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Fire Emblem: Binding Blade (U)


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yeah but i want him to be better bait than wolt!

also capped stats was more than a little silly but klok's idea sounds pretty OK

Edited by Refa
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How about you add one unit slot to every chapter, and always force Merlinus?

It's all moot since his death isn't permanent in FE6.

Well, here's an idea. If his death isn't permanent, then I just need one thing: an ASM routine that levels up Merlinus on command. At the start of each map, I can run an event that handles the levelup. Tied to Merlinus's death quote will be a "permanent event ID," which will be triggered if he dies. If that ID is triggered, it won't level him up on the next map when the event runs (it'll be reset in the same event, too). Forcing Merlinus and adding the slot creates something similar to FE7's system where his deployment was separate from the main unit selection. Although units can still send things to Merlinus when he's off the map, losing Merlinus cuts off access to the storage (you can send, but you cannot retrieve). I'll take a look at Merlinus's stats, see if he can't be made into a more useful bait unit, if anything (just to help give him a strategic function).

So yeah, I've just got to procure that ASM routine (and probably another hack to force Merlinus in unit selection). It's not exactly a perfect replica of FE7's system, but it'll do.

And the suspend feature is pretty much the main save feature of the game when you think about it, the only other time you save is at the start of a new game or in between chapters, but it's not practical for people to just turn off their GBA and not worry about whether or not the game was saved lol, they'd get laughed at for not having a mid-game "quicksave"/suspend/whatever feature. Granted things are different now with emulators and savestates being the common choice for... probably 99% of people (unless you're old school and use a GBA flashcart or something), but it still seems silly to remove it. *shrug*

Who started this "remove suspend" nonsense? I don't even need to think about it; it's a solid "no." Why am I going to go out of my way to remove a trivial feature? Because it's one letter shorter than it ought to be? I don't get why people are even talking about this. Edited by Stallinbald
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please don't turn FE6 merlinus into FE7 merlinus. FE7 merlinus is ridiculously durable. FE6 merlinus should remain the frail old man that he is.

if you want to make him less of a burden, it would be better to just make his deployment free. easier level ups are not nearly as good of an incentive to use him. it's not like he's useful in any map other than chapter 22 anyway.

Edited by dondon151
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Another idea, give every chapter one extra unit slot and force merlinus to be used for that slot.


So yeah, I've just got to procure that ASM routine (and probably another hack to force Merlinus in unit selection). It's not exactly a perfect replica of FE7's system, but it'll do.

Oh uh, ignore me.

Edited by Project Chaos-ome
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Another suggestion, this should be a relatively easy one to implement, but then again I don’t know these things.

This time I’d like to talk about this lovely paladin.


When you first encounter Percival in chapter 13, it is possible to recruit him, but it is something that is almost impossible to do. Not only does Percival leave extremely quickly, but he spawns at the other side of a very big map. In order to recruit him in chapter 13, you have to transport Lalum or Elphin with a flying unit and somehow ge past his large regiment of high-level guards, which consists several ballistae (which will target your flying unit, and you haven't gotten the delphi shield yet) and many cavaliers. If you want the knight's crest, you can't even kill the cavaliers, making it even more tricky, as they will attack you!

This would be all good and well if the reward paid off, but here’s the irony; if you wait until chapter 15, you get him almost without any trouble at all, and his stats will actually be BETTER. This is because he will get the hard mode bonuses this way, where as in chapter 13 he will not. You’ll even get the knight’s crest without even having to work for it.

I guess maybe the game designers thought getting Percival 2 chapters earlier would be reward enough, but I hardly think this is justifiable. It goes without saying that in a Fire Emblem game, if something is harder to achieve, it should yield greater rewards.

I would like to (if possible) have the stat-thing reversed. Percival should get his hard mode bonuses if you manage to recruit him in chapter 13, and not the other way around. Considering the game's severe lack of knight's crests, how bout letting him spawn with one in the chapter too? I'd love to see a point to this, as it is a very satisfying challenge to accomplish.

