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QOTD Thread: The End


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...And speak English there?

LOL no, I just want to travel there ;) I'd been taking Spanish in school for a long time so I wanted to put it in use there! And Spain was such a beautiful country :) AHHHHHHHH the views! <3 <3 <3

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can't you just step out on a rainy day and go that any time you wanted?

It has to have the right kind of atmosphere.

For example, being out on a date only to have an unexpected storm come and get stuck outside in the middle of it.

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I think "bucket list" sounds more like one-offs. Wouldn't you want to see your boyfriend more than once?

I planned on re-writing it every day.

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New question. This is a big one!

Describe your ideal video game in detail. What aspects of genre, storytelling, gameplay, graphics, features, etc. would you like to add? Do you have ideas on what kind of plot or characters you'd like to see? Keep in mind you are trying to lay out the framework for a game you would want to design, so this renders similar previous (or later) questions irrelevant in terms of repetition unless you choose to utilize those answers.

Not gonna answer this one yet. I will. I promise.

Edited by Interest
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Genre: Some flavor of RPG, most likely.

Storytelling: The following are not appreciated - shock, crappy romance, static characters.

Gameplay: True turn-based. If I walk away from the game mid-battle, the damn thing WILL wait for me. Quests should not require random chance to complete (NieR is guilty of this. . .moonflowers. . .) Otherwise, the usual level-based system, though I'm not sure how I'd handle stats yet.

Graphics: As long as it doesn't make my eyes bleed.

Features: DLC will NOT be required to complete the game, SKIPPABLE CUTSCENES, some way to speed dialogue up to "fuck this I don't want to read it".

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...I think I'll hijack/adapt Eclipse's template. You wanted a big one? Well here you go!

Genre: RPG first, because they tend to take a good length of time to finish, and have nicely detailed worlds.

Length: Already mentioned but, a good length single player game! If the game ends in 5/6 hours and I paid £40 (US $64 or 47 Euros), then I am not going to think that this was money well spent, no matter how enjoyable those six hours were! Preferably at least 20 hours of main plot, and I don't mean ten hours of fetch quests!

Setting: Something unusual. I don't necessarily mean a completely new setting idea; it could have just one key gimmick that causes everything else in the setting (that otherwise would be 'meh, seen it before') to shift in interesting ways. And I'd like variety; don't sit me in a monotonous city for ten hours, no matter how colourful. Unless you do the Final Fantasy 7 route and shove us through several completely distinct areas within the city (Mako Reactor, Slums, Train Graveyard, Support Column, Wall Market, Shinra HQ).

Storytelling: Alternate paths, but not with stupidly obscure unlock conditions. I'm thinking of Valkyrie Profile 1 there, where one wrong step locks you out for good, and you get no real hints in game. Something that did it better; Tactics Ogre. A good few interesting plot shifts, and not just the usual ones every game seems to pull out of the bin. See Persona 4 for an example of better twists - particularly, who the villain really is.

Gameplay: Not too far between save points. I don't want to see two dungeons go by without an option to save my progress, nor do I want the save point hiding in the room after the boss. Also, difficulty spikes. If there's going to be one, I'd like it to be suitably foreshadowed, and not popping up immediately after a point of no return.

Character forcing; please no! I'm fed up of seeing Cloud/Squall/Zidane 15/20 levels ahead of the rest of the party simply because they can't be swapped out except in very limited plot related circumstances!

And, while I don't mind linear games, give us some opportunity to veer off the beaten track every now and then, and don't lock off two thirds of the game once we've passed through (Final Fantasy 13, I'm looking at you! Although weirdly, I preferred it to the more freeform 13.2, just as I preferred the linear 10 to the freeform 10.2. But 10 never limited most of the areas to one off visits the way 13 did).

Sound: Ambient music, and not too much techno even if it fits the immediate setting. Singing (ala FF13.2) kept to a minimum and limited to cutscenes or particularly climactic battles, because it usually wrecks the atmosphere. Also, the option to adjust sound effect/music/speech volume independently so I can actually hear that music over the gunfire/shouting. Or the voices of characters outside of a few metres away.

Graphics: Nothing too realistic. I use games as escapism, and that means right out of realism. I don't necessarily want cheerful Spyro/Ratchet and Clank stuff, I just want it to be distinguishable from real life by something other than less well detailed. So fairly colourful, emotive environments, and occasionally in an unusual style (e.g. as Okami did).

Extra Features: No filling up the disc with random garbage that just gets looked at once. Command and Conquer, Red Alert 3 on PS3 added in 'hint videos' and previously aired via television 'preview features'. Not necessary when most of that stuff can be gleaned in 5 minutes of playing, and the space would have been better used filling out the main game. If the main story finishes in 6 hours and you've got 20 hours of garbage in the 'bonus' section, then something is seriously wrong!

That said, I'm partial to concept art, development notes (such as canned ideas for story and setting) and I absolutely must have a sound room!

If significant DLC is going to be produced later (in other words, extra story in the manner of Bioshock Infinite's Burial at Sea, not just random map/weapon/skin packs that don't really add anything meaningful), then a) I want to be warned before buying the game, and b) I want an 'ultimate edition' that includes these features on disc ala Elder Scrolls fashion. Not all of us have the internet capacity to download that much data!


...Yeesh I'm demanding!

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Okay. It's like, an RPG where you play as some kind of wandering bard or soemthing. And you level up, but you battle using your guitar, or other assorted instruments. And as you level up you get better and better at soloing and playing awesome duets and triplets with your party members and stuff. Boss battles consist of you and all your party members trying to destroy your opponents with the sound of incredible music.

Like just imagine this:

Meets sandbox RPG. Imagine that. How can you not want that. What is wrong with you if you do not want that

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