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I'm still really bad at the game but this morning I played with someone who was abysmal. We were against beginner bots and they went 0/10 as Ashe... I'd lock someone down on a turret with Blitzcrank's Q+E and expect some focus fire to finish from my fellow bottom laner but nope. Not even a slow. Instead he'd try to fight under the enemy turret against both Lux and Ashe... The bot Ashe just keep feeding and had a 5 kill streak in like the first 5 minutes. I ended up taking the brunt of the abuse too so it wasn't really a great showing for me either except destroying three turrets.

Hey, that happens, so don't worry 'bout it. Speaking of, if you send me a yell while I'm on, I'm willing to queue up with you in bots~!

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Well, I've also had a game where two people immediately DCed/left game and had a 3 vs 5 match, but it did get me very acquainted with learning to play Blitzcrank. But yeah, it was kinda like "what the hell are you doing?" at the time, when I really wanted it to be a quick match before class that I'd get through in less than half an hour. Murphy's Law and all that...

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You know the difference between Leona support and Sej support? Leona has W for self-defense. Admittedly it isn't great, and a Leona who's far enough behind doesn't get to jump into the fray anyway, but a Leona who's that far behind either got spectacularly outplayed or is doing it completely wrong. A Sej who's that far behind, it's probably par for the course in any game you aren't wrecking the opposition. The relevant difference is that Leona is always farther ahead in tankiness than Sej, for the same gold income, because of that W.

Voli support...nah. All he has is that fling and he's a straight bruiser. In terms of utility, he just doesn't bring enough, though at least he synergises pretty well with a standard support build.

I like Trundle. There's nothing he can do as support which he can't do better as bruiser, and he's fantastic in top/jungle. Add to that the fact that his Q/R are close range, and his W only benefits himself...nope, not gonna run this one either.

I got treated to a little monologue yesterday on why Fiddlesticks support is OP. I don't know about OP, but he's strong for sure. If you know what you're doing. Otherwise, stick to Taric please!

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I seem to have missed it if it was posted, but what's your Summoner Name, Samias?

Nah, I hadn't mentioned it before. But my summoner name is Samias if you'd like to add me. I don't play often since I'm out of the house a lot but I've been trying to get into it lately since at least it can be played casually and I can play it with my friends too.

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Trundle support is overpowered apparently.

I'd give it a try. The amount of slows/self-buffs he has is quite extensive. And that pillar.

Sounds like a job for Spirit Visage and Iceborn Gauntlet.

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I'd give it a try. The amount of slows/self-buffs he has is quite extensive. And that pillar.

Sounds like a job for Spirit Visage and Iceborn Gauntlet.

It was just a joke. Someone I know ran it alongside my Sion top.

We actually nearly won because we had a Yi so all we had to do was stack on his face, but Platinum throws (even in norms) op.

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I joined late due to internet problems, everyone else was already around level 8 while I was level 1. Plus I was jungler. All I could do for a while was farm.


I believe it's also my longest game, if you don't count my downtime at the start.

Best Nunu EUW on my team too.



Saving IP for the release of Vi's sister.

Seen this? http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/vi/

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chang'e op

nah the cooldown nerf on her 1 made her balaced

the 2 nerf idk what they were thinking, that was fine, now it's kind of actually hard to land though since not much lasts for just one second

Speaking of Vi's sister, who caught the vandalism on Vi's page?

hah nevermind

there've been hints she's going to be a smoke/fire mage though. not sure how I feel about that since we already of 2. also probably going to be more of a mid than a support, but I'd still be interested in if she's going to have much CC.

also now we just need a Piltover support and you can have a full team

Jayce Top/Vi Jungle/Jinx Mid/Cait ADC

I don't like counting Ez since he's kind of all over Valoran exploring, and Orianna isn't human

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We were pretty far ahead after I got my Spirit Visage, which is why I opted for Haunting Guise. Also, spot the summoner spell fail.

She's free, and I'm seriously thinking of buying her, despite the fact that I don't play top/jungler on SR.

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The stats on Spirit Visage are so ludicrously good that you don't need to have any form of healing for it to be an excellent item. Hell, having healing built into your kit just makes it too good, from buy 99% of the time to 100% of the time, as it were.

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Honestly, I'm not a big fan of SV on Sej. It doesn't work too well on her because well...she has no healing. (Abyssal Scepter, Locket of the Iron Solari, and Banshee's Veil are potential choices)

Health items are vastly superior on Sejuani compared to straight resist items. Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, Spirit of the Ancient Golem are your 3 core tank items on Sej :3, Pick up Abyssal Scepter and Liandries if you want to do damage.

