also the only thing I knew about it was Ike was somewhere in it. You didn't really have to know much other than these characters fought in the last war and a medallion was involved all of which were explained quite exquisitely in my opinion. It even had a bio for everyone that explained who they are and what part they played in the last game but honestly I never had much use for it since I was never confused.

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I played Radiant Dawn first too and never had any problem following the plot. It was also my first game in the series and also the only thing I knew about it was Ike was somewhere in it. You didn't really have to know much other than these characters fought in the last war and a medallion was involved all of which were explained quite exquisitely in my opinion. It even had a bio for everyone that explained who they are and what part they played in the last game but honestly I never had much use for it since I was never confused.

go away smart person

I do agree that most of the basics were explained, but I prefer having a really in-depth knowledge of what's going on (character backstories, personalities, etc.). Just my opinion, though. C:

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No, I actually liked it as a sequel. The thing about it is that characters didn't need more development, but the few that did really benefited from it (like Sothe and Ike). The downside is that new characters kind of got the same amount of development as the returning ones who had previous development. Eddy and Leo, for example, are completely one dimensional. (Nolan, not so much)

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No, I actually liked it as a sequel. The thing about it is that characters didn't need more development, but the few that did really benefited from it (like Sothe and Ike). The downside is that new characters kind of got the same amount of development as the returning ones who had previous development. Eddy and Leo, for example, are completely one dimensional. (Nolan, not so much)

While Eddie and Leo are admittedly bland, I'd hardly call them "one-dimensional". I personally think that term better applies to 95% of the FE13 cast. Being generic and bland as opposed to gimmicky or one dimensional are two completely different things. Both are poorly developed, but in different ways.

You're right, though, they did favor returning characters and the GMs in terms of development. Not a bad thing for me since I prefer the GMs over the DB, but I can see how it might turn some people off from the writing.

Edited by Walhart
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While Eddie and Leo are admittedly bland, I'd hardly call them "one-dimensional". I personally think that term better applies to 95% of the FE13 cast. Being generic and bland as opposed to gimmicky or one dimensional are two completely different things. Both are poorly developed, but in different ways.

You're right, though, they did favor returning characters and the GMs in terms of development. Not a bad thing for me since I prefer the GMs over the DB, but I can see how it might turn some people off from the writing.

I can tell this is a very difficult time for you, so just allow me to say you have my deepest condolences (which isn't much really, but nonetheless) for your tragic defeat. But tell, why the hell did you think having Excellus as a commander was a good idea?

That aside, I always get the feeling that they made PoR with plans for RD, but then either had an overhaul in the latter's plot of just got high off their assess. So much in PoR just happens to be told in RD, but the plot is so damn stupid! (You want me to buy this pseudo-god slaying crap? Really?)

That aside, my main issues with the game plot/character wise are-

A) Micaiah. What a Mary-sue little bitch without much combat use, staves aside. I also think she truly shows off how poorly thought out RD itself was, because Micaiah herself can never face a dark magic user, so the WTA of light magic is almost completely redundant, especially given you can rarely use dark magic to fight anima mages.

B) Sothe. Sothe's a pushover and for some reason they decided to make him a main character and a Jeigan! He's even a generic class! And how did he go from 10 to 21 in three years? SOTHE! WHY!

C) Ike. In PoR, Ike was a well developed character. As a lord his fighting style had a regalness to it that matched how he became more mature as both a person and a swordsman over the year of the games events. In RD he's a sleeveless model. WHAT THE HELL GAME?!?! I liked how he was depicted during the base convo 'Shinon' (where you get a blue gem), being innocent but not naive, but otherwise he's just kind of a burly guy in the stories without a lot of character.

D) is for Dawn Brigade. They have very little characterization an almost always end up under-leveled. I feel like I need to low-man it for any of them to be plausible end-game fighters.

E) Not enough Volke. Volke was a very important and interesting character in PoR, but he barely shows up here. I still love the guy, but you only get him for 6 maps. Provided, I usually enjoy the first five of those when not fight D-black dragon person. Fuck mantle.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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I can tell this is a very difficult time for you, so just allow me to say you have my deepest condolences (which isn't much really, but nonetheless) for your tragic defeat. But tell, why the hell did you think having Excellus as a commander was a good idea?

