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i don't dare play ranked because comcast

this has the side effect of BRONZE 1 4EVA

I know that feel. I was stuck in gold for a Long time before I finally changed ISP and I'm finally able to climb again with less lag spikes and random disconnects.

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I backdoored bot inhibitor Solid Snake-style while the rest took baron. Then we kinda just snowballed. I would have picked Garen, but I thought it would be Elise in lane and Rengar jungling. I would have killed Rengar much harder were I Garen, I'm sure. Not to worry though, J4 and Alistar were tanking well enough.


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This pointless shitty Bronze climb could have been avoided had I maybe won more than 4 of the 10 placement matches. I keep getting placed with Silver IV-II players in my ranked games. The Rengar I was laning against in that game I just posted (and was undeniably the best individual on the enemy team) has a LolKing Score of 1294, nearly 150 more than my own 1150. And that Gragas? 1327.

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This pointless shitty Bronze climb could have been avoided had I maybe won more than 4 of the 10 placement matches. I keep getting placed with Silver IV-II players in my ranked games. The Rengar I was laning against in that game I just posted (and was undeniably the best individual on the enemy team) has a LolKing Score of 1294, nearly 150 more than my own 1150. And that Gragas? 1327.

Yet he went 1/5/5 and built WotA. Clearly, lolking score doesn't mean much. Likely, he has lower MMR than you do.
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Are there anyway for Veiga to has 1k2 AP? He's pretty much nuked the #$%@ out of my team no matter how many MR items we have...not even the new MR items can protect us from that kind of nuclear bomb.

Edited by Char
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Banshee's hurts Veigar the most probably, but at a certain point you just waste spells in your combo because they die too fast. But if you can block his Stun you have a chance. Plus he's usually very squishy.

I do the ballin' veigar build, where you build Seraphs, and everything out of a NLR with a Void Staff and hit 800 AP by like forty minutes.

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Are there anyway for Veiga to has 1k2 AP? He's pretty much nuked the #$%@ out of my team no matter how many MR items we have...not even the new MR items can protect us from that kind of nuclear bomb.

Gotta squish the crap out of him. Also you're going to want some HP. Effective health works better when you actually have some health to back it up =P

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Wow best sale week ever. Leona and Lulu. Finally picked those up. Now to eventually learn how to use them and carry my way out of bronze.

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leona can't carry out of bronze because she requires a good adc. lulu can't carry out of bronze because sona and soraka make her useless.

good supports if you're duo bot with someone competent though.

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leona can't carry out of bronze because she requires a good adc. lulu can't carry out of bronze because sona and soraka make her useless.

good supports if you're duo bot with someone competent though.

Leona is actually very strong in Bronze league. You don't really require a good ADC; even below-average ADCs can usually figure out to attack some when you're sat on top of them, bursting them and stunning them. And given that Leona has something like a 25% pick rate, Lulu's not so bad either since she's quite good at zoning and peeling Leona. Soraka only has a 9% pick rate, and Sona's is 18%, so you're barely more likely to see Sona/Soraka than you are to see Leona.
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Sona, though, is still your best bet getting out of bronze. I attribute my Silver-ness to my 75% Sona winrate. She literally does everything.




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leona can't carry out of bronze because she requires a good adc. lulu can't carry out of bronze because sona and soraka make her useless.

good supports if you're duo bot with someone competent though.

I meant carry myself out of bronze with the support role. Sona is an amazing support i'll agree, and i don't like soraka much because everyone expects you to have god like reflexes and heal before they die and then they are so close to a minion you end up healing the minion :<. Her heals are very nice for passive playing and in ARAM though.

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Yeah pigeonholed into jungling. Got to win one of the next three games to get into Silver. Don't let my six-game win streak in ranked end now!

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How do you lot feel about Ezreal in various roles from Top/Mid/ADC or even Jungle Ez like Velocity did? Top seems to be really weak for him, just because you enemy can and will stack armor against you, even if they can't really kill you due to your mobility.

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