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I've run around as support Karthus before. Needs epic, epic mana management as he can't afford his usual setup, and still wants some farm post laning to finish out the dcap. Doesn't at all hurt that I got a couple kills/assists on top of that. But we'll see how S3 items go - it seems to be good news for supports.

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on the other hand i think sivir is hard as fuck to play

malphite is pretty good, yi is meh but can pubstomp low levels, and blitzcrank is also pretty good

malphite is traditionally a tank and initiator who goes top or jungle

yi is traditionally a melee ad carry who goes jungle but you can roll him ap mid

blitzcrank is the best support

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As someone that mains ADC, I agree that playing Sivir correctly is a headache and a half. Her Q is insane, but to truly take advantage of it, her positioning needs to be precise. Her E is an extremely good defensive skill, but you'll need to see things coming, and the cooldown on it is rather long. Her W resets attack animation, but I think it's easier to learn how to take advantage of that via Vayne's Tumble (which has the same property, but only hits one target as opposed to five). Her R is used to initiate (and can be used to GTFO, but that's only if you're me), and since I'm a pansy, that goes counter to what I normally do (have someone else initiate).

EDIT: Pissed off my first person with "OMG Kog'maw KS!" I think I'm doing something right.

Edited by eclipse
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You guys are crazy :| Yea Sivir isn't the easiest carry, but ultimately her abilities are pretty simple but have nuances to them, which makes her nice to pick up and learn.

Ashe on the other hand requires ridiculous kiting skill to play well, has no ability to escape if things get bad, and her team relies on her to know when and how to use her ultimate which is often game changing. Her base damage is really poor which kinda sucks when you're new

Honestly I think the real babby's first AD is Caitlyn, but unfortunately she is quite expensive.

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I did NOT like Cait when I gave her a shot, and found Vayne to be a lot closer to what I envisioned myself playing. Koggie seems to fill the same niche of blasting people while being able to stay out of harm's reach most of the time. Ashe can slow people down, but if she's surrounded, she's SOL. On lower levels (i.e. newbtown beginner co-op games), her team probably won't be relying on her ult.

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I'm really enjoying playing as Kayle. Allows me to destroy towers and also get champions. Although i just had a match against Shyvana... That thing is a monster...

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That's 'cause both of you are melee, and she speeds herself up (you have the glowball of doom to counter, but Shyvana can do things like attack twice to negate that). Speaking of, if you notice that the opponent's carry is somewhat far from the rest of their team, use that glowball on them (i.e. the person who's shooting things as opposed to smacking them upside the head). Kayle's ultimate is extremely annoying; that's your cue to use it to save people (including yourself)!

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after three weeks of this game i've already poured a larger percentage of my time into this game than any other thing in my life and still pretty fucking bad

initially i played garen (i don't have the attention span to care about mana) but after trying out darius i think i'm leaving garen forever

is there anyone else you guys would suggest i try?

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That's 'cause both of you are melee, and she speeds herself up (you have the glowball of doom to counter, but Shyvana can do things like attack twice to negate that). Speaking of, if you notice that the opponent's carry is somewhat far from the rest of their team, use that glowball on them (i.e. the person who's shooting things as opposed to smacking them upside the head). Kayle's ultimate is extremely annoying; that's your cue to use it to save people (including yourself)!

I'm still a noob with Kayle's special. I find it hard to use it on the fly... Even though using it on my self is just pressing 2 keys... I have been kind of stuck to going solo, because people seem to be scared of going for lanes when they are alone so i haven't had much practice using my ultimate on others.

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after three weeks of this game i've already poured a larger percentage of my time into this game than any other thing in my life and still pretty fucking bad

initially i played garen (i don't have the attention span to care about mana) but after trying out darius i think i'm leaving garen forever

is there anyone else you guys would suggest i try?

There's a pretty big subset of guys that are similar to those two in some ways... just try stuff that you see in games that interests you if only to get an idea of what they can do

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Can you guys just, I dunno, leave your IGN in the thread with the "hi I just started playing this game" post? That or friend the SFers whose names are in the OP so we can pass the word around or something. /poke cam

As for the other thing - you'll eventually want to know all the champions anyway, so I suggest you make a point of using every (new) freeweeker at least once. Along the way, you will definitely find some that you like, who also probably would fly under all our radars when we're suggesting champions.

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I keep getting suspended, due to internet blitzing out.

now I has 2 accounts.

one for testing out stuff, the other as my main.


FolgoreGreen-Testing stuff.

Kayle looks good, but with slow internet comes the love of spamming abilities.

so how's Nunu and Annie and Soraka? Which one is the most offensive based.

Edited by Lowen
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Sharpy - Annie is very offensive, but somewhat dangerous to use, as her spells are relatively short-ranged (meaning that if you try it on me, I'll shoot your face full of silver bolts). Nunu can be aggressive, or can be support (so not quite as aggressive, but plenty irritating). Soraka's more support, and the least offensive of the three, but combining her Starfall with someone who hits Magic Resist is deadly. If you're having problems with your 'net, make custom games to train in.

Slayer - Learn to use QWER (the keyboard shortcuts for your champion's skills). It will help, I promise. You'll also want to use B to recall, as it saves time (and that split second has saved me more than once).

ALL BEGINNERS - Don't be afraid to go Co-op vs. AI to iron out the kinks in your characters. Everyone there is probably as lost as you (though be careful in inter bots, as I've seen some seriously unfriendly people in there).

Of the freebies, I've gotten my mitts on Karthus (I'm still horrible with him, but if I can get him down, learning Anivia will be a lot easier), Kog'Maw (he's viable, and I have fun smacking people from a distance), and may try to get a couple of games as Malphite in. My problem is not knowing how to build champions outside of ADC/AP (certain builds), and generally not liking going up close and personal. There's a few champions who I hope go free sooner than later, 'cause I really want to give them a whirl.

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I think he's actually talking about self-cast. Y'know, the alt-QWER set. Also - how does learning Karthus make one better at Anivia? Does not compute! Don't worry too much about itemisation, everyone's going to be as lost as you are once S3 comes out.

Karthus free week = tele/revive all day every day

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Oh. Uh. They cast perpendicular to the line between your champion and your mouse, centred at your mouse position. Not too hard to predict once you know the pattern. Smart cast OP, by the way - if anyone has yet to switch over, I strongly recommend it!

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if you're just starting league, i'd say pick characters that you like aesthetically! worry about op champs later h4h4h4h4h4h4

but really just get familiarized with game terms and all character's skills and boom you have a stew goin'- league of legends, at least in laning, is knowing about your own and your opponent's limits

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ign is guessable if you know what to look for

also i might try out fiora when she's free maybe

at the moment i'm trying to get really good with one champ before i really try to pick up another which causes problems when the champs are only free for like three weeks at a time and I have trouble getting a good full game by myself finished more than like once a week (i do play with friends but most of them are like "NO DUDE DON'T TRY ANYTHING NEW YOU'RE GONNA MAKE US LOSE" except like two)

besides i friended stolypin already and everything

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also i might try out fiora when she's free maybe

at the moment i'm trying to get really good with one champ before i really try to pick up another which causes problems when the champs are only free for like three weeks at a time and I have trouble getting a good full game by myself finished more than like once a week (i do play with friends but most of them are like "NO DUDE DON'T TRY ANYTHING NEW YOU'RE GONNA MAKE US LOSE" except like two)


Even if she's locked to pure AD, she's still one of my favorite tanky dps tops.

Play a crapton of custom bot games.

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