Haha this post confused me for a while before I remembered I was Walhart XD. And I knew Excellus was a sniveling worm but I kept him around because his arrogance amused me.

That aside, I always get the feeling that they made PoR with plans for RD, but then either had an overhaul in the latter's plot of just got high off their assess. So much in PoR just happens to be told in RD, but the plot is so damn stupid! (You want me to buy this pseudo-god slaying crap? Really?)

Yeah, the whole God-slaying part I've never been a fan of it needs more Walhart, but the part of the plot that deals with natural rather than supernatural characters (i.e. like 90% of the plot) is quite realistic and rather cerebral compared to most games IMO, so I just focus on that.

That aside, my main issues with the game plot/character wise are-

A) Micaiah. What a Mary-sue little bitch without much combat use, staves aside. I also think she truly shows off how poorly thought out RD itself was, because Micaiah herself can never face a dark magic user, so the WTA of light magic is almost completely redundant, especially given you can rarely use dark magic to fight anima mages.

B) Sothe. Sothe's a pushover and for some reason they decided to make him a main character and a Jeigan! He's even a generic class! And how did he go from 10 to 21 in three years? SOTHE! WHY!

C) Ike. In PoR, Ike was a well developed character. As a lord his fighting style had a regalness to it that matched how he became more mature as both a person and a swordsman over the year of the games events. In RD he's a sleeveless model. WHAT THE HELL GAME?!?! I liked how he was depicted during the base convo 'Shinon' (where you get a blue gem), being innocent but not naive, but otherwise he's just kind of a burly guy in the stories without a lot of character.

D) is for Dawn Brigade. They have very little characterization an almost always end up under-leveled. I feel like I need to low-man it for any of them to be plausible end-game fighters.

E) Not enough Volke. Volke was a very important and interesting character in PoR, but he barely shows up here. I still love the guy, but you only get him for 6 maps. Provided, I usually enjoy the first five of those when not fight D-black dragon person. Fuck mantle.

I agree with all of these (with the exception of C), and feel that E is a very strong point. I think Ike's ruggedness is pretty consistent with his character, but I agree that the DB was weak (both statwise and in character development) and that Sothe's levels scaled abnormally between FE9 and FE10. And I definitely think there was a lot of wasted potential WRT Volke and Bastian's backstories between the two games.

Edited by Walhart
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I don't see a problem with Sothe

Leif is a Magikarp unit in FE4 who goes from amazing base no horse no pursuit into having the only thing that is better than Horse in FE4. In order to reach there, he need help from his Jeigan Finn

Meanwhile, ONE YEARS AGO, his stats is a wimp(its kinda comparable to Roy since Leif has lolbase), and to make matter worse, everything that Leif need to fight against is as powerful as Wendy. And yet Leif is his own Jeigan in FE5


Ike is a rip off of Leif anyway

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Jeigan is:

MVP during early game who falls off(supposedly) during mid - late game

Leif is the destroyer of Manster, who falls off Post Manster.

Seems simmilar

And in comparison, Brighton has 29/6 compared to Leif 29/5 in durability, and 8 Speed(because Rings). Admitably Leif does not really falls off but eh >_>

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Jeigan is-

High level character you get early in the game. Their bases are usually low for their level and their growths average at best in many cases. They serve as a crutch character but are almost always inferior to a raised unit end game.

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I use the word for saying this guy is clutch in early game, so the mistake is on my part

I apologize for that

Although the Jeigan definiton is outdated

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Anyway, back on the subject of Sothe.

Am I the only one who after his revelation as the Jagen for Radiant Dawn, everything actually fell right into place?

So that's why he couldn't promote. He gets his next level and new class after a growth spurt in a timeskip, after having outgrown being a weak tag-along kid.

So that's why we never found out who that mysterious person was, that he was looking for. Because that new person was going to be the new protagonist.

So that's why he was the only non-main character who retreats when he is defeated. He was already decided to play a major role in the next game.

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I don't see how any issues Sothe may have as a unit are related to the topic. And like I said, his role as a major character was heavily foreshadowed in PoR. So I don't see any issues with that either.

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