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QOTD Thread: The End


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I could probably survive without any technology...well except stuff that will make food. Of course, I don't cook either but someone will be cooking the food so I'll need those. And water/soda too.

However, I'd prefer not to loose my current electronics.

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I'm pretty sure survival is possible without any technological things, so everything.

Show me a single instance of a man that grew up in society successfully living off in nature with no use of technology. That means no clothes, no tools, no foodstuffs. Nothing beyond what he was born with.

Some of our ancestors didn't even do this hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is evidence of tool usage millions of years ago, in fact. Simply put, tools are who we are. They are as defining to us as barking is to canines.

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Don't get too worked up, Esau-sama. I was talking about modern technology, since I assumed that was the idea of the question.

So yeah. :V

Some of our ancestors didn't even do this hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is evidence of tool usage millions of years ago, in fact. Simply put, tools are who we are. They are as defining to us as barking is to canines.

Did you know though, the protohumans didn't know how to fight. Dinobot taught them to make weapons and use them to defend themselves.

Edited by Nightmare
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Show me a single instance of a man that grew up in society successfully living off in nature with no use of technology. That means no clothes, no tools, no foodstuffs. Nothing beyond what he was born with.

Some of our ancestors didn't even do this hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is evidence of tool usage millions of years ago, in fact. Simply put, tools are who we are. They are as defining to us as barking is to canines.

lol dude i'm pretty sure you're the only person defining "technology" as "literally everything that is not human"

cool your tits

Edited by Integrity
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Don't get too worked up, Esau-sama. I was talking about modern technology, since I assumed that was the idea of the question.

So yeah. :V

Did you know though, the protohumans didn't know how to fight. Dinobot taught them to make weapons and use them to defend themselves.

pics or it didn't happen I only watched season 1 D:<

lol dude i'm pretty sure you're the only person defining "technology" as "literally everything that is not human"

cool your tits


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New question! No more of this technology bullshit for awhile.

What is your favorite strategy game scenario or campaign? I'm kinda surprised I didn't think of asking this question sooner considering this is a site about Fire Emblem but oh well. The scenario or campaign doesn't need to be from a Fire Emblem game.

For instance, one of my favorite campaigns is "The Chosen Ones," which is a custom campaign for Warcraft 3. I remember downloading it when I didn't have stable internet and was screwing around on Warcraft 3. While it wasn't complete when I played it, the design of it was so thorough in terms of having hidden goodies and despite the campaign being only about 8-9 maps long, each map could easily consume hours upon hours of time to complete, especially with the optional content. The music choices helped too. I guess there's some others too, but *shrug*. (Advance Wars: Days of Ruin had a decent campaign too, imo)

For a single scenario, maybe the Battle for Hyjal from WC3 Reign of Chaos? Pretty hard to say, really.

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it may not be my favorite campaign (i haven't thought nearly enough to make that assessment) but one of the hugely standout ones for me was the imperial guard campaign in dawn of war: winter assault. one, you're already imperial guard in wh40k (hahaha) and you're fucking with everything in the galaxy, and then you go to something and your eldar "buddies" are like "FFFFUCK, necrons, fuck this shit" and you're left to deal with SUDDENLY NECRONS

it was quite the moment

my favorite level probably comes from a myth game. nothing's made me giggle like the bow of lightning mission from myth 1, or the pure memorial potential of out of the barrier.


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...But Advance Wars Days of Ruin (or Dark Conflict as we Europeans knew it) ended with the most evil level ever. Damn Stolos (Caulder) and his poison bomb lobbing Owl Nest!

My favorite campaign is a toss up between Homeworld 1 and Homeworld Cataclysm. They may be old space rts's, but they had atmosphere!

Although the two campaigns of C&C Tiberian Sun: Firestorm were good as well, particularly as happenings in one campaign were often referenced in the other.

Best level? Again, it's a toss up: The Cathedral of Khadesh fromHomeworld 1, and mission 6 from Homeworld Cataclysm. The former a frantic battle in the heart of a nebulae, Kadeshi Swarmers... uh, swarming in from all sides, a massive array of ion beams firing in all directions as their Multi-Beam Frigates join the fray, your own forces hurling out hundreds of mass driver rounds and the odd ion beam of their own in a possibly futile attempt to keep the enemy off your Mothership...

...And meanwhile, nearly lost amidst all this carnage, your unarmed Salvage Corvettes are quietly sneaking out, grabbing hold of enemy frigates and dragging them back to your Mothership for capture purposes. This battle was just epic, and then came the reveal at the end...

As for Cataclysm's example, your simple mining ship, the only fully operational Hiigaran super capital in the area, has just survived an encounter with 'the Beast (an eldritch abomination creature that consumes anything it touches - ships, creatures etc. - into a twisted fusion being linked by a hive mind - and it gets worse, but that's getting off topic). A lone, damaged Carrier under your protection, your crew makes the choice to cross a nebulae in an attempt to shake pursuit. But, minor problem, turns out there's a not-so-friendly Taidan base hidden in here, with quite a large fleet at its disposal - and you have mostly anti-fighter craft at your disposal. It's a tense journey, having to clear out mines, watch out for enemy patrols that stumble upon you and eliminating them before they can report your presence, not to mention engage in a little sabotage when you find one of the meanest ships ever waiting for you. A relatively slow paced level, but enjoyable.

Really, most Homeworld levels could fit in here.

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I don't really know.

Nevar forget Dinobot ;_____;7

he died for our sins of not being good at killing shit

Oh yeah, I forgot the video doesn't show the beginning and end, but at the beginning of the episode, a protohuman is trying to break open a coconut but can't, and a giant snake attacks him and he's helpless against it. But at the end, using Dinobot's improvised tool, another protohuman breaks open the coconut and kills the snake.

so cool

(but never as cool as Dinobot)

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Fire Emblem 7. The only other strategy game I play is civilization, which to my knowledge is campaignless

There are dozens of historical scenarios, though, like the fall of rome, the unification of china, the japanese invasion of korea under hideyoshi, and so on. (and some fantasy ones, especially in civ 4)

..fuck, that's a hard one. I don't know if I could even limit it to one game, much less a particular campaign or scenario. Civ has definitely had most of my time spent of them all, though. Smoky Skies, maybe? fuck, there's so much to choose from

That reminds me, I really need to pick up Age of Empires II HD, that was the best shit I never actually played as a kid because I was scared of screwing up

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I don't really know.

Oh yeah, I forgot the video doesn't show the beginning and end, but at the beginning of the episode, a protohuman is trying to break open a coconut but can't, and a giant snake attacks him and he's helpless against it. But at the end, using Dinobot's improvised tool, another protohuman breaks open the coconut and kills the snake.

so cool

(but never as cool as Dinobot)

No, actually the video showed the part with the protohuman (shuman?) killing the coconut and the snake. Ya, kill all the coconuts.

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