Edited by Mangs
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I don't see the point of this considering the next chapter is the desert and I always felt like his appearance in Ch13 wasn't designed with recruitment in mind, just to introduce him as a unit. I agree that we need another Knight Crest earlier than Ch15 but that could be added elsewhere.

Now I'd like to discuss a character change that would be more meaningful: make Miledy a prepromote. This would solve two issues with vanilla FE6: One, it makes it easier to keep Miledy's stats in check so that she doesn't become too powerful. Two, it lets you change the Ch12 Elysian Whip into something more meaningful... like another Guiding Ring, Knight Crest, or Hero Crest. Plus, I've always felt like joining as a level 10 unpromoted unit does not suit the captain of Princess Guinevere's personal guard, regardless of how well she grows.

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Personally I didnt find any problem with getting to Percival (I usually send a battalion up led by Iron Axe!Alan to slay the whole squad). Not sure if he moves or not, but 8 turns is a very long time.

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Personally I didnt find any problem with getting to Percival (I usually send a battalion up led by Iron Axe!Alan to slay the whole squad). Not sure if he moves or not, but 8 turns is a very long time.

So you basically forsake a knight’s crest in a game where knight’s crests are super rare, in order to get Percival with decreased stats?

In order to get the crest, you have to keep his cavaliers alive, which is difficult enough after you recruit him. Killing them is probably the stupidest thing you can do.

Also, I seriously doubt you did this on hard mode, unless you arena abused Alan.

Edited by Mangs
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Question: Why does Percival need to be stronger?

Besides, like previously stated, the chapter afterwords is a desert(so LOLpaladins), and what would the explanation be for why his stats suddenly decrease two chapters later? He got into a bar fight?

If you want another knight's crest, just add one to chapter 13, don't make a good character even stronger for no actual reason.

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Also, I seriously doubt you did this on hard mode, unless you arena abused Alan.

or maybe you're just bad at this game #ltcharderbro

besides, how many knight crests do you need? for the most part, a non-specific team (meaning nothing dumb like "use all knights") will have more than one (and maybe none) of bors/wendy/barth, and then maybe two out of alan/lance/treck/noah. you get three knight crests even without saving all of percival's units (8, 16, 19A). a team that uses percival is, again assuming non-centralized most probably not going to need even a third one (let alone a fourth) considering that he essentially comes with his own pre-used one (and even if you don't use percival you still have enough)

Edited by CT075
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Or, you know, just stick a shiny item on him in Ch13 like a White gem and be done with it, So that there's at least one good reason for people who like self-imposed challenges to recruit him early.

As for Hard Mode bonuses, well... to me, if you're playing FE6 on Hard, you probably shouldn't make yourself suffer more by going for something that probably wasn't expected by the developpers to be doable, especially on that difficulty. Kinda like asking for an FE4 fix that rewards you for saving Quan and Ethlyn.

Anyways, I'm no hacker, but I'm pretty sure that this:

Percival should get his hard mode bonuses if you manage to recruit him in chapter 13, and not the other way around.

isn't very feasible without extensive ASM.

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Or he could just be unrecruitable in Chapter 13. Either he doesn't appear at all, leaves before it is possible to recruit him, or refuses to talk to Lalam/Elphin

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By forcing Roy to promote in chapter 16, Zeiss will become the only character that cannot promote at level 20 before Roy, and Sophia and Hugh will be very hard to do so, therefore these three units should be buffed, Zeiss should have another advantage over Miledy other then his high starting stats, like better growths, Sophia should have more balanced growths, so her major weakness his her low constitution (or just give her a dragon stone), and Hugh could be a pre-promoted Sage since FE 6 has none

If you add 1-2 range dragon stones, make so only some enemies have one, the manaketes in chapter 14 are a good way to train Sophia, since they are very weak to magic

I think Sage having anima and light is good, but don't give Druids dark and anima, that will make Bishops the only magic units without anima magic. Also you could add two promoted magic units and make every possible combination of two magic types (just an idea)

Edited by Sairento
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Well, seeing as all these suggestions are coming out of the woodwork, I suppose I can give another one (besides the prior one of rebalancing Wendy and Sophia to make them less obnoxiously bad upon recruitment).

