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QOTD Thread: The End


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The Red Cross has actually caught on to this. CPR/First Aid trained people know to ask for permission to help if a person/child's parent is conscious/is present, introduce them self, etc. If the person is unconscious, this is skipped unless said ill person is a child with a parent nearby. If they're unconscious, go right to CPR/First Aid and have someone call 911.

I think it's rather silly to sue someone for saving you unless they harmed you in the process/cost you money because 911. Doing so discourages helping people. And that means more dying. You're alive, be grateful! Unless they have clinical depression, then they probably won't be...

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Sorry, I'll give a basic answer. My gut feeling is that if a life was probably saved by the actions of a person, that person shouldn't be liable for associated damages because life is the base-line and you lose everything if you lose your life. However, I'm sure there are cases where this kind of thinking doesn't work out that well, so I really don't think my opinion should matter very much or really be taken into account.

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Sorry, I'll give a basic answer. My gut feeling is that if a life was probably saved by the actions of a person, that person shouldn't be liable for associated damages because life is the base-line and you lose everything if you lose your life. However, I'm sure there are cases where this kind of thinking doesn't work out that well, so I really don't think my opinion should matter very much or really be taken into account.

I didn't mean you. I just meant in general. This question's not getting a lot of answers ;o

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Anyways. New question!

Do you think humanity as a whole can work together? Pretty sure I haven't asked this question exactly - just maybe danced around the idea a bit. The question is what it is - no real reason to explain it so take it for what you will.

Personally I think it's possible but there needs to be some widespread event that clearly threatens to extinguish our existence (either entirely or on such a huge scale that it would be difficult to recover from). So pretty much we need to wait for an alien invasion or for a large enough meteor to strike the earth. I do wish it was possible for humanity as a whole to collaborate on a large scale though more easily (what a shame).

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Disaster invokes pity and empathy between otherwise hostile nations, so I would say that's the only way how you'd get some unlikely collaborators to co-operate. If not, then unity against a single enemy perceived as such unanimously.

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I guess if there was a big big problem then it'd raise more alarm... but somehow I feel like it wouldn't unite everybody... Because I feel like not everybody would think the same ways about things and there would be lots of disagreements../ Perhaps yeah I'd agree it depends on who is left and what they're like x3
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With the way modern times are, Humanity would need a damn good reason to, like a common goal or enemy. But even then, it'll crumble soon afterwards when the deed is done. Other than that, it's highly unlikely, but not something that I'd give up on completely

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Many people have fundamentally contradictory desires. We can never become so collaborative that sociopaths with inherent bloodlust will work together with society or vice versa, or so that those who lash out in fear feel safe. Humans will collaborate for their own ends. The day we stop needing each other for our ends is the day we stop working together. As a whole we are an individualist species.

Edited by Makaze
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I didn't mean you. I just meant in general. This question's not getting a lot of answers ;o

I know, but I answered it.

A lot of humans already work with other humans. As a single whole, though, no fucking way. There's probably not anything that everyone would be suited to address that would be that big.

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I think that for many reasons, both natural and nurtured over the years, man is wont to hate and try to destroy something he sees as different. To that end I don't think humans will ever truly change. I do think that all of humanity will one day be united, be it through galactic domination or simple curiosity, but in the end I think what will drive us in our distant future will be fierce competition with some given force, be it manmade, natural, or otherwise.

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New question!

What drugs have/are you taken/taking? This applies to any and all medications as well as various substances you may be using casually (without "knowing" (like drinking soda with caffeine), in general) or knowingly (no questions asked here - it's legal to smoke weed in my state and I generally have an open mind about that kind of stuff).

I drink a bit (seriously, it's a can of beer a night at the most nowadays), so alcohol is on the list.

I take various painkillers when needed (aspirin, ibuprofin, various other over-the-counter/generics)

I take some antihistamines during allergy season (so far fexofenadine HCl has proved the most success here).

Since I drink soda and eat (mostly dark) chocolate occasionally, caffeine ends up in my system every once in awhile.

I dunno if this last one counts, but I take this supplement that may or may not help with allergy - it's called "green propolis" and some Korean health site has taken to selling it. Probably not an actual drug but *shrug*.

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