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QOTD Thread: The End


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Nothing terrible happens if someone does not buy a product. Whether it is physical or digital, the burden falls on the creator to make people want to pay. People are not obligated to buy things when they pass them in the store. People pay for the higher quality and cheaper model every time because they are only looking for how they will profit, not how the other side will. From a customer perspective, they are looking for a mutually beneficial trade and they are getting ripped off if the artist charges more for a product and requires more hassle to acquire it than another supplier. They don't feel the situation is mutually beneficial when better options are on the table, so they'll go to a different store instead of buying from the source. It's the same with piracy.

People should be compensated for their works voluntarily. I love compensating artists. If more of my money goes to the artist, I'm willing to pay a higher price for the same product.

Despite that, I can't help but get angry when someone is physically accosted and labeled a criminal because they didn't think the artist's offer was an even trade. Enjoying someone else's work without helping them out is a bad move, but arresting people ruins lives. Which is worse: listening to a person play a song and then leaving without dropping change into their cup, or arresting someone because they refused to leave change? I say that arresting them is worse every time.

Some services have innovated to a point where piracy is less appealing than paying. Netflix, for example. I pay for and use Netflix because it offers convenience and affordability that no individual television channel offers and it's usually much easier and higher quality than piracy. Others will follow if they really want to cut down on piracy. Innovation is the only thing that's working, and it's doing so without hurting anyone.

Edited by Makaze
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Nothing terrible happens if someone does not buy a product. Whether it is physical or digital, the burden falls on the creator to make people want to pay. People are not obligated to buy things when they pass them in the store. People pay for the higher quality and cheaper model every time because they are only looking for how they will profit, not how the other side will. From a customer perspective, they are looking for a mutually beneficial trade and they are getting ripped off if the artist charges more for a product and requires more hassle to acquire it than another supplier. They don't feel the situation is mutually beneficial when better options are on the table, so they'll go to a different store instead of buying from the source. It's the same with piracy.

People should be compensated for their works voluntarily. I love compensating artists. If more of my money goes to the artist, I'm willing to pay a higher price for the same product.

Despite that, I can't help but get angry when someone is physically accosted and labeled a criminal because they didn't think the artist's offer was an even trade. Enjoying someone else's work without helping them out is a bad move, but arresting people ruins lives. Which is worse: listening to a person play a song and then leaving without dropping change into their cup, or arresting someone because they refused to leave change? I say that arresting them is worse every time.

Some services have innovated to a point where piracy is less appealing than paying. Netflix, for example. I pay for and use Netflix because it offers convenience and affordability that no individual television channel offers and it's usually much easier and higher quality than piracy. Others will follow if they really want to cut down on piracy. Innovation is the only thing that's working, and it's doing so without hurting anyone.

While I am generally critical of today's laws regarding peer to peer sharing, it is different to on one hand claim that piracy is a beneficial force --which I agree-- and on the other to compare it to buying a product at another store. For one, other stores which operate as wholesalers for a product do have to buy each of those items. As opposed to piracy the artist is compensated monetarily for each exchange. I must say that I take issue with some of the verbiage, however; there is no such thing as an event where someone is ripped off by an artist, because none of the goods any artist sells are necessary at all. You and I may complain that someone prices some entertainment object at what we think is a high price, but you wouldn't buy it if you didn't think you were getting a deal in the first place.

The problem with piracy is more a lack of control on the artist's part than a problem with simple pricing. When a carpenter constructs a chair he spends time and effort putting it together, not to mention funds to gather the materials needed to assemble the product. The same is also true of those artists that create music, games, and the like. The issue is of course that unlike a chair, these entertainment goods are consumed digitally, and aren't enjoyed in a solely physical manner. If you think a chair looks nice but the price is too high, you just deal with it and continue on. If you feel a game looks interesting but isn't worth what the manufacturer is looking for, you can simply torrent it for no charge at all. So while it takes years to put together many games and put it on the market, it can be copied ad infinitum for essentially no cost whatsoever.

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While I am generally critical of today's laws regarding peer to peer sharing, it is different to on one hand claim that piracy is a beneficial force --which I agree-- and on the other to compare it to buying a product at another store. For one, other stores which operate as wholesalers for a product do have to buy each of those items. As opposed to piracy the artist is compensated monetarily for each exchange. I must say that I take issue with some of the verbiage, however; there is no such thing as an event where someone is ripped off by an artist, because none of the goods any artist sells are necessary at all. You and I may complain that someone prices some entertainment object at what we think is a high price, but you wouldn't buy it if you didn't think you were getting a deal in the first place.