Ch. 6, the little debacle in Thria with Wagner. It really bugs me how you have one thief and ten locked rooms. It takes an age to shunt Chad round the place opening doors. I'd suggest putting a few droppable door keys on various enemies, maybe scattering them through the preceding chapters. That way we can send Chad up one side and a load of door keys (probably with Merlinus) up the other. I'm not bothered so much with extra chest keys, if you pinch Cath's lockpick then you've got enough uses for the chests. It's just stopping to unlock every door that slows everything to an unbearable crawl.

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Well, seeing as all these suggestions are coming out of the woodwork, I suppose I can give another one (besides the prior one of rebalancing Wendy and Sophia to make them less obnoxiously bad upon recruitment).

Ch. 6, the little debacle in Thria with Wagner. It really bugs me how you have one thief and ten locked rooms. It takes an age to shunt Chad round the place opening doors. I'd suggest putting a few droppable door keys on various enemies, maybe scattering them through the preceding chapters. That way we can send Chad up one side and a load of door keys (probably with Merlinus) up the other. I'm not bothered so much with extra chest keys, if you pinch Cath's lockpick then you've got enough uses for the chests. It's just stopping to unlock every door that slows everything to an unbearable crawl.

Items don't drop in FE6.

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Okay, scratch that one then!

...Truth be told, I'm not that far through FE6 yet (just about retrievng Durandal). So I hadn't yet noticed the lack of drops, and I'll admit I didn't notice the keys in the shop. I just recalled that Ch. being long and dull because of the demand on Chad and his lockpicks (wrecked my turn count too).

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Okay, scratch that one then!

...Truth be told, I'm not that far through FE6 yet (just about retrievng Durandal). So I hadn't yet noticed the lack of drops, and I'll admit I didn't notice the keys in the shop. I just recalled that Ch. being long and dull because of the demand on Chad and his lockpicks (wrecked my turn count too).

Yeah, like Onmi said, items don't drop so you're better off using your thieves to steal their items.

inb4 someone imports the drop item command

Edited by Rokklaggio
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Just gonna drop my word here on the whole Percival issue. I really see no problem with him. Those Hard Mode bonuses turn him into a VERY usable unit, in a game that is IMO, one of the top three hardest FEs. That's a very good thing. Like has been mentioned, giving him a boost for recruiting him in chapter 13 when the next chapter is a DESERT CHAPTER(screw you desert chapters and being the bane of my FE8 Seth Solo Run!)is pretty much pointless. No real point to it. Along with the Knight Crest, I never had any real problems with that. The only time I did was when I used all three of the armor knights and 3 cavs. Worst idea ever by the way. Onto something I believe is being addressed, and that's the viability of axe units. Let's face it: Axes in FE6 are utter crap due to just how BAD their accuracy is. Combined with most of the usual suspects of axe users(the two fighters whose names I forget right now, and Gonzales)having pitiful skill(Gonzales with more levels to gain on that one route, WITH Hard Mode Bonuses has about an average skill of about 18 as a Berseker), I really didn't get much use out of axes except one Hard Mode playthrough where Oujay ended up wielding Armads. Anyways, there's a couple of ways you could go about this: Making axes what they are now, with decent accuracy and a little less power than what they have in FE6, or you could buff the skill of axe users. I'd prefer the former as Axes are very much brute force weapons, relying on their destructive force and wide range more than anything. Speaking of Gonzales, I honestly think he needs to not start with a Devil Axe. If you're unlucky(and in FE6, you are), he's going to kill himself. A lot. Maybe give him something that makes him a threat, but not so much that he breaks the chapter's boss?

EDIT: tl;dr: See no problems with Percy and Knight Crests. Axes need to have SOMETHING done about them.

Edited by Ssbmfreak36
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