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QOTD Thread: The End


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I am not understanding this three prisoners dilemma. If the warden names that B is to be executed then only one of the two remaining can be named pardoned. Is this just supposed to be saying that the mathematical possibility that he flipped a coin is supposed to be considered instead of discarded like Prisoner A did?


There were three options: A, B and C. At this point, each has 1/3 chance of being pardoned. The judge then has to name one person who will be executed to A. A never learns about their fate. The judge must choose between the other two options. If the judge eliminates B, A has not learned anything because no matter what the judge will pick B or C. However, having picked B, C now knows the identity of at least one of the others and knows that they were not picked. Consider the following:

Scenario 1: A will be pardoned. The warden must flip a coin. They get B. (1/6)

Scenario 2: A will be pardoned. The warden must flip a coin. They get C. (1/6)

Scenario 3: B will be pardoned. The warden must tell A that C will be executed. (1/3)

Scenario 4: C will be pardoned. The warden must tell A that B will be executed. (1/3)

The judge choosing B eliminates Scenarios 2 and 3, leaving us with two unequal options:

Scenario 1: A will be pardoned. The warden must flip a coin. They get B. (1/6)

Scenario 2: C will be pardoned. The warden must tell A that B will be executed. (1/3)

The judge is twice as likely to say that B will be executed if C will be pardoned than they are to say that B will be executed if both will be executed. Therefore the probability that C will be pardoned is 2/3.

Edited by Makaze
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Could it be... more than just wanting her back, you want to know if she's all right and where she is...? Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but that's one of the possibilities I drew when I thought about you, and yeah, if you try to force your thoughts/feeling, and such away from her, you'll hurt yourself, or in your case, spiked tension.

I'm pretty sure my suggestions are turtle slow, but have you asked that acquaintance or any friends who knew her about her? I'm trying to consider my options before I consider suggesting this or that... it's a bad habit of mine to be meticulous like that... I haven't felt that feeling in a long time, but I know the feeling your describing, I wasn't able to describe it when I was younger, but yeah

it could be...i feel like things are so unresolved. the bf gf couple that i met her from alienated themselves from me and my friends and drifted away from us. they wouldn't talk to me anymore. that may or may not be part of the reason, but i already know for a fact that serenity was already using skype before she even met me or any of my friends.

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it could be...i feel like things are so unresolved. the bf gf couple that i met her from alienated themselves from me and my friends and drifted away from us. they wouldn't talk to me anymore. that may or may not be part of the reason, but i already know for a fact that serenity was already using skype before she even met me or any of my friends.

Hmm..!? I feel like I'm getting close,(to what, I'm not sure...) but did those friends of hers break communication before or after your friend's sudden disappearance?

(Bonus points if you can recall the last conversation with her, and her friends... though I'd stare intently at you for holding onto that pain, but still...)(Oh, and if it's too personal, but you still wanna say, PM it to me)

Edited by Soledai
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New question. Time for some backlog usage!

What is one thing that you used to like but hate now? Was requested ages ago. Sort of similar to other questions. Blah blah blah.

I remember when I didn't give a care in the world and...went swimming in the local lake or the ocean, not knowing what kind of nasty things could lurk in the waters. I very rarely swim in lakes or oceans nowadays (I mean heck, I barely swim ever). I just don't like having to deal with what comes after, whether it's salt water everywhere or whatever else.

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I remember when I didn't give a care in the world and...went swimming in the local lake or the ocean, not knowing what kind of nasty things could lurk in the waters. I very rarely swim in lakes or oceans nowadays (I mean heck, I barely swim ever). I just don't like having to deal with what comes after, whether it's salt water everywhere or whatever else.

What a coincidence...it's exactly the same case with me...

Edited by James Bond
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As a kid, I went swimming in my home village's river and there was apparently a broken bottle or some other sharp object in the water, which left my foot with one monstrous cut. It's still visible 18 or so years later. I couldn't walk for a month and felt shocked about it a pretty long time (I still walk funny, but I'm not sure if it's related to that accident).

Just adding this to the discussion brought up; I have no clue what experiences to recollect when general questions like that pop up (think of one person important to you / a day that changed your life etc.).

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I'm still quite fond of snow in things that I'm just supposed to watch, but it's so inconvenient in real life. As a kid I didn't have to worry about shoveling or transportation, so it was all good fun, and even up until high school I liked it. College is different. Unless there's gigantic-ass storm right outside, we're not getting classes cancelled. I like my classes, but my campus is kinda big and don't have underground tunnels like some other schools I know and walking to each class in the snow is a pain in the ass, especially if they're classes across the campus from each other and I have 10 minutes to go between them. While freezing my ass off. Bonus dickery if there's wind, fuck.

And then in the case of gigantic-ass snow storm there's a chance of power outages. Fuck that shit too. I want my wifi. My room is cold enough as it is it does not need to be colder.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Granted I've gotten somewhat out of my phase of " I suck etc etc" I still dislike myself to a degree, no matter what. No matter how much I get told otherwise or complimented by friends or family. My own standards for myself are much too high for me to actually meet.

Mistakes I've made still haunt me from time to time despite learning from them.

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Granted I've gotten somewhat out of my phase of " I suck etc etc" I still dislike myself to a degree, no matter what. No matter how much I get told otherwise or complimented by friends or family. My own standards for myself are much too high for me to actually meet.

Mistakes I've made still haunt me from time to time despite learning from them.

... ;~;

I understand that so well, it's scary.

However, the starkest love-to-hate change would be my now pretty strong disliking for weekends and school holidays.

Because then my house goes from "one person, sometimes two and a rabbit" to "six people, sometimes seven and a rabbit."

... [/little black raincloud mode]

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I never really liked anything before and I still don't.

I still hate a lot of things that I hated before and I still like some things that I like before. Which is pretty rare.

Like, I hated myself then and I still hate myself now.

Edited by FloFlo
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... ;~;

I understand that so well, it's scary.

However, the starkest love-to-hate change would be my now pretty strong disliking for weekends and school holidays.

Because then my house goes from "one person, sometimes two and a rabbit" to "six people, sometimes seven and a rabbit."

... [/little black raincloud mode]

6 to 7 people sounds like a nice time though especially if its family.

Also to others in this thread, I didn't mean to bring down the mood in here I was just being honest.

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fire emblem

also lol @ self-haters

you probably should hate yourself I am pretty fucking amazing so I am fine but maybe you are not as fortunate* as me

* Satire; you are much more fortunate than me but are still tooling around and for that you should be ashamed. Good on you for doing so.

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Granted I've gotten somewhat out of my phase of " I suck etc etc" I still dislike myself to a degree, no matter what. No matter how much I get told otherwise or complimented by friends or family. My own standards for myself are much too high for me to actually meet.

Kind of this, but it's not myself that I hated... I hated my naivete. I hated the fact that I never used to doubt or suspect others, never questioning the meanings behind people's glass, mask-like smiles, and their false sincerity... We're basically the same with the rest, though.

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