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QOTD Thread: The End


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Marvel Heroes is a thing and you get to play Thor so his powerset as usual

barring that, I like Ezio's abilities to climb everything and fall from ridiculous heights without dying

or fall into haystack/flower bush/water from any height and be totally okay

But seriously I really wanted to climb everything after I played AC every building just looked so /climbable/

Although, kill streak would be totally useful too if I get mugged by a group of people

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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That's pretty cool, but tough question ^^'

I guess i'd like to be a shapeshifter, like a Manakete or Laguz, or someting in that direction or like Elise, Nidalee or Shyvana from LoL ^^

Gotta love dem shapeshifers :3:

And beeing able to stop time, or even better travel in time would be so awsome i could have had infinite time doing homework

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There's probably a video game with Santa in it, right? I'd want to have the power to deliver toys to all the little children at Christmastime (and eat all the cookies and milk too, ofc).

Or maybe I'd want to be Balrog from Cave Story. He's the coolest toaster television thing ever.

Edited by Lanfear
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...Can't think of any game characters who specialise in it (although quite a few with the odd ability here and there), but I'd liketo be able to fiddle with local weather. Summer was too hot, and who could say no to the ability to summon a tiny personal thunderstorm/blizzard to follow around that twerp who's been bugging you?

But if we have to choose a specific character/class, then I'll go for a voluntary shapeshifter. Preferably one who isn't confined to one creature; e.g. the Druids from World of Warcraft. Think of the places you could go as a common sparrow, or what japes you could play as a wolf!

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Lakitu's ability to fly in a cloud WITHOUT it dissipating in a time limit. It would greatly improve my transportation issues, and I could throw shit at people who piss me off.

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Hmm... I suppose something nice would be the Brain Powered units from SRW J. Health and Energy regeneration, flight, and able to warp around. Sounds nifty if only as a way to get to places faster. lol

Then again, I wouldn't ask for much anyhow...

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