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QOTD Thread: The End


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oh yeah that's probably my legit answer to yesterday

@today: really depends on the game, but i guess my one overarching theme is that if i ever rely on consumables for a (party/character) build makeup, i consider myself a fucking failure. even if the game's, like, diablo, and the consumable is healing potions, it's still a failure. i didn't use healing potions ever in monster hunter tri until i beat royal ludroth. i just, oops, died, i'll reset and have another go - i'll just dodge everything this time!

problem is, that leads to my more generalist mentality, if it's not indefinitely sustainable i don't like it. i use no mana in most ff games, except 4ds where i use as much mana as rosa can give back with infinite pray, etc.

you forgot Dark Souls. You used the estus flask thing, right?

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you forgot Dark Souls. You used the estus flask thing, right?

sparingly, but it was essentially infinite so i didn't mind

on the other hand, i practically never used humanity/twin humanity on my first playthrough

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defensive playstyle before going in with a bang in one turn "sweep". I'm also a huge fan of advantageous plays in card games in general

Like, In Yugioh, my Karakuri deck and most of my favorite deck involves floater who can snowballs my rushdown. Junk Synchron based deck relies on setting Ryko before rushing down with Junk Spam(this is an old, 2011 deck so....), my Karakuri deck atm involves using Worm Hope and Giant Rat plays before snapping the game in half with Komachi > Bureido plays

This is also why I loved playing Naru Sweep in Vanguard because its sudden field wipe is fun especially combined with Shuki. Tempest is also fun thanks to Tempest being the strongest mid game vanguard in the game with a useful, albeit situational field wipe, before slapping down Descendant/Sweep to clean up the mess

Also I liked doing massive "free" damage that need no preparation. In pokemon, stuff like Latios, Kyurem, Aegislash(the good one), Terrakion, and Landorus with Attack/SP.A investment are fun stuff to use thanks to their burst damage

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It generally depends. Games like FF9 i literally walked along the edge of very town and dungeon up to where i got to the hunting game. I got tired of doing that after that and decided to just chill a little more.

Also i generally prefer to have characters whose personalities i like in my party. Sometimes this doesn't end up being great composition because it ends up being too frail or too tanky (and as such no damage) or there isn't a healer... etc...

Fire Emblem, before i used to play drafts i mainly went for characters i liked and such never cared for turn counts. After drafts, I love to make a killer miccy with 20 speed near part 1 end and then just rape everything with her.

for games like league of legends i prefer using characters i like. These are often not very strong and have difficulties doing things. But i like them for that reason. Its the greatest thing to catch an Ashe with Udyr.

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Overdoing it, I guess? 300 hours played+ in Pokemon Y, Dark Souls amd FE:A etc, without being completionist (I still have only around 500 different Pokemon). I hate achievements and almost never complete all of them (Dark Souls being an exception), but besides them I try to complete everything worthwhile.

I prefer an aggressive playstyle - although this might differ in some games (if the playstyle doesn't appeal to me, but mostly it's rather aggressive). But classcannons are a thing for me.

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Disdaining easy modes but being unable/unwilling to deal with harder ones (i.e. sticking to normal)

Also grinding, while finding NG+ with level carryovers unbearably tedious

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ignoring 99% of NPCs

hoarding items

I'll usually hoard ALL THE ITEMS unless I've played it before (like pokemon/tales and shit) and I know what's coming because I'm paranoid about running out of healing shit in a fight or something.

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Games in which it is possible to miss anything (permanently) drive me nuts

I'm not even sure if I count as a "perfectionist," I do sidequests and shit but often almost as much out of a fear of missing anything as for the content

In multiplayer games, with team shit I tend to gravitate to doing roles that will make other players happy support/heal dudes

1v1 tends to depend on the game heavily enough that I have a hard time seeing patterns, but things I enjoy: maneuverability, not getting hit, sick power behind (moderate) execution barriers

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Games in which it is possible to miss anything (permanently) drive me nuts

I'm not even sure if I count as a "perfectionist," I do sidequests and shit but often almost as much out of a fear of missing anything as for the content

This. I suffer from checking every corner twice for hidden things.

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Frugality? What's that?

Really, if I have money and there's things to be bought, expect me to blow it all and then cheer when I finally get more...

... And then spend it all again.

On the OTHER hand, I'm always very well equipped!

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I would say near optimal play. I do enjoy looking up guides to see to make the most l33t build possible. I may deviate a bit for fun and roleplay a bit. I tend to make thief like characters due to my favorite character class in 1st ed. D&D being chaotic neutral fighter/thieves. I have done some crazy things with those characters.

like that time where I unleashed an orc army on those gypsies... fun times.

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I will, in an rpg, always buy the new shiny toys that appear in the new town I just arrived in, depending on if I think it's worth it (lol no shield that reduces my evade to abysmal levels).

In FE, however, I go for frugality. Gotta make that money last. For some reason.

Finally, in dungeon crawlers/roguelikes, I hoard. Which would explain several of my deaths in Nethack...

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