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QOTD Thread: The End


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I love mountains!!! =D But... I don't think I'd want to live on one... that could be too cold ;~; I'd at least like to live next to a mountain range~ That'd be so sceniiiiiiiiiic

Maybe living on a mountain could be dangerous too D=

I also like forests thoooouuuuugh and lots of trees could give lots of shade!!..... But I guess lots of bugs too ;u;

But I also would like a weeping willow or two in the yard~

As for how the house itself is... I already know Ike likes Frank Lloyd Wright's houses~

So maybe similar to this one!! This one has definitely been my favourite out of those~ Oh and it has to include that water and precariously hanging rock

Oh but I'm also fond of his own home, any houses that look similar to that at least!! With the pretty bricks and the pretty wooden siding and the pretty windows~ And it's an interesting shape to the home too =o

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simple, practical, low-maintenance

and with rooms hidden behind wardrobe doors

couldn't care less about how it'd look outside really

in fact, it'd be less of a target if it blended well with the surroundings or looked shabby

Edited by OldMan
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What would your dream home look like? You can choose to include any details possible (interior, exterior, surrounding landscape, etc).

Spacious and bright with a well-stocked and well-equipped kitchen, two floors and a basement. A library and an entertainment center in one room each. One or two acres of level green yard, and a bedroom with a king size bed in the center and room to walk around it. A sizable walk-in closet for anything that I need to tuck away.

I would want to be somewhat close to a town, but that might be asking too much with the rest.

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My perfect house would probably be in a big city, but an area where its peaceful and quiet. I love the big city and the synergy but when I'm home, I really want and need the calm. It should have a big garden with lots of plants and flowers, a big library and id probably fill it to the brim with musical instruments as decoration.

I'm also very partial the old Amsterdam style of building.

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I'd love to live in an old European style mansion overlooking the ocean (preferably on an island). I'd like it to be spacious and I'd love to have a garden of some sort surrounding it. On the inside the home would look more or less modern, and it'd have all the basic needs like a kitchen, bathrooms, living room, giant hall, etc. I'd like a room set aside where I'd work on Lego models and put them on display, and a study or room where I could draw and write. It's more about location than the house itself however.

Edited by Knight
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"If you could meet one or more person(s) from the past, who would he/she/they be?"

QOTD i would totally meet jesus

but eh, i guess i'll be doing that eventually anyway

EDIT: oh and *the* mohammed

WOW Integrity stole my answer. And also Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci and Michael Jackson.

"What time period would you go back to? You can choose to stay as long as you like, even for the rest of your days in the time period, but the catch is that any actions your perform in the time period will have absolutely no effect on the timeline. Assume that a second, alternate timeline is created for you the moment you enter the time period."

The Wild West, but only if Specta comes with me. If she doesn't, probably Edo or Meiji period Japan. Maybe also around 600 AD Arabia. Renaissance period Italy would be pretty cool too.

"Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?"

Neither. They should be afraid of me.

"What would your dream home look like? You can choose to include any details possible (interior, exterior, surrounding landscape, etc)."

Anyone who knows me somewhat will have seen this coming.

Yes, Dracula's castle, from Castlevania. Or Walter's, whichevs.

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One with lots of computers and really good wifi. A matted training room with a punching bag would also be good. It doesn't need to be big since I intend on going solo, and I do not wish to do more cleaning than I have to.

1 living room 1 kitchen 1 bedroom doubling as office 1 punch the shit out of a bag room 1 bathroom maybe an art room for my paintings though that can be handled in my officebedroom too and I should be enough

This all changes if I end up not going solo

Oh i guess the bedroom should be somewhat big because it needs to fit a bed, like 3 computers, and an easel in all at once

AC is also a thing I would like

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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My current apartment, but $200 cheaper. Right now, I am paying $600 for a two bedroom apartment that is a block away from downtown, right across the street from my work, and naturally being close to downtown, the train station is close, as is transportation to anywhere in my city.

