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QOTD Thread: The End


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But before the Lord could leave, Covenant called after him, "Why aren't you High Lord?" He was trying to find some way to thank Mhoram. "Don't they appreciate you around here?"

Over his shoulder, Mhoram replied simply, "My time has not yet come." Then he left the room, closing the door carefully behind him.

I love Mhoram, he's the best.

Edited by Lanfear
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New question!

A while ago, I asked a nostalgic question about what activities people did while growing up. As a reverse of that question, today's question is:

What are some activities you do more now than when you were a kid?

For instance, I sit on my ass in front of my computer more and sleep more.

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Stuff in general, like trying new things, going places and whatnot. Having money and not living with my parents really helped me get over my fear of new stuff.

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59. What is one of your bad habits?

aside from procrastination...not taking initiative enough.

60. What player character's ability from a game would you want in real life?

phoenix wright's ability to debate

61. What NPC ability from a game would you want in real life?

supernova magic from sephiroth in ff7. fkin ahzum breh

62. Do you have a sibling or siblings? If not, do you like being an only child or did you want to have siblings?

2, and i love having siblings. fits my personality.

63. What is your favorite monochrome screenplay (or show or sketch, etc)?

schindler's list or casablanca

64. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about autumn?

beautiful weather/nature.

65. What do you dislike about autumn?

nothing, really. only season i can dislike at all is summer because it gets too hot where i am. y feelings are flipped if i'm in an area that gets too cold in the winter.

66. Who’s your favorite superhero?


67. What is your favorite quote(s) from a novel or novels?

i don't know, really.

68. What activity do you do more often now than you did as a kid?

math. so many math.

but if we're talking hobbies, i'd say that i loved stars when i was a kid, but now my interest has shifted to planets. but the basic activity is observation so i don't know, man.

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Hmm, "more often" as in it has to be something that I actually did at least occasionally and still do?

Watch anime. I didn't get to watch anime regularly until I got my first laptop when I was 12, so I was at the mercy of the video store and whatever they decided to air on TV from 5-12.

That's really the only thing I still do besides play Pokemon.

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Play videogames.

When I was a kid, my father would only let me play on weekends and holidays; later, I had to share the PC with my brother.

None of those restrictions exist anymore.

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