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QOTD Thread: The End


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What do you do to get to sleep? Do you just lie there and hope you go to dreamland? Do you have to take some sort of supplement like melatonin? Do you tire yourself out so much that you just fall asleep instantly when you hit the hay?

Personally, I try to think of something. Sometimes it's philosophical crap like "why am I here." Other times I try to force myself to dream by thinking of "what ifs" - scenarios that may or may not happen. If that fails, I read a book and then try to sleep again.

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I go the fuck to sleep

The end

(to elaborate: I'm so goddamn sleep-deprived all the time that if I want to sleep I will go the fuck to sleep. Including during daylight hours or with loud noises. I just need to be tired enough and that's like 100% of the time for me and I keep myself up with willpower and caffeine)

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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I go the fuck to sleep

The end

i'm not even usually tired, just so routined that when i hit the bed my brain goes "ha! ha! sleep time!" and shuts off

my buddy, when he's staying over, jokes that if we're up talking and we decide to go to bed and he goes off to the bathroom, he has to say goodnight before he leaves cause i'll be out by the time he's back

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I'm usually really tired, but if I'm not then I'll turn on an audio lecture on something and if it's late at night I'll turn it off and doze off in an hour or so. On the occasion the racing thoughts are too much, I may end up not sleeping at all, but that's pretty rare nowadays.

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I could stay awake all night if I wanted to, as long as I have some sort of stimuli to keep me awake, such as games/internet.

However if I'm laying in bed and doing anything like reading, I'll eventually fall asleep doing so if I'm tired. But playing a fast-paced game that isn't turn-based like FE would also keep me awake. Can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep playing FE and waking up to a dead GBA/DS.

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I just lay in my bed and think. I mostly think about concepts for stories and such. Don't always get to sleep fast.

Edited by Knight
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I have a electronic music box that plays the sound of rushing water. It's very soothing. :)

If I'm not home, I usually prefer complete darkness.

But, um, I kick back, close my eyes, and try not to think much. And I sleep.

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Too much melatonin. Like three large doses every night.

Also lots of masturbation duh

Melatonin hasn't been helping me a ton... I think it makes sleep deeper but doesn't make you drowsy.

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I go on Skype on my phone and talk before I become more drowsy.

If that doesn't work and it's getting rather late or I just wanna sleep soon but I'm not sleepy, I'll take one melatonin (300mg) pill. Two if it's the weekend, but only because I'd probably end up sleeping a lot longer if I take two.

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I always take my pants off when I play gamecube.

I just don't wear pants in general when I'm at home, pants are horrible things, but so are my legs.

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