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QOTD Thread: The End


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ohey guys i never exercise unless you count guitar playing

...You seem to truly care for this girl, even after your abrupt parting, wishing for her happiness is quite self-less, but you should be focusing your efforts on yourself, all the things that reopen your wounds have got to go, you've got to discard that poison... After that, then start to mend your mind and heart... Now I wonder, did you meet her before or after you joined SF and what was she like during your time together?

yeah, i would have gotten over her by now if i didn't really care for her...i don't know how to start mending myself, because i generally feel inclined to express how i feel and trying to just forget her gives me a heightened feeling of tension. it's why i changed my set and filtered my friends list, etc...

i met her after i joined sf, but not exactly from sf. i met her on skype. she was a friend of an acquaintance, and yeah she was that kind of sensitive and caring person that wouldn't really talk about why she was upset unless you came and asked which was...both a good thing and a bad thing really...but other than that, she was open enough to talk about like anything. reallyy. if...i had to attempt to summarize what i'd like in a partner she probably wouldn't comply with all the guidelines, but you probably know how things are...you just feel like you belong with a person and there's some sort of unique feeling of peace.

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Preferably one that doesn't have tests on it

I fucking hate tests

Even though I hate the shit out of deadlines give me projects instead

Like week 1: play the shit out of assassin's creed week 2- 14 make the shit out of assassin's creed with literally everyone else in the department because hey ubisoft has a 500-600 people team

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Well, as an honorary nerd I could not fit all the classes I'd like to take into one syllabus.

Chemistry, biology, earth science, world history, mathematics, basically the usual.

I'd also like to take programming, band and German classes, and language arts I can live with.

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0 true midterms, 5 tests valued at between 15-20%, and assignments 10% ((1% each)). This was my programming syllabus and it was wonderful, no worrying about a final exam and the test were only on the material from the past 2 weeks so it was really easy to keep up.

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I'd give my students multiple marking schemes, whichever gets them the highest mark

45% Assignments

25% Midterm

30% Final

100% Final (even if finals are stupid its supposed to be about the whole course. If you get 100% on it, you learned the material on the course, you should get 100% in the course).

25% Assignments

25% Midterm

50% Final

Honestly i hate courses that have only one marking scheme with a crappy mark division like 65-80% Final... Whats the point of giving out assignments if the exam and tests are stupidly weighted? You might as well have given everyone a break from required assignments then and just given practice examples. Instead of wasting everyone time for a measly 1% a week. Finals are also a stupid thing in my opinion. Even though they are fairly okay at testing the student's knowledge of the course theoretically, in practice it becomes stupid due to things like schedule during finals (3 finals right after eachother? good luck >_>). Another problem is retarded unreasonable professors. "Lol lets place a fuckton of questions on this exam so it takes 5 hours to do but instead we'll give them 2 hours and a half". Damn all of those bastards. A shout out to those professors who are kind and understand the student plight.

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No homework. No quizzes. No mandatory attendance. No labs.

Four exams make up your entire grade, with all the relevant material covered in class. It was the most glorious class, and I really miss that format.

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My Ideal course syllabus is one where the assignments and all other projects don't get retardedly outweighed by the exams... for example, I'm taking an online class and I oversleep and my exam is sitting right there, I finally get to my damn exam and then my goddamned internet clunks out on me, causing me to fail my exam and consequently the course, for example... fuck that, I prefer the assignments take the most priority, since you'll be doing those most of the time

yeah, i would have gotten over her by now if i didn't really care for her...i don't know how to start mending myself, because i generally feel inclined to express how i feel and trying to just forget her gives me a heightened feeling of tension. it's why i changed my set and filtered my friends list, etc...

i met her after i joined sf, but not exactly from sf. i met her on skype. she was a friend of an acquaintance, and yeah she was that kind of sensitive and caring person that wouldn't really talk about why she was upset unless you came and asked which was...both a good thing and a bad thing really...but other than that, she was open enough to talk about like anything. reallyy. if...i had to attempt to summarize what i'd like in a partner she probably wouldn't comply with all the guidelines, but you probably know how things are...you just feel like you belong with a person and there's some sort of unique feeling of peace.

Could it be... more than just wanting her back, you want to know if she's all right and where she is...? Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but that's one of the possibilities I drew when I thought about you, and yeah, if you try to force your thoughts/feeling, and such away from her, you'll hurt yourself, or in your case, spiked tension.

I'm pretty sure my suggestions are turtle slow, but have you asked that acquaintance or any friends who knew her about her? I'm trying to consider my options before I consider suggesting this or that... it's a bad habit of mine to be meticulous like that... I haven't felt that feeling in a long time, but I know the feeling your describing, I wasn't able to describe it when I was younger, but yeah

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New question!

What is, in your opinion, the worst superhero power? Really speaks for itself. I expect a lot of Aquaman references, since it is preferred the superhero power exists and isn't some stupid power that can exist but hasn't been used yet. Supernatural abilities, such as mutant powers from X-Men, etc...count as a superhero power. If you choose a superhero with multiple powers (I believe Superman falls into this category), you can take an individual power and analyze that. Here's one such potential list of powers to choose from, though there's certainly more.

Believe it or not, I would go with superhuman speed (mostly because I don't want to hate on Aquaman). Firstly, the activity can either burn a lot of body energy (which is bad because there would be some enormous limitations) or very little body energy (meaning your body burns energy at exceedingly high levels of efficiency, which would suck to deal with in terms of practicality). Secondly, in almost every case there is another power that is superior to moving fast. For combat, the person's blows aren't going to be all that much stronger compared to someone with super strength and agility can be compensated for with various other super powers, such as flight and so on. For travel, teleportation and flight are almost always better.

I will, however, assert that superhuman speeds in conjunction with other powers can work great wonders.

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I took a gander at that list... man, there were so many powers I didn't know about...

But the worst for me is between self-destruction... And the eating one... but I'd wouldn't say worst , I'd say most useless

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