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QOTD Thread: The End


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The Hallmark Channel in general can go boil in Surt's Volcano. That shit is just...NO!!! What mook thinks that people will enjoy that glurgy slop? Lifetime Network can die in the fires of Muspelheim as well.

i like the news. Especially NBC Nightly News. Brian Williams is so dreamy. (and snarky as hell lately!)


I like it when he wears the bold colored ties...

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New question!

This one's inspired by a question from a book I've read.through a few times. Pretty sure I haven't asked this particular one so here it is:

How well do you think humanity as a whole could survive without technology? I'm mostly referring to modern technology, such as devices run by electricity. You can let your imagination roam if you want, or you can read "The Law of Nines" to get a good idea of the scope and context of the question (I really don't care if you do ;P). Assume its not possible to innovate the technologies again in any short period of time (i.e. Earth gets hit by a global EMP).

Personally, I'd say quite a lot of us would die. Maybe not initially, since people would probably end up raiding stores for food, but then we'd eventually have to revert to a hunter-gatherer mentality since food isn't going to come as easily. In addition, people would have to use much more primitive technology such as fires and improvise with the now useless technology, which is now essentially scrap.

It would be rough, but humanity as a whole would persevere.

Edited by Interest
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As the (paraphrased) saying goes:

We used to be taught how to survive. Now we're taught to press buttons.

Some of humanity (the Sami, Aborignal people, and others who stick fairly close to their heritage) will probably handle technology's disappearence as a hiccup at most. The rest of us? Yep, we'd be in trouble.

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The boring thing about every answer to this question so far is that, for some reason that is beyond me, they think building a hut from wood, straw and other things, stone-tipped wooden spears and some of those instruments used to make fire are not technology.

I think humanity would be in big trouble if it lost all technological ability.

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The boring thing about every answer to this question so far is that, for some reason that is beyond me, they think building a hut from wood, straw and other things, stone-tipped wooden spears and some of those instruments used to make fire are not technology.

Nitpicking, but...

...I'm mostly referring to modern technology, such as devices run by electricity. You can let your imagination roam if you want, or you can read "The Law of Nines" to get a good idea of the scope and context of the question (I really don't care if you do ;P). Assume its not possible to innovate the technologies again in any short period of time (i.e. Earth gets hit by a global EMP).

...this little statement was included in the question.
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I don't know.

But after experincing it in this era that we are in would be bad. It wouldn't back then, because they didn't exist. Especially having no games, or...computers would be painful. So my opinion...bad.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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The economy would go to shit, a lot of info and stuff'd be lost, and world wide panic, but I doubt there would be people dying out on the streets. Some people will starve, perhaps a lot, but humans will adapt.

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I'd say it depends on how we loose the technology. If it's by world-wide EMP or Carrington Event, then all the Nuclear Plants in the world are on a deadline of going Fukushima on us so... I don't see us surviving THAT.

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Of course humanity would survive. We evolved to survive. As for how many of us would survive without the benefits of modern technology, not many. Millions would die without modern inventions and agricultural techniques. It would not be pretty.

But humanity as a whole? Yes, we're not going anywhere barring a cataclysmic event.

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What is your favorite taste? By this I mean what particular palate do you like? Do you favor sweet foods or spicy (blah blah blah etc)? Perhaps you like a unique sort of taste that can only be accomplished by a few dishes. This doesn't need to pertain to your favorite food or anything, though that might be a good place to start.

I prefer sweetness, as long as the sweetness isn't too strong~ I can't have too much of it!!

Do you use social networking sites? Why or why not?


How about SF?

I have a Facebook account, a Google+ account (youtube~), and a Twitter account. I used to use Twitter a lot but not anymore (but I do find it useful to keep up with band or tv pplz~). I was never that much into facebook since I usually had nothing to do! =3 And I haven't really made any use out of Google+ at all.

What is/are your favorite television show(s)?

I haven't watched tv in a whiiiiiiiile but I do know I like House.

What kind of television shows do you dislike?

I'm not a fan of reality shows.

How well do you think humanity as a whole could survive without technology?

I think maybe it'd affect our lifespan perhaps... And some people would have trouble with this I'd think... but I don't think it'd wipe us out. We don't have these brains for nothing. People will start adapting as they usually do. I think the population might decrease a lot though... I feel as if our technology was what allowed the human population to grow so much, like from the huge farms and whatnot (I'm not a farmer but I'd assume this affects aaaaall that farming a lot). It sounds kinda sad now that I think about how little food there would be, making so many people starve...

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Related: some days I sincerely wish I was a monkey, then I could just play in trees all day and not go to work or school or care about material things such as money as much as I do.

There'd be a lot of bitching, but no doubt people could survive, ironically, it would be the knowledge of history, obtained by technology that would save a lot of people.

Edited by Maji
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As a whole, I believe humanity will be able to survive. There may be riots and anger and crap like that, but I think we can really survive. There are small communities (Amish?) who can survive without modern technology. Our lives have just been made convenient with modern technology but if it was taken away from us, we can still manage. Things will take a little longer but ... yeah.

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Of course humanity would survive. We evolved to survive. As for how many of us would survive without the benefits of modern technology, not many. Millions would die without modern inventions and agricultural techniques. It would not be pretty.

But humanity as a whole? Yes, we're not going anywhere barring a cataclysmic event.

Ants!!! ALL OF US!!! ANTS!!!

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Even people who are relatively smart regarding natural survival would be rather screwed in an urban environment where technology is relied upon to move resources out of the wild into our range of use. I imagine people dispersing from cities to seek woodlands and water sources would interfere with each other in their exasperation and my ultimate point is that, ironically, the people least reliant on technology, who are also the most impoverished and of low quality of life, would be the ones who survive best in such a scenario.

I'm all for satirizing civilization but that sounds terrible.

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fun fact we know how well humanity could survive without technology

the population would probably die off massively because most agriculture is handled by machine, and the few million or so who survive worldwide would probably renege back to premodern life expectancy and standard of living, which were both rather shitty

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