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QOTD Thread: The End


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At the moment, I think we should stay local. Technology isn't nearly advanced enough to send out long range exploration ships at the moment - those ships wouldn't be getting back for a long time, if at all. And personally, I think all this talk of setting up a colony on Mars is a bit too soon. That would be a dreary place to live for months on end, and if one thing went wrong... well, goodbye colony. I doubt they could hold out long enough for us to send backup.

If significantly speedy ships (not necessarily FTL) can be designed, along with other sci-fi staples such as terraforming or cryosleep, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd stick to orbital stuff and a bit of automated outer system mining.

...Yes I'm repeating things. I initially tried to post this about 4 hours ago, and guess when my internet decided to fail?

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Some things I've heard about Mars make it sound like a particularly dreary colonization prospect, admittedly. IIRC if people lived on it for an extended period of time, like for generations, even if it was basically safe, their bone density would go to shit or something and living anywhere else after that would be hard for them. I'm also forgetting the details of more problems, something something magnetic field/radiation something.

Then again, though, as far as I or anybody can know, future technological advances might surpass those hurdles, we could find more valuable shit to do on Mars than we can currently imagine (and IIRC we already know that a presence of some sort on Mars would be great for a bunch of kinds of sciences), and, of course, it's a big solar system/galaxy/universe even if Mars ends up a dead end.

Edited by Rehab
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I find space exploration useless. It's not like we're going to reach those places anyway.

You aren't accounting for relativity, as you approach relativistic speeds, it becomes possible to reach those places in a timeframe not entirely unrealistic provided you sufficiently approach the speed of light. (Based off your other post where you justify this by arguing thousands of light years).

However, the obvious caveat to this is that we are incapable of achieving any close to relativistic speeds and thus can't reasonably achieve anything with space travel as of now. The real question is whether or not we believe it is possible to achieve such speeds in the timeframe of human existence. I personally don't believe so and only justify space exploration for the purposes of resources and scientific pursuit.


Here's a relevant link for relativity: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SpeedOfLight/FTL.html#7

There are some problems with traveling at those speeds but the issue certainly isn't time restraints and aging.

Edited by BK-201
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it would be awesome if we had the technology to explore deep space. but it's not gonna happen any time soon. especially in our lifetime

You need more optimism, we'll at least live to be 400.

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and they'd need to break the laws of physics in order to reach those places

There's a lot of ideas about wormhole travel and bending space. Particles actually have been teleported (as in sent in no time at all) in laboratory environments.

Source: Something on PBS

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There's a lot of ideas about wormhole travel and bending space. Particles actually have been teleported (as in sent in no time at all) in laboratory environments.

Source: Something on PBS

I'd actually be interested in seeing something about this. Source?

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I'd actually be interested in seeing something about this. Source?


New (early) question!

Describe your ideal social center (town, village, etc). What would it be like?

I'd probably just go with something like the City of Doors, obviously in a more modern setting, if not downright futuristic. I'm lazy like that.

(Actually, I really don't care - I'd almost rather live in dense wilderness anyways so a social center matters little to me)

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Tokyo, Seoul, Moscow, New York, London, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, or any other large city.

In fact, I live in the perfect place, in the suburban area between DC and Baltimore. Although I guess northern Virginia's cool, too.

But yeah, when I lived in Seoul (for a year), it was AMAZING~ I wanna visit Japan now.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Woo, colonialism all over again, inevitable traits of humanity!

I just want to see more pictures of Neptune.

Oi! I does take grave offense a'that, gov. Don't imply all us starry-eyed, exploration-of-the-unknown types ought to be thrown under the same bus as that rightfully deserved by those responsible for such rot as the genocide and enslavement of entire civilizations.

Besides, there's nobody to displace on an asteroid.

RE recent question: I dunno, actually. I've enjoyed my city vacations living with relatives, but I've spent so long in the suburbs that their sense of comfort is hard to deny.

Can I say a decent-sized space station? Preferably the size of the greater D.C. metropolitan area? with a biodome? Basically where I live but in space

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A town that isn't full of dumb people, a neighbourhood within walking distance of a park or some sort of nature area, and a grocery store. My current neighbourhood fits those requirements, except it has dumb people. I wouldn't mind living in a big city, although I like rural towns, I wouldn't want to live in one.

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