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QOTD Thread: The End


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Well, I guess it depends. If I can still do meaningful work, then I would happily never go to school again. But then you said 'no working' so....I'm not really sure. I guess you could still be doing volunteer or charity work. Does that count? :O

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Nah. Fuck, if I had infinite money and no responsibilities I would take SO many liberal arts classes.

I'd take all those CS electives I don't have time to take to graduate on time myself personally since running out of scholarship after 4 years is no longer a concern

There's enough electives I want to take for another entire semester based on cs classes alone

I could also go get that digital arts minor


Edited by Thor Odinson
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According to a research, not doing anything makes it easier for the brain to decay

Or something like that


Also I happen to enjoy doing stuff, even though people around me might think I am lazy(mostly thanks to my lack of expression during works and study tbh)

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I'd take all those CS electives I don't have time to take to graduate on time myself personally since running out of scholarship after 4 years is no longer a concern

There's enough electives I want to take for another entire semester based on cs classes alone

I could also go get that digital arts minor


i already plan to someday when i have nothing to do sign up for arabic 1, chinese 1, latin 1, and greek 1 and try to carry those four class tracks their full two years

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New question!

I don't know how many people caught on to this from current events, but recently there was a bomb threat at Harvard University during finals week. According to one article, the person who made the threat was doing it to get out of doing his final exams. Given the information above, this brings me to today's question: What are your thoughts on the Harvard bomb threat?

Personally I think it's pretty serious stuff especially given the Boston bombings earlier in the year. What really caught my attention, however, was the motive for issuing the threat to begin with. While I'm not a fan of doing exams, this seems like a very extreme move to make to get out of doing some exams that I'm sure students would have to make up at some point anyways. I guess it's also worth pointing out that given that this news has been a large source of coverage over the last couple days, I hope it won't persist too long on the national level. While it's serious, the news media tend to drag out big stories like this way too long in my opinion.

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next question please

seriously why is this a topic

nobody has opinions on this, literally everybody is going to say "it was a really shitty idea and the guy deserves [something]"

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New question!

What do you think is the largest source of financial waste? Why? You can either choose to define the source of financial waste on a personal level or a general level of sorts. The concept of what you believe is a "financial waste" is also open for interpretation (so for instance you can say the U.S. national debt is a good argument that the U.S. government is wasting money).

For instance, what I believe is a financial waste is the act of purchasing something but having it go to minimal end The result of this is mostly excessive consumer activity, an act of buying goods, but a majority of them end up being unused or barely used and possibly hoarded or thrown out. I share this issue to a point, though I try my best to reduce it as much as possible.

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My biggest expenditure is easily eating out, I think Eclipse is probably right on the money for the majority of consumers. It's commonly-stated that we are well-educated and rational in a capitalist environment, but at least when applied to decisions made in the long-term many fail to meet such a label by any realistic standard. Why not get a coffee every morning? It's just two bucks a day. Five times a week, fifty-two weeks a year. Half a grand in coffee alone. We all have some weak budget for entertainment goods that are more expensive, after all hammering away at your money in sixty dollar increments is obviously bad. But little three dollar taps go relatively unnoticed.

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