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dumbass question time

For Sona, generally what is there to get after Ionian/Sightstone/Philo? I've been building Crucible, but I'm... terrible at using it, to be honest. I've been toying with the idea of getting Shard (especially since FREE NASUS), but I'm really not too sure on what to get.

On the topic of Sona, how should I build her? I've gone one build with R>W>Q>E, one with R>Q>W>E, both felt kinda weird.

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typically i go R-Q-W-E on sona depending on the lane matchup; if it's against someone who has a lot of free harass (or against a lane i'm really not comfortable against like leona or draven [or both]) i'll go W over Q for the armor aura

as for builds it really depends on how the game's going, i generally get a shurelya's at some point (MAN DAT E AND DAT SHURELIA'S FOR ALL THE SPEED BOOST)

i used to get aegis really early too but idk what i'll do now that it builds into locket

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Is it ever worth it to max E early?

I've considered Shurelya's but in general I'm horrible at using League items (blame D2). Apparently Tear is good item but I've never seen the need for it.

Which probably means I'm not playing her right.

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ehhhhh i've seen people max E second if you really need the movespeed (ie everyone is running away too fast? idk) but I don't really like that?

maybe someone who's better at this game than i am could elaborate

wrt tear that's something i only get if i'm doing really well (i think the last time i bought it on sona was when i was like 5/0/14 at 30-35 minutes? idk to me it feels like a waste of money that you could be using to buy things that are helpful to your team

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Depends how aggressively you play, you can go R>Q>W/E or R>W>Q/E. E doesn't really do much outside of chasing so if your team has sufficient sustain and damage that they don't need you, E is actually really good since it's upon activation applies to all teammates.

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Tear charging...well, there's a reason you get it early, yeah? Try Morello's if you're facing mana issues, it builds from kage iirc.

E is good if your teammates don't need the constant healing, yes.

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dumbass question time

For Sona, generally what is there to get after Ionian/Sightstone/Philo? I've been building Crucible, but I'm... terrible at using it, to be honest. I've been toying with the idea of getting Shard (especially since FREE NASUS), but I'm really not too sure on what to get.

On the topic of Sona, how should I build her? I've gone one build with R>W>Q>E, one with R>Q>W>E, both felt kinda weird.

Crucible is a decent choice.

You could also build Athene's and turn the Philostone into Shurelia's

If you want to troll the crap out of your enemies, build a Sheen and convert it into IBG/Lich Bane at some point

Ionian Boots are seriously in a bad spot atm. They give uneven amounts of CDR. I'd legit build some other boots of sorts and max CDR through other purchases. You get 10% from masteries, and can easily get 30% more elsewhere (hence Athene's Shurelia's).

Kage's Lucky Pick should be turned into either Shard of True Ice (way better on strong initiation comps) or Twin Shadows. If for some reason you have a ton of AP, maybe WotA?

Also the skill set level ups you're using are usually the ones to go. Q is for higher aggression/poke lanes (i.e. you have a Caitlyn), while W is for sustain (i.e. you have a Kog'maw)

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Is it ever worth it to max E early?

I've considered Shurelya's but in general I'm horrible at using League items (blame D2). Apparently Tear is good item but I've never seen the need for it.

Which probably means I'm not playing her right.

Tear...on support Sona?...

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it's not necessarily a terrible (ish) idea if you really have that much money to burn (and you've bought all your other core items), I guess? Allows to spam more, I guess, and itemised or not, a charged Manamune q-chord stings

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it's not necessarily a terrible (ish) idea if you really have that much money to burn (and you've bought all your other core items), I guess? Allows to spam more, I guess, and itemised or not, a charged Manamune q-chord stings

There are SO many better items. If you can't managge mana because you're spamming get a chalice so it can at least build into a crucible. You're sinking 2100 (that you could have spent on wards/oracles/mobies/sightstone) to get a manamune on support Sona. Let's be realistic, by the ~20 minute mark when you've finally saved up for the manamune (unless you just don't buy any wards.) you'll be behind in levels and your charged Q won't be doing any damage anyway unless you're running a rune page full of mpen and AP.

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the thing about CDR is that my summoner level is 4

so lol runes/masteries

shard is mostly because nasus is free and sharded nasus sounds terrifying as hell

guess next game i'll go philo + kage and then look at what to buy

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Depends on the team comp/what you intend on doing.

Merc Treads - dual AP or have a lot of CC

Ninja Tabi - their carry is ahead of your carry

Boots of Swiftness - "Team fights? What's that? I'm busy warding the entire map."

Ionian - "I really REALLY need the CDR RIGHT NOW"

Greaves - You are trolling (don't do this)

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Depends on the team comp/what you intend on doing.

Merc Treads - dual AP or have a lot of CC

Ninja Tabi - their carry is ahead of your carry

Boots of Swiftness - "Team fights? What's that? I'm busy warding the entire map."

Ionian - "I really REALLY need the CDR RIGHT NOW"

Greaves - You are trolling (don't do this)

Boots of mobility can be pretty great if you want to roam for warding and being in some teamfights. I used to get it back when i went on a blitzcrank marathon. It was great, you are so quick with w, no where is too far. Although to be honest warding without your team mates around during mid game is just asking for trouble :s.

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Yeah it's not bad. Last league I was in Pantheon's Disciples. I was ok with that, aside from the Bronze I part.

And who goes Ashe top lane?

This guy does.


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You're sinking 2100 (that you could have spent on wards/oracles/mobies/sightstone) to get a manamune on support Sona.

if you really have that much money to burn (and you've bought all your other core items), I guess?

i think you missed something

i'm not advocating buying it as a mid-early game item because that's dumb (even just tear, which is what i was recommending), but if you're in lategame and there's not a whole let else to do with that item slot (i suppose wards?), why not?

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When in doubt, buy more wards. If the entire map is lit up, and you're that far ahead, the game should be over soon (unless your teammates are being stupid).

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lest you forget i'm in bronze 1 because my shitty team was up 52-14 and lost because support sona (read: me) was the only one who noticed MF at our nexus

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