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That Nidalee. Jesus.

Also, I'm looking for champion recommendations so I can expand my champion pool. I excel at farming and playing in the mid and late game (though you can ignore the latter part in terms of champion choices if you want). However, I am a little weak in the snowballing department with some exceptions.

Any takers? ;P

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For the longest time, I had problems looking at my computer screen for extended amounts of time. I had 20 minutes, and then my performance took a nosedive. It's gotten a little better, but I don't think I'm strong enough to play a full SR game yet.

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Ah. So that's what it is. I've always been wondering.

Makes sense, actually. To be honest I thought you had a horrible leveling experience in League (the leveling experience blows, I have to report people every game on my smurf for verbal abuse or negative attitude pretty much...) and since ARAM is so laid back, there's less of that toxic behavior.

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Before ARAMs, I was primarily in bot games, precisely because of the behavior you described. I managed to get out and do normals every now and then, but my record's kind of suffered for it. I still get people questioning it.

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That Nidalee. Jesus.

Also, I'm looking for champion recommendations so I can expand my champion pool. I excel at farming and playing in the mid and late game (though you can ignore the latter part in terms of champion choices if you want). However, I am a little weak in the snowballing department with some exceptions.

Any takers? ;P

I think Annie is the best :O

Also, I'm new around here and if anyone wants to add me and play some games that would be awesome!
My main is Annie C Hastur and my support only smurf is GoddessAshera. I play alot of Annie :p
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me too! except i'm playing 3s for challenger rewards because diamond borders are for casuals

There's a challenger reward? I heard you still get a Diamond border (and besides, it only shows in 3v3 queue anyways if there were a challenger border)

I guess just the summoner icon?

I think Annie is the best :O

Also, I'm new around here and if anyone wants to add me and play some games that would be awesome!
My main is Annie C Hastur and my support only smurf is GoddessAshera. I play alot of Annie :p

Any other takers?

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That Nidalee. Jesus.

Also, I'm looking for champion recommendations so I can expand my champion pool. I excel at farming and playing in the mid and late game (though you can ignore the latter part in terms of champion choices if you want). However, I am a little weak in the snowballing department with some exceptions.

Any takers? ;P

Xerath seems like a pretty cool champ and you can wave clear stuff.

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i guess if people are recommending champs i kinda want to try someone new as well

i enjoy playing earlygame melee types (see: darius, garen, lee sin), not great at farming

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i guess if people are recommending champs i kinda want to try someone new as well

i enjoy playing earlygame melee types (see: darius, garen, lee sin), not great at farming

Tiger Udyr has very great early game. You'll win almost all trades (double tiger op). He also has a good jungle utility but you have to know how to gank with him because he has no gap closer

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There's a challenger reward? I heard you still get a Diamond border (and besides, it only shows in 3v3 queue anyways if there were a challenger border)

they changed it so that your border shows based off of the mode for whatever queue you scored highest in any mode. so if you're gold in solo queue but diamond in 3s you get a diamond border shown for all modes next season. because of this some people are desperate enough to buy a spot onto a diamond 3s team(i believe the price is about $30-50 atm). but oh well, even if we don't get borders for being challenger at least we still get icons.

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@Interest: I know you have a decent-large champ pool, and don't know what's in it, so recommendations for you would feel kinda weird(plus you're like 8006x better than me)

@Cam: Riven wave clears pretty well and has a lot of damage and decent utility, Xin Zhao is overall really solid, Jarvan is kinda OP and is my husubando and he's great. Vi is strong... most of these aside from Riven are primarily jungle picks but they can go top as well.

@JB: Sona gets a stun on her ult and is generally the most well-rounded support in the game. Lulu has great poke, a shield, and her polymorph for CC, so she's pretty strong all around as well. Zyra has a snare, and a knockup on her ult, has good poke, lockdown, her seeds give vision, tonnes of utility. Janna has a knockup and a slow, and her ult is lulzy(but easy to screw your team over with, so be careful of that), Morgana has a bind like Lux(slower animation, and only hits one target) but she also has her shield which blocks magic damage and CC, as well as an AoE stun on her ult, and MR shred on her pool. Leona isn't ranger herself, but she gapcloses really well and has 2 stuns, a snare, a slow, and can get absurdly tanky.

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actually yeah if people are on the "recommend champs" wagon

ranged supports with a stun, preferably. something like lux. lux is amazing.

If you havent tried zyra, i suggest you pick her up. She has a snare, slow, huge aoe knock up and can 1v2 decently when needed. She also has a very smooth aa animation.

Nami is also a great one with a small aoe stun, heal and damage spell, aa boost for your adc, and her ult slows (and knocks back slightly?).

Lissandra can be used as a support, never used her as such but her w can snare, and ult can stop them from doing anything. Her Q slows.

I know Psych has used annie as a support, her passive is a stun after 4 spells. Don't know how well it works, but she is cheap so it doesn't really matter.

Morgana can snare with q and stun with her ult. The shield is useful because it stops enemies from cc'ing your adc.

Thats almost all the range supports i can think of that can stun or snare (i know snare wasn't what you were looking for but it stops enemies from moving too, they can attack though). A lot of these are more commonly used as mages though, so you could be called a troll (not that it matters much) for some of these.

Edit: Ether (sort of) beat me to it by a couple of minutes.

Also, @ Cam. thats the best skin ever.

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I won't start playing a MoBA (aka DoTA clone) because they're way too team oriented. When I get into complex multiplayer games and play to win, I hate it when I suffer from a random person on my team making a mistake (which is not my fault). I have a lot of friends who are great at LoL and/or DoTA2, but don't want to dedicate so much time to learning the ins-and-outs of a game where I'll only play every now and then with friends. I prefer to play simpler games to master with my friends.

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actually yeah if people are on the "recommend champs" wagon

ranged supports with a stun, preferably. something like lux. lux is amazing.



Karma can work but she has a root

Lux has a root not a stun, but then that would include Karma and Morgana

Annie requires the mind set of Leona mixed with Nami basically where you can poke but then it all comes together in one moment of burst and CC where you try and get a kill or blow a summoner spell.

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lol i've tried most of these before on sea server

I remember Nami was pretty fun. I'm terrible at Zyra, Sona's cool, couldn't ever hit Morg stun, didn't like Janna tornado (Zephyr nuking so much more fun/stupid :D). Never tried Karma/Liss/Leona, but if Leona can gapclose that should help. Somewhat. At this level gapclosing = YOLO GHOST.

Also, anything a little more... left field? I remember running support Voli on the SEA servers and it kind of worked.

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lol i've tried most of these before on sea server

I remember Nami was pretty fun. I'm terrible at Zyra, Sona's cool, couldn't ever hit Morg stun, didn't like Janna tornado (Zephyr nuking so much more fun/stupid :D). Never tried Karma/Liss/Leona, but if Leona can gapclose that should help. Somewhat. At this level gapclosing = YOLO GHOST.

Also, anything a little more... left field? I remember running support Voli on the SEA servers and it kind of worked.

Annie, again

Lissandra plays similarly to Leona but is very squishy (she can go in with her claw and then lock someone down, but she also has poke)

Maybe Cho'gath

I can't really think of many people with ranged stuns, but Lee Sin could work with mana-less harass, a shield, and the ult displacement

Veigar or Le Blanc

Elise and Fiddlesticks too

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i really like lee sin support but it's kind of difficult to pull off

he really gets useless lategame though so you have to do it really well and feed your adc hard (unless i'm just doing it wrong?)

the way i do it usually using q-q-e-w to either adc or creep for harass, and then try to keep your w on the adc as much as possible

and then doing things like kicking the enemy adc into your tower is great

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