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QOTD Thread: The End


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Probably Chestnuts, Horse and Sweet Chestnuts specifically, honorable mention goes to Willows. (Had a chestnut tree in my backyard)

money trees

The banks, they have steel trees that grow money.

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in the end, all the deaths and circumstances balanced out to neutral, possibly lawful as well.

that's not how chaotic neutral works

@topic: there's these trees around where i live what have these thorns you could impale people on. they're pretty cool imo. favorite tree's probably some evergreen bullshit, though.

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Aside from that whole oxygen thing, the only tree that does something for me are trees that give syrup, so those. Except I suppose I eat the fake stuff so maybe not even that. I'll still go with the Maple Tree, though, as it waves part of our flag every day. That's right, the flag came first, not the tree. It's a timewarp thing. Trust me.

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My favorite tree is named Spike and he lives next to my desk

he's a kind of dracaena

that's not how chaotic neutral works

@topic: there's these trees around where i live what have these thorns you could impale people on. they're pretty cool imo. favorite tree's probably some evergreen bullshit, though.

honey locust

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fig trees because a tornado knocked over our fence and broke our old fig tree, but it sprouted again from the ruins. SUCH WILLPOWER

also @ previous question: I never have enough money in pokemon and I'm always underleveled because I avoid avoidable trainers like the plague

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What do you think is crazily complex or senseless without sufficient reason?


I dunno

Who is your favorite internet celebrity/personality?


What habits do you have in video games?

Hmmmmmm admiring scenery? I love scenery ^~^ But I dunno if that's considered a habit or not

I guess also I just try to speak to every character ever?

What is your favorite tree?

Weeping willow, though I do quite like cherry blossoms/sakura trees a lot too! So I of course like their mix as well~

@topic: there's these trees around where i live what have these thorns you could impale people on. they're pretty cool imo.

honey locust

.... The trees I've seen are similar to those but not quite the same, they might have been bushes that were the size of trees... but just a month or two ago one of my brothers poked themselves on one of those ;n; So I don't think I like them, really~

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