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QOTD Thread: The End


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somewhere around two hours...? I don't know, the heaviest things i download are games and maybe the heaviest has been League of Legends. Its never been so long i remember it i guess.

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New question!

Out of the seven deadly sins, which do you find yourself the most prone to? Reminds me of a certain flash game I used to play...

I'd safely say Sloth, followed closely by Gluttony. Those sins might as well be merged into one though. I try to avoid the other sins like the plague, especially Pride (Shirley is going to kill me).

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That question is pretty funny ^^

Last year in school we (the theater group) wrote a play oursefes and the topic we decided on were the seven deadly sins!

Yeah, in the developement we split into different grous to bainstorm about the different sins and I was in the group for sloth. After some dicussions we had the scene: some person is lying on a couch and trunes on the tv, but the displayed programm is painfully boring so the person wantes to switch chanells, but loses the remote.

When the person is about to reach out and grab the remote, some random persons enters the room and kicks the remote so far away that the person is unable to grab it from the couch and would have to get up in order to do so.

So yeah this is when the sloth kicks in and, as the person does not want to stand up so he/she tries to grab the remote in really wierd ways that become wierder and wierder everytime the person tries to do so.

After every failed attempt the person tires to distract themselfs with random stuff but it doesn't work.

In the end the person has the saving idea that he/she could ask one of the spectators to grab the remote for them, and after reciving the remote tries to switch chanells but it doest work and then the person in the film (you could only see his back the whole time) turns around and wears one of the trademark masks we had for the sins. (i hope this whole explanation is at least somewhat understandable ^^')

So yeah I was selected to perform this scene in the end, and well

i didn't have to play one bit :D

TL;DR: sloth

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