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QOTD Thread: The End


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Esau raises a fair point - if space travel (and colonization) becomes a thing, wiping out humanity could become quite unlikely. Unless they colonize the wrong planet. Oops!

If humanity were to destroy itself, it'd require poisoning the world (air, water, etc.) to unbearable levels and running out of resources to counter that in a timely way. As long as mankind remembers the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I believe the threat of a full-blown nuclear war is very unlikely - and even if they forget, it should only take one or two nukes until they remember it.

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Luka, ironically, was who I immediately pictured as president after I read Parrhesia's post.

Would it really be that bad though...

luka was who i thought after you said that, but that to me means noted sf user reinfleche and therefore was a good thing

topic: in a glorious rapture, straight to the arms of the LORD

Edited by Integrity
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95% blowing up earth, fission/fusion bombs

but if we get off this rock.

4% we die in the spaceshipst

then were to numerous and spread out to die by any one event.

1% we (mechanize)/(genes mod) ourselves to something not "human".

Edited by sifer
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Technological singularity. Probably not, but maybe....

It's hard to say what will most likely end humanity. I suppose it all depends on just how far humanity makes it technologically and sociologically. We've made some pretty unprecedented scientific leaps recently; if we ever conquer the ability to travel among the stars it would take a truly awe-inspiring galactic event to wipe us out.

I like to be positive and think that we're one day going to get far away from this big old rock, and I can't rightly say I think we'll do ourselves in through war before then. I think, then, that humanity will end far from now as an idea, more than anything. When we have progressed so far technologically and perhaps physically that the notion of what it is to be human becomes too blurred to tell. I don't think we'll die by some chance encounter. I think we'll die when it just doesn't mean anything to be human anymore.

^basically the spirits of these

Evolution, basically, if anything

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We're probably going to kill ourselves long before colonizing another planet.

Just going to Mars takes over nine months. Also we evolved under the physical characteristics of Earth such as its gravity, which is obviously different on pretty much every planet. Even travelling through space can be hazardous.

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I like to think that we'll reach what Esau says before anything stupid happens that makes world leaders start to drop nukes on each other.

Support science or die in the apocalyse

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New question!

Do you believe aging improves wisdom? Why? This question was suggested. Keep in mind this is not necessarily related to the maturity of the person (that's for another question)

I would say to a point aging can improve wisdom but this is mostly because wisdom is imparted from various experiences. Since as one gets older they garner more experiences and such, it would be logical to believe wisdom comes with age. However, this is not necessarily true (i.e. human inside a vacuum, etc) and some young people can be abnormally wise for their age due to their experiences or mental development.

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The accumulated experiences that go along with age?

Or aging in and of itself?

In the case of the first, absolutely (not ALWAYS true, but usually).

In the case of the second, sort of. There's a fair amount of evidence that older folks' brains work differently than younger brains, so there's a bit to that.

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Yes. For often, the older you are, the more you have seen. The more you have seen, the more you have experienced and thus, the wiser you become. However, the truly wise do not claim to know everything and understands they will never know everything. Cuz one cannot learn every great wisdom in the world in one human lifetime. But a guy who is 60 is going to often be wiser than a boy of 6. Barring the rather rare occasion where the 6 year old spews forth great wisdom borne of innocence.

A 17 year old is often not wiser than a 37 year old. The 17 year old may have a great deal of intelligence and is clever, but he/she has not seen the things the 37 year old has. The 37 year old is often not wiser than the 57 year old. And so on.

Unless everyone lives in the Deep South. But even hillbillies have their own weird breed of wisdom.

Wisdom can be gleaned from all manner of places. There is wisdom in a child's actions. There is wisdom in an old man's words. But a human must be allowed to experience to gain wisdom. So without experiences, there is nothing but static knowledge. A 17 year old whos allowed to experience more than a 37 year old hikikomori may be wiser. But generally speaking, older people have more experiences.

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The accumulated experiences that go along with age?

Or aging in and of itself?

In the case of the first, absolutely (not ALWAYS true, but usually).

In the case of the second, sort of. There's a fair amount of evidence that older folks' brains work differently than younger brains, so there's a bit to that.

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generally, yes

in that being older doesn't mean you're more relevant to any given subject (playground rules), more that you're more likely to be relevant to a given subject and more experience -> more events to pull on -> more likely you've seen or done something that gives you some insight into what's going on.

so yes, but more in a statistical way really.

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