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I take various medication for my allergies and asthma and also the odd pain reliever here and there. Besides that, it's just caffeine (soda, energy drinks, coffee) and occasionally some alcohol.

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Pain killers, allergy medicine, and... well I used to have inhalers when I had money for them

My dad smokes but since he doesn't want it around any of his kids (and especially me with the asthma) he only does it outdoors or, during the cold winter, in our garage~ Which is why the garage is a place we kinda don't go x3 But it doesn't always keep the smoke away from us so I guess you could sort of say I get secondhand smoke as... drugs I'm sorta taking? But thankfully, it isn't that much~ (most of the time I think it's just the scent anyway x3)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I take various medication for my allergies and asthma and also the odd pain reliever here and there. Besides that, it's just caffeine (soda, energy drinks, coffee) and occasionally some alcohol.

Oh yeah, I forgot energy drinks. That's another source of caffeine for me.

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Some caffeine, but only soda (no coffee, energy drinks, whatever).

Of course I drank alcohol once or twice, but I dislike everything I tried so far.

Antihistamines some years ago, but I don't need them anymore.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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At any one time I consume more caffeine in a day than the average coffee drinker consumes in half a week. I have always had a problem with insomnia so I use high doses of caffeine to compensate. Unfortunately, high doses of caffeine are associated with sleeplessness and general lethargy. So it's no doubt worsened my sleep cycles.

Otherwise, I suppose I don't often partake in any drugs regularly for recreation of my own accord. That said, I do generally participate if friends offer when we're hanging out. A beer is always nice to enjoy with friends, and passing around a hookah can be nice. Some of my friends are big pot smokers and always insist on me joining them, but I'm not a fan of being high so I often say no. I'm far more affected by marijuana than the lot of them, so if I do join them I'm often left forgetting what they said at the beginning of their sentences by the time they finish them. Similar to being drunk, then, I don't do much of anything and just sit there quietly. Which seems to irritate them. Which in turn irritates me because I didn't want to be made stupid in the first place. Circle of life and all that.

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Multivitamins sometimes, if I remember. Idk if that counts :O But yeah, LOTS of caffeine. Coffee or tea, a couple times a week. I know it's not THAT much by some standards, but after a prolonged period of time...I'm surprised I haven't gotten addicted to it yet. Also, my dad suggests that I eat one square of dark chocolate every day for the antitoxins, so, there's that.

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I used to take Zoloft, Abilify, Celexa, Lamictal, Aleve (for headaches), Pamprin (for cramps), but I'm only actively taking Celexa right now.

Edited by Mitsuki
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- Hot chocolate, in moderation (too much caffeine puts me to sleep, and I can't afford to sleep on the job)

- OTC painkillers, once a month, because my body is stupid like that

Don't/can't do anything else. I've wound up in the emergency room after taking some meds my doctor prescribed me - I don't think it's worth the risk to see what would happen if I took other stuff!

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...Just for the record, the word 'drugs' generally only means the illegal stuff here in the UK. Cocaine, heroin, that sort of thing. And I don't take anything like that.

Pro Plus on the other hand, I quite often use. They're caffeine tablets in case you're wondering - I can't stand coffee, so that's my alternative. And I'll occasionally use decongestants if a particularly nasty cold decides to move in. Otherwise, nope, I'd rather let it blow over on its own thank-you-very-much.

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