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QOTD Thread: The End


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Greek, native language

English, so so

French, was learning it 8 years ago, I need to refresh my memory on it.

Serbian, been living in Montenegro for a while and so I got to learn a few words.

Edited by James Bond
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lol get over yourselves

y'know what, i'll bite. what the fuck is your problem now?

QOTD: native english (yeah), fairly fluent german (learned initially when i was 9, improved during college years), comically-bad-but-technically-present spoken japanese (slowly refined with absolutely no study program over the course of years), completely nonexistent written japanese, extremely simple written and spoken korean (started about a year ago).

i can muddle my way through reading spanish occasionally (high school) but can't construct it to save myself

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Hmm non-standard hmm? x3

First language is English! Around 4th grade they started to teach us all Spanish in that school. But I only learned it in that one grade. Then I learned a bit more in my junior and senior years of high school. I forget a lot of it by now~ I learned a bit of French in my freshman and sophomore years in high school. I forget a lot a lot of it by now~ Other languages, I've learned so little of that I don't think they can count~

Then as for non-standard, I just know/remember wee reMember a little bit of the language that Freohr Datia comes from. Idk if it really counts but I am fairly familiar with the Galdrar characters? I can recognize about half the characters without looking up, maybe a bit over half of them.

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My default answer to people asking me how many languages I speak is 1.5. English is the one (or maybe 1.1 since I understand Shakespeare near-perfectly?) and the .5 (or .4?) is my Japanese, which is more than enough to survive in Japan, but rather limited on the conversational front...

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Portuguese: Native

Spanish: Can read (though somewhat slowly), can't speak, can't write. In other words, standard procedure for Portuguese speakers

English: Fluent reading, passable writing, working on listening. I embarrass myself every time I have to speak it, though.

Japanese: Enough for understanding cartoons, games and shadowofchaos I suppose

Edited by OldMan
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I know fragments of German and Spanish and slightly more French. I was actually rather good at French while I was still learning it in high school, but I have since forgotten most of it. I kind of want to start learning French again, but I don't exactly have the time right now.

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Portuguese: Native

Spanish: Can read (though somewhat slowly), can't speak, can't write. In other words, standard procedure for Portuguese speakers

English: Fluent reading, passable writing, working on listening. I embarrass myself every time I have to speak it, though.

Japanese: Enough for understanding cartoons, games and shadowofchaos I suppose


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Chinese - Native fluency in speaking(Mandarin) and reading(both Traditional and Simplified), although since I received the bulk of my education in America, I don't know most technical terms of a field (for example don't try to ask me what's a derivative in Chinese even though I'm fluent in both Chinese and Calculus). I can write somewhat, but it's been almost 12 years since I've written anything of length in Chinese so my skills have rusted greatly.

English - near-native fluency, but I have a lot more trouble with the grammar and I can't read nearly as fast nor digest as much information as I do with Chinese (my readingcomp in English is godawful). Speaking's around the same level. Writing's obviously better.

Latin - 5 years of classes in middle/high school. I haven't used it in a few years so my vocab level's not as good as I used to be and I'll probably need to consult a chart for the more complicated part of the grammar I used to have memorised by heart, but as it stands I can play AC2 and any time the church dudes speak in Latin (and then I stab them) I can get a good gist of what they're saying (as fast as I can' read in Latin anyway, which is slower than English). I can also translate somewhat decently provided I have my dictionary on hand.

I have a very basic knowledge of Japansese but I wouldn't say I know the language, but it does help that I know how to read Chinese so as long as the sentence contains Kanji I can bullshit out a gist of what it says, albeit a much more vague gist than the ones I come up with in Latin. I also know a bunch of swear words in Italian and can sometimes figure out sentences due to Latin.

But I don't think those two count, so Chinese, English, and Latin for reals. Do plan on learning some basic Italian because I'm a non-bio major and I want to make my Latin be of some use. Plus I play too much AC2. :B

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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I was surprised, but I realize I shouldn't be surprised, that so many people here claim to know some Japanese.

Native: English

Home language: Mandarin Chinese

Acquired: Spanish

I'm at least semi fluent in all of them. Obviously I have no issues with English in any regards, and I have speaking fluency in Mandarin. I would say I'm like...semi fluent in reading/writing? There's A LOT of characters to memorize (understatement). And in Spanish I'm mostly fluent in speaking, though I think I've improved since I studied in Spain over the summer. Reading/writing is not a problem.

I also could say that I can read some Japanese, since I'm good with kanji thanks to Chinese, but...eh. When my mom was in Japan she had no problems getting around despite not really speaking the language.

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We need Nightmare to own this thread and make us all feel bad.

Ehehehehe...really, I'm the same as a lot of people here it seems!

English: You be the judge. It's not my native tongue. Though I like to think my speaking is exceptional for not speaking it everyday.

Farsi: Native, so fluent as hell.

Turkish (Azerbaijan): Also native, also fluent.

Learned all three when I was growing up.

Arabic: Not fluent, but I can understand to an extent (read, write, not good at speak and listen). The potential is there, just need to tap into it. I learned some while growing up, and augmented it later in school.

Japanese: Know a tiny tiny bit, but really, I shouldn't even be listing it here. Not good enough. Self-taught.

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Native English

I know a little Spanish [pretty much enough to get me by if need be, I did live in Arizona for awhile after all] been trying to learn Japanese

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I might be able to briefly hold a conversation in french with a toddler (about 4 years of classes in it, not a lick of practice since and not much passion in it if I'm honest)

and that's about it, aside from the obvious

=O Whoa!!

Meanwhile for me it's

Native: American



(the joke is that freohr is literally a native of the Northern part of the continent known as America) (for the uninformed)

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Then as for non-standard, I just know/remember wee reMember a little bit of the language that Freohr Datia comes from. Idk if it really counts but I am fairly familiar with the Galdrar characters? I can recognize about half the characters without looking up, maybe a bit over half of them.

Holy crap you're a mage (in training?)!

I ONLY speak English. Just like Crash, I feel everyone should only speak english.[/s] I respect people who speak other languages greatly. Fuck.

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Latin - 5 years of classes in middle/high school. I haven't used it in a few years so my vocab level's not as good as I used to be and I'll probably need to consult a chart for the more complicated part of the grammar I used to have memorised by heart, but as it stands I can play AC2 and any time the church dudes speak in Latin (and then I stab them) I can get a good gist of what they're saying (as fast as I can' read in Latin anyway, which is slower than English). I can also translate somewhat decently provided I have my dictionary on hand.

Maaaaaan, I wanna learn Latin so bad. That, German, and French. I gotta learn them before I've died.

Anyways, I'm native in English and more skilled than most other natives in terms of composition. I am also a third-year Japanese student. I have very good reading skills for my peers, and am leaps and bounds ahead of them in kanji memorization. That said my listening comprehension is sub-par on account of rarely speaking to natives. I can understand anime alright, but if someone speaks at full speed and I don't know the words they're using intimately I'm liable to lose them mid-sentence.

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