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QOTD Thread: The End


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I feel like it's a bit too easy to say I would try to convince somebody to sacrifice themself in order to save the five... Sure one would be better than five but I would never have the heart to tell somebody, "Hey, you were expecting this to be like any other normal day and all, but I think you should just end it right now just to be a hero for those five lives." And there's no way I would ever push that person against their will because I don't want it to be my decision. I just would never be brave enough to try to ask somebody to do that. I probably wouldn't even have stopped to consider that anyway, I would have been in full panic mode if I saw five people were about to get run over x3 But I guess you claim in this one case I managed to do more than freak out~ I would still do nothing though =o

I would also feel absolutely terrible doing nothing to save those five lives, but I still don't want to make it my decision and I also wouldn't have the heart to try to convince somebody to sacrifice themself.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I know this question, and my answer is no, I wouldn't commit murder even if it was to save 5 people. It's his choice on whether or not he wants to sacrifice his life, not mine. I wouldn't appreciate it if someone sacrificed me "for the greater good", without my consent.

Also jail blows and I wouldn't want to go there.

I hope tomorrow's question is a little less depressing, haha.

Edited by Gregor
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In this specific scenario, I would probably push the guy off to save 5.

But if this was a real thing, there wouldn't really be any way to know that this one guy can stop the train by being pushed off. I mean, train vs person, how would a person on a bridge immediately jump to the conclusion that this one fat guy can stop the train? Unless he was like, the Hulk or something, but then how would you even push him off? He's probably extremely heavy and if you fail to push him off with one push, he'd feel you at his back and probably fight you. And then throw YOU off.

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Personally, I kinda wonder if any body could stop a train to begin with

And that video is real long so I don't feel like watching to find out what it says about it~

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Why does everyone is assuming he is a fatty ?

There are other possibilities (His bones are in adamantium, for example... Or he is absolutely unyielding.)

Because there's no realistic way that anyone could stop a train by being thrown off a bridge etc, whether they're fat or not

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Why does everyone is assuming he is a fatty ?

There are other possibilities (His bones are in adamantium, for example... Or he is absolutely unyielding.)

Or he's carrying military grade riot squad gear, etc...

Personally, I kinda wonder if any body could stop a train to begin with

And that video is real long so I don't feel like watching to find out what it says about it~

It's actually only the first 10 minutes or so, tops (that poses this specific question anyways)

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You are there. It says a person will be enough to stop the train. Doesn't say that you can't stop it with yourself (since there's enough room to push someone there). Don't see why I shouldn't give it a shot. Worst comes to absolute worst, I can say I tried.

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Well I would do that option too, but since that would kind of make the question pointless philosophically, I also added foreknowledge that there is no chance of saving them by self-sacrifice.

It's nice to know quite a few of you all would be willing to try though (being serious).

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Okay now for a fun question.

For anyone who's played an online game, you've probably come across that one guy who goes AFK and has the most ridiculous excuse. If you haven't, then chances are you've had someone leave an event of sorts with a terrible (or hilarious) excuse. So for today, I have the following question:

What's the most ridiculous excuse you've heard from someone going AFK (or real-life equivalent)?

I've personally heard it all, such as "AFK cat on fire." However, the worst excuse I've ever heard was actually from myself. Back when I was at college my dorm had a fire drill. I was on an online game and chatting with some buddies but then the alarm went off. Realizing it was the drill, I told everyone that I had to go due to a fire drill. I came back to my friends teasing me.

I actually had an even sillier excuse but I forgot what it was.

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BRB: My cat is on fire.

I don't know what's more redic: The fact that someone actually said that, or the fact that it wasn't a lie.

I'm not kidding. A guildie in WoW literally went AFK because their cat caught on fire (apparently, it got too close to their fireplace, and it was shedding... and poof). Sent pictures back to prove it too.

Edited by Airship Canon
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BRB: My cat is on fire.

I don't know what's more redic: The fact that someone actually said that, or the fact that it wasn't a lie.

I'm not kidding. A guildie in WoW literally went AFK because their cat caught on fire (apparently, it got too close to their fireplace, and it was shedding... and poof). Sent pictures back to prove it too.

Wow. Given how often that excuse is used it was only a matter of time before it literally happened.

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1. What is your favorite animal? (Page 1)

Dogs and turtles.

2. Which countries have you been to? (Page 2)

Not including where I was born and raised (Wales):






USA (Florida)

3. What is your biggest pet peeve? (Page 4)





But if I had to pick one, I'd say injustice.

4. How was your weekend? (Page 6)

Pretty quiet. Spent 4 hours in a car Friday getting to a small summerhouse by a lake and returned Sunday, another 4 hours in a car.

I learned that using your imagination to masturbate is pretty neat. Next time you fancy a wank, try to use imagination instead of watching porn.

5. You are caught in a situation where you are driving a runaway train and are unable to stop it in any way. In its path are five people that will not be able to get away in time and will die. However, before hitting them you can go down a path and kill a single person who also would not be able to get away and time and will die. Would you choose to turn and kill the one or just stay the course and kill five? Why? (Page 7)

Sound the horn continuously and turn the track towards the single person. If the death is imminent, I suppose the less people that die, the better.

6. Like the previous scenario, there is a runaway train about to run over and kill five people on the tracks, which this time is a single straight track with no alternative paths. However, you are no longer the driver of the train and there is absolutely no way to stop it internally or externally, save one... As an onlooker, you see another individual who, due to any sort of reason you can think of that would make it possible for that individual's body (AND NOT YOURS, SO NO SACRIFICING YOUR BODY TO SAVE THE FIVE) to block the train and stop it just enough to save the five people. By pushing that person onto the track (or whatever method, since it doesn't matter as long as the person ends up on the tracks), they will most certainly die but will save the five. Would you push the person over or not? Why? (Page 9)

The question is essentially: Would you murder one innocent person in order to save five innocent people?

Simply, no. I will not become a murderer and lose many years of my life rotting in prison for the sake of five individuals (who shouldn't be on train tracks). It might seem selfish, but that's how it is.

The version of this question I heard before is that the person you push is big enough to flip a lever he lands on to change the position of the tracks. But he will die and the train will eventually stop once the rails have been switched towards safety. I think this is the most feasible version since realistically one body, no matter how large, will not slow down a speeding several hundred-ton train by any amount. And good luck trying to push a guy who could do that.

7. What's the most ridiculous excuse you've heard from someone going AFK (or real-life equivalent)? (Page 10)

"brb pizza delivered" Why the fuck would you order pizza then start playing a game which may take up to an hour (in extreme situations) of constant teamwork? Fuck your pizza.

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Wow. Given how often that excuse is used it was only a matter of time before it literally happened.

I get the feeling that the "Cat on fire" excuse is one of those "it's not really common but people act like it is because it's outrageous" things, because I played a ton of WoW with a ton of random people, and saw it once, the one time where it's real. (PS, the guy's cat did wind up ok, in case you were wondering)

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I get the feeling that the "Cat on fire" excuse is one of those "it's not really common but people act like it is because it's outrageous" things, because I played a ton of WoW with a ton of random people, and saw it once, the one time where it's real. (PS, the guy's cat did wind up ok, in case you were wondering)

Oh that's good.

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