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QOTD Thread: The End


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Ehhh it depends on the game, but I usually perfer playing characters that match my sex. However, I'll play as a male if I like their design a lot better OR if the game has good replay value/has differences like love interests I might make a seperate male file then.

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A girl kicking ass is usually cooler to me than a guy kicking ass, but a good deal/possibly a majority of my actual "roleplay" characters have been male. Not sure why

I usually try out all the options in games and such, regardless

e: basically Esme already gave my answer

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I'm a simple girl who is perfectly fine just playing as girls =o

Unless I don't like how the female looks~

And if there's customization then I'd DEFINITELY play as a girl because that is fun stuffs!! ^o^

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You should totally play Suikoden, I think they have the She-Hulk there!


Well...not exactly, but close enough right?

YAY someone mentioned Suikoden.

I like playing as a guy or girl, but my favorite character to play as was Captain Viridian from VVVVVV (vvvvvv?), and I'm pretty sure he's a guy.

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I play as a female most of the time, partly for my gender and partly 'cause I tend to use my own OCs in the creation process (if there is one) that happen to be female. I'll play as a male sometimes, but only if they're at least moderately pretty or if it's like Pokémon, 'cause I don't really like Sir Buff McManroid character models. :/

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hm...i'm not exactly sure how i feel. like in pokemon for example, i would always pick the girl. i've tried picking the buy before so i can feel like i have this thing where the beautiful may of gen III would appear when i'd least expect it, but ehh...they didn't make the encounters very exciting...

so yeah in one of my favorite games, final fantasy crysta; chronicles, there would be 4 races of characters...the clavats(most like humans, balanced fighters), the lilties(strong, pudgy people), the yukes(tall magical ceatures), and the selkies(also like humans, fast fighters). i would pick girls for the clavats and selkies, and guys for the other two.

it's also kinda the same in my favorite game, custom robo. my favorite male robos generally look less humanoid than my favorite females. even though my single favorite robo in that game is a male...i'm gonna have to pick females for this question...

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when it comes to stuff like the character is just your self insert I just pick the one that's more visually pleasing to me

when it comes to stuff with an actual character and personality then it depends bruh

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