The problem with piracy is more a lack of control on the artist's part than a problem with simple pricing. When a carpenter constructs a chair he spends time and effort putting it together, not to mention funds to gather the materials needed to assemble the product. The same is also true of those artists that create music, games, and the like. The issue is of course that unlike a chair, these entertainment goods are consumed digitally, and aren't enjoyed in a solely physical manner. If you think a chair looks nice but the price is too high, you just deal with it and continue on. If you feel a game looks interesting but isn't worth what the manufacturer is looking for, you can simply torrent it for no charge at all. So while it takes years to put together many games and put it on the market, it can be copied ad infinitum for essentially no cost whatsoever.

The difference between a picture of a chair and a chair becomes blurred with the invention of 3D printing. If I think a chair looks nice but the price is too high, I may buy materials and make it myself for a much lower price or buy from someone else who did the same. Patents are the equivalent of copyrights in the physical world, but they will become nearly identical when you can download any design and create it at home.

Edited by Makaze
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Keep in mind that 3D printing is still prohibitively expensive, not to mention crude compared to conventional means. There are alternative cheaper means of getting products while skirting laws depending on the item, but they are similarly usually of a lower quality. Anyone with any internet-capable computer and the most modest of education about torrenting can download just about anything available digitally for absolutely no charge beyond running the electricity for the machine.

In any event, assuming the technology of 3D printers continues advancing at high levels, it will similarly make traditional approaches to our system of trading more difficult. It is not that I don't think these technologies are revolutionary, but you must realize the problems that come with a system where a creator cannot reasonably expect payment as compared to working with other more tangible goods right now. Surely you understand that in the same sense a consumer would prefer a system where they can press a button and get the product they want for less payment, a producer will similarly follow the path of least resistance in making profit. This is why you see so many developing studios pushing for small, bite-sized games on very controlled markets, where everything is a microtransaction. They are cheap to develop and are often played on devices that have heavy restrictions, so the risks are comparatively small. Can you say you would be as fine with investing millions and millions of dollars and man-hours into a colossal, visionary venture when at any time after you've made it any consumer could just take it without giving you a dime in return?

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I agree with Gabe Newell on pirating being a service problem. This isn't always the case for everyone but it does apply to me.

Example: My thoughts on the localization of Tales of Xilla. While we were fortunate to get another Tales of game. There are people who didn't buy the game because of no Japanese voices with sub. This is clearly a service problem. I'm OK with paying extra and if other people are not OK with paying extra for dual audio. They could have released two versions of the game and charge more for the dual audio version. I prefer Japanese voices(Anime is a must, subs or gtfo), especially Elise.(they fucking ruined her cuteness with that shitty English voicing)

They said it costs extra for dual audio which is the reason they didn't include it while they release a limited edition of the game which costs extra. I would take dual audio any day over having extra shit packaged nicely, although I'll take the extra shit and dual audio as well. If people can pay more money for a limited edition of the game, they can certainly pay more for dual audio as well. Solves the problem of people complaining about not purchasing the game because of the English dub. I love buying limited edition stuff but focus more on game quality over giving extra trinkets.

Yes I do pirate plenty of stuff due to various reasons. I don't justify my reasons are morally right but fuck reasoning. I don't buy anything related to portable consoles or Microsoft. Why don't I buy portable gaming stuff? Because I don't want the US market to turn into what became of Japan turning into a portable gaming market. I love playing games on a large screen TV or PC with surround sound. Also Sega Saturn controller or Arcade Stick is a big plus.

If I find something I really like I'll buy it. If it sucked, good I just spared myself from supporting a shitty game/anime/music.

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@Esau: I see what you're getting at. They don't compare well in practice. In my defense, I was arguing from an ethical point of view when I started out.

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I don't remember typos that well ;~;

All I know is typos are why gasap exists

And the same typo over and over again is why in IRC I get notified by "Frehor"

and both of those are from Night too

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The time gIO put "nig" instead of "sig". This was doubly terrible because he was talking to Emerald at the time.

Oh, and that time I put "friendshit" instead of "friendship".

Edited by Lanselot
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hymen = human

I jumped about 8+ feet and landed awfully and now i'm like...limping

Horizontally or from a platform/window? Also, my sympathies. I will sacrifice a goat in your name.

I'm pretty sure that ewes are more effective.

Perhaps for Judaism, but I was planning on sacrificing to Odin.

My theme is just awesome.

Note: In my culture, hymens are the best to use.

The laws must be a bit different in your country. Remind me not to go there.

Fixed, humans now.

What a typo...

Edited by Makaze
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