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QOTD Thread: The End


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Yes, of course! :D I hope to have 2 kids...max would be 3, I don't know how many I could handle. But I'm afraid I'd spoil an only child and I want them to have someone roughly their age at home. The older one can learn how to take care of the younger one and all that, I think it'd be good. But of course I don't want kids NOW, I have to finish all the years of school ahead of me.

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I do, I want to have one kid that I will raise myself. Not any time soon, but once I am responsible enough and have a full time job, I definitely want a kid. I don't care if it's mine, or I adopt, I just want one kid. I want one kid, so I can focus what little financial profit I get on them, as I plan on raising them alone. I hope I can pass on my love of books to them, and take them all over the world, so they can discover what I'm just discovering at a much younger age.

I also want to have one kid, but like seventeen cats.

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not really. fuckin breeders

if i end up being single for life (not really unlikely) i might consider adopting, but i'm interested in becoming a teacher and i'd rather just get all my interaction with kids through my ideal job

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yes I want to adopt every lonely kid in the world and then let them frolic and play on my one million acre farm that also has a petting zoo and a fuckhuge garden

Seriously though, I'd like to have kids at some point. Me liking the D brings some complications but I can still have children using the power of SCIENCE or money (adoption is expensive).

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Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Comedy.

Or some wierd mishmash of the above. Overall though, I tend to steer towards the more unusual ideas, like the venerable (and still my favourite) Death Gate Cycle (hadn't heard about it but like fantasy? Take a look (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_Gate_Cycle), part of the reason it's so enthralling is how it drastically changes between each book, it never gets stale).

Or there's the sadly unfinished Starshield duology (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starshield), which runs off the concept that space is divided into different areas, each with its own laws of reality. This causes considerable problems for Earth's first FTL capable ship, as it crosses into another quatum zone and finds its technology just no longer works. To make matters worse, the crew is soon captured by a civilisation living on six nomadic space cities... who happen to enslave spirits and worship demons. Guess who's next on the list of sacrifices! And then a sorcerer breaks them out.

Oh, and the boundaries between quantum zones move. So just because you start life in a technologically supporting zone doesn't mean you won't be flinging fireballs in your old age...

And last of the 'unusual' books that deserves a mention; Incompetence (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incompetence_%28novel%29), set on an Earth where no one can be "prejudiced from employment for reason of age, race, creed or incompitence ["sic"]". Naturally, the police don't know a thing about investigations and will probably arrest the postman, your train won't stop at any station on its route, and your lift/elevator may well go up so fast it tears itself through the roof and flies a good distance into the sky. Catch a plane bound for Croatia? Yep, you'll be landing in Italy, with your luggage arriving in Moscow. At least, the half that didn't get accidentally dumped from the aircraft on the way over France. For one of the world's only competent detective, tracking a serial killer through this mess could make things tricky...

I read incompetence. Aside from an obsession with swearing, the book was really hilarious.

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New question!

What three adjectives (in conjunction) best describe you? While people are usually far more complex than this, it's mostly about finding the words of best fit. You can add additional runner-ups if you want, but you have to list exactly three adjectives that describe you.

For instance, my three would probably be serious single-minded, silly lazy, and secretive neutral.

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