For me, a house is a house, my dream is to travel all over, so naturally, I'm more concerned with being able to have money to buy train tickets, not blowing my pay on a nice house that I won't even be in 4/5th's of my day/life.

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Ideally, Howl's Moving Castle, please. Complete with Howl, Calcifer, and Markl. Cleaning it would be a mess, but I'd have so much fun :D

If that's not obtainable, I think I'd like to have a large house, 2 stories is fine. I visited a house with 3 stories once and I thought I'd get lost in it :O I'd like it to have bay windows so I can sit on cushions and read from them! Assuming this is a place where I'd settle down with family...I'd like at least 4 bedrooms. 5 would be better, I'd keep one open as a guest room (my parents would visit...all the time) or a study or something. Plush carpet in most areas of the house, wood in the kitchen, tile in the bathroom. And speaking of which, I'd like it to have 3 bathrooms. A modest sized backyard would be nice, I'm not planning on growing a garden back there, but it would be nice. Location wise...in a big city, doesn't have to be super close to downtown but as long as it's near a shopping area and somewhat close to my kids' school, that would be perfect.

I love big pretty houses, but...I don't want it to be an obvious target for burglars so...torn between that and my inner girly fantasies.

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I have two dream homes (one of which I like more than the other, but both are good).

Dream home 1: An old traditional Japanese farmhouse (Minka I believe they are called). The interior is just amazing.



I honestly can't picture a more comfortable home.

Dream home 2: An old Victorian house with a gothic touch.

Best example I could find in a quick google search:



It's so beautiful.

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Compared to other cities that I have friends in, I'd say my city's cost of living is quite good*. While it is unusually marginally cheaper to rent an apartment outside the city core compared to other cities, I have a roommate, so I'm paying for a nice apartment at the same cost as I would living in the boondocks by myself.

*Just don't talk about transportation or the cost of bread, it ranges from 'jungle' to 'nightmare' at any time.

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Ah I see.

I live in the suburbs so public transport's virtually noexistent

The closest big city is about an hour and a half away but the public transport there is pretty good

Cost of living is bullshit high though, but to be fair, there's a lot of high-paying jobs there too

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I'd definitely want something that looks warm, cozy and homey. I love houses that look like they're actually lived in xD


Oh wow. Everyone has such neat pictures. I tried looking for some as well, to better encapsulate what I mean by "homey"



I guess it's generally small enclosed spaces that look well-lived in haha.

and with rooms hidden behind wardrobe doors

You know... my bathroom is kind of like this xD;

[spoiler=It's a bootleg Narnia]WalkinCloset.jpgBathroom.jpg

Excuse the scribbles. I took these pictures when I was much younger ;;

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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This sounds rather ominous. Elaborate? =P

The best she can do is go through the legal system, where the burden of proof is on her. If she tries to circumvent the legal system, then she'll be all the easier to deal with.

Now, for today's question. . .my dream home depends on whether or not I have get married kids. If I did, it would have three bedrooms, at least two bathrooms, a big kitchen with a gas oven, somewhere outdoors where I can grow potted plants (cooking herbs, because they taste better fresh), and an open space where I can put a clothesline. Oh, and AC in the living room and the bedrooms (though I'm not sure if central AC would be cheaper in the long run). If I marry but don't have kids, it'll be two bedrooms. If I don't marry, then right where I am is fine.

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New question! This'll be an interesting one, I'm sure.

Which fellow SF members would you like to meet and why?

Because of the nature of the question, I will be abstaining from answering this question. (don't spam my inbox asking if I'm interested in meeting you either, lol.)

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Don't be dickless. Answer the question.

The Integrity, the Freohr, the necktie, the Specta, the Reinfleche, the Parrhesia, the kdanger, the bbmichibb and the Charlie, they all respect the legend god bless them forever I love them like the very brothers. Maybe some others I dunno, but those are the ones that come to mind first of all.

Addendum: I'd like to meet the TheEnd too, but he probably doesn't want to. ;_;

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