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QOTD Thread: The End


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harvey's/subway fairly cheap for a lazy-ass-no-life-skills-bastard like my self

I do buy things to put in toaster oven and shit like eggo or bread and juice. Gotta have juice. These things are acquired at things like walmart/place that sell them cheap

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Cherry Town or MaxValu for food.

Sometime I might pop into other places for clothes, cookware, or books, but generally all the rest of my shopping is done online because my awkward location makes that most cost effective.

Obligatory WIIIIIIIIIIST [/death metal scream]

I have little choice. Walmart and SaveMart. For sundry items and food respectively. For clothes, i go to Kohl's or where ever i see awesome stuff. There isnt a Target in my town and for once in my life, i am duly grateful. (see retail breach for details) I also love the Goodwill and a store called Out of The Closet in San Francisco (thrift store) for used goodies.

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Theres a thrift store down the street from me where i scored some badass plaid/houndstooth pants today. 3 big ones. *Thwomps with victory* I love second hand. I have many a scarf that way. (only from consignment)

Sometimes theres a clothing swap at the club i go to in SF. I scored some cool stuff from there too. They need to have another one cuz i got loads of clothes to get rid of cuz i lost a ton of weight.

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New question!

What nicknames have you gone by? Don't need to list what you don't want to.

While there's any number of names I could list, the strangest one of them all was "Frenchy." I don't even...but it stuck. I guess if there's any interest I can tell the story behind the name, but atm I'm too tired.

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I've never willingly gone by any nicknames, but my cousin's called me Kygle since she was a little kid. Ky-Ky seems to be a baby name that's used more often than others. And I guess a friend sometimes refers to me by Cap or Captain after an injoke years ago.

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I get called Rae whenever people don't just use my full first name and that's really it

I've never really been creatively nicknamed irl

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Lance, because my step-father reckons that a 'lance' is someone that is gay. I'm not gay myself though, so the reasoning behind this one confuses me. I'd look up this definition (because I've never heard 'lance' be used in such a way), but I really can't be bothered. Either way, other family members started to jokingly called me Lance too, so I'm kinda used to it

We also have Justin, because a couple of years ago I had a very similar hairstyle to Justin Bieber's old hairstyle (same hair colour didn't help too), so that's the reason behind that one

I'm pretty sure there's one more, but I can't remember it

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famously, ike

pretty much never any others (a very few people are allowed to use aiku as an affectionate pet name) but my parents did call me "troll" or "troll prince" for the first year or so of my life because i was a hateful monster

they stopped when i started talking and they realized i thought my name was actually troll

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famously, ike

pretty much never any others (a very few people are allowed to use aiku as an affectionate pet name) but my parents did call me "troll" or "troll prince" for the first year or so of my life because i was a hateful monster

they stopped when i started talking and they realized i thought my name was actually troll

I'm crying.

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famously, ike

pretty much never any others (a very few people are allowed to use aiku as an affectionate pet name) but my parents did call me "troll" or "troll prince" for the first year or so of my life because i was a hateful monster

they stopped when i started talking and they realized i thought my name was actually troll

Most beautiful story.

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