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QOTD Thread: The End


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The portuguese language, without a doubt, especially verbs. We have like 20 verb tenses (no hyperbole here), and the verbs have different forms for each grammatical person, almost every verb being irregular. Needless to say, we only actually use like a third of those. I can't remember almost anything from my (portuguese) grammatical classes, even though we spend like 8 years just learning the same things repeatedly.

We even have a tense called "future of the past" (almost like awakening's DLC) and other called "more than perfect past" WTF


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The writing in about 50% of my math textbooks

seriously we're math majors not english majors we don't need big words give us numbers and examples instead plsthx

Ill add to that with certain maths levels being hella fucking complex without...needing to be. At least the processes in doing or figuring out equations. Hoary shit. This is why i fail at maths.

The political structure of...anything really. The EU is like so fucking hella complex and what is even this thing?! Even a person i know whos studying International Relations and the European Union cant even fucking explain it properly cuz its just so up in yer dome! I cant even...i...agh! PSYDUCK!!!

*explodes like that guy in Scanners*


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I dunno man I plug shortcuts all the time in math

Leaving my integrals unsolved is acceptable when it's not calculus class too

It's actually great

math is about as straightforward as I can think of really, if it's too complex it's probably because we actually can't find a shortcut to doing it and there is no better known way until maybe some genius figures it out in which case well fuck

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I dunno man I plug shortcuts all the time in math

Leaving my integrals unsolved is acceptable when it's not calculus class too

It's actually great

math is about as straightforward as I can think of really, if it's too complex it's probably because we actually can't find a shortcut to doing it and there is no better known way until maybe some genius figures it out in which case well fuck

No one ever bothered explaining short cuts to me. *cries*

Its the reason im a viking at really simple maths like ratio and percentages. Cuz that shit is so straight forward. But others...not so much? I dunno.

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Governments in general.

My university's policy (apparently you can plagiarise your own self. >_> wut)

I cringe every time I learn about someone who was suspended or expelled from their university because they had the audacity to use their own writing.

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I cringe every time I learn about someone who was suspended or expelled from their university because they had the audacity to use their own writing.


Hang about, this actually happens? Like seriously? Thats just...wait what? I AM OVER 30 AND WHAT IS THIS?!

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Hang about, this actually happens? Like seriously? Thats just...wait what? I AM OVER 30 AND WHAT IS THIS?!

This really happens. I don't know how common it is, but I do know that many university writing courses specifically warn against self-plagiarism, and that some students do get in deep trouble for it.

I can understand the logic if multiple people authored the first paper and proper attribution was not given in the second, or some other entity holds a valid copyright claim. I can even understand schools taking a position against students submitting papers written for one class in another (though it's a bit unfortunate if there's enough overlap between assignments to make that a viable option). But I don't think it's fair to penalize a student for recycling pieces of work they have done if the work is properly sourced and clearly relevant to the topic at hand.

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New question!

Who is your favorite internet celebrity/personality? This is subjective. The person only need be sufficiently famous enough for more than yourself to know of them. You cannot choose yourself even if you do happen to be a well-known individual on the Internet.

This guy is my choice. Not greatly popular but quite well known regardless.

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Don't have any, they all seem to have weird artificial personality traits that make them famous, I find those traits annoying.

Also they include the stock phrse "if you like my video please like, comment, and subscribe." That phrase annoys me greatly due to it formulaicness and insincerity.

Also if you "like" their video then you give your permission to advertisers to use your name in their ads w/o compensation.

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I'd say it's between John Green and the Game Grumps (although I guess I'm kind of cheating with them since they're not a single person DX). If he hadn't left, my favorite would probably still be Trent, because he's amazing and the entire reason I got into watching LPs in the first place. He's still up there though~

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My favorite is SF Debris. http://www.sfdebris.com/

SF Debris is a reviewer of Science Fiction shows. He used to review one Star Trek episode a week but eventually took requests and is now reviewing other SF and Fantasy movies and shows in addition to the weekly Star Trek ones. I enjoy his show a lot because his opinions are well thought out and he willing to look at the good and the bad sides of a work and usually does a lot of research on it unless it is part of the request that he goes in blindly.

His relatively recent "Gojira" review is probably a good example of that.

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