IIRC, her W scales off of bonus HP. SV gives that, some much-needed MR, and CDR (which is really nifty on her).

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Well then thing about tanks is you don't aim for what you scale with. You aim for what makes you tankier which lets you fulfill your role better. Like Malphite, stacking armor is silly unless it's appropriate but his scaling with armor isn't what guides your itemization.

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Ancient Golem, Sunfire Cape, and Spirit Visage are a good offensive defensive core that will work against balanced team comps. Obviously if it's all physical damage drop the SV and build more armour, likewise if it's all magic damage drop the sunfire and stack MR. Generally since Golem gives tenacity you'll want to buy Tabi for your boots since you don't need treads, though in some games Mobis will be better if you need to be everywhere at the same time, and Sorceror's Shoes are a funny and decently effective alternative boot.

As for items after that, look at what you need. If you need more tank stats, Banshee's, Randuins, Warmogs, Froven Heart are all options depending on what you need to itemize against, though Golem/SV/Heart goes over 40% CDR, it isn't some kind of cardinal sin to do so.

Abyssal, Iceborn Gauntlet, Zhonyas Hourglass and IMO Rod of Ages are all nice offense/defense items on her, and more health is never a bad thing since she scales with it and there isn't a teamcomp in the game that health is a bad buy against. Generally tanky AP with an emphasis on tanky is best on her.

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What makes you think that's all I care about? Right now, I see a lot more conflict than useful advice, and I'd much appreciate the latter.

I'm merely arguing that for Sejuani, there are superior tank items than SV because they have better stats for a tank and while SV may have stats that help Sejuani scale damage wise, the extra damage scaling is inferior in terms of a tank build. Obviously there's room for experimentation and fun like Liandry on Corki and whatever, but I'm just defending the concept that pure tank items are superior.

Ancient Golem, Sunfire Cape, and Spirit Visage are a good offensive defensive core that will work against balanced team comps. Obviously if it's all physical damage drop the SV and build more armour, likewise if it's all magic damage drop the sunfire and stack MR. Generally since Golem gives tenacity you'll want to buy Tabi for your boots since you don't need treads, though in some games Mobis will be better if you need to be everywhere at the same time, and Sorceror's Shoes are a funny and decently effective alternative boot.

As for items after that, look at what you need. If you need more tank stats, Banshee's, Randuins, Warmogs, Froven Heart are all options depending on what you need to itemize against, though Golem/SV/Heart goes over 40% CDR, it isn't some kind of cardinal sin to do so.

Abyssal, Iceborn Gauntlet, Zhonyas Hourglass and IMO Rod of Ages are all nice offense/defense items on her, and more health is never a bad thing since she scales with it and there isn't a teamcomp in the game that health is a bad buy against. Generally tanky AP with an emphasis on tanky is best on her.

Well she does ARAM so maybe Golem is less preferable but in terms of SR, the current most common tank set up is Golem + Tabi + Locket just because of how gold efficient the aura becomes when stacked on multiple members. I'd argue Locket is even more gold efficient in ARAM where it's stats will be constantly applied.

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We were pretty far ahead after I got my Spirit Visage, which is why I opted for Haunting Guise. Also, spot the summoner spell fail.

She's free, and I'm seriously thinking of buying her, despite the fact that I don't play top/jungler on SR.

Sejuani is my main jungler and what I would consider my best. PS Get the bear skin, so worth it

I get Ancient Golem, then Sunfire, then an MR item (usually SV because it's so good). Throw Ninja Tabi in there somewhere. At that point, the game is either ending soon or something or eh.

Fifth and Sixth items depend on how much tankier you need to get and what the damage threats are. Rylai's/Abyssal/Liandry's are fun items to get if you want more damage, though I usually end up getting a Warmogs because you have so many resists.

I don't really recommend Locket since the nerf, but you could get it if you want 40%. I find I usually want mana on her, so Frozen Heart isn't bad, but then you should get Banshee's instead of SV so you don't waste cooldown. Randuin's is always good, and Thornmail is fun if they have multiple autoattackers like Yi or Trynd and the ADC.

I usually max W for early jungle clear, but I will max E at times for better CC during ganks. It also clears nicely when you use W to get frost procs on monsters too. I really reccommend Sunfire because with it and your W you're doing some pretty nice damage for a tank.

Don't get Rod of Ages. You always finish Golem first, then you typically want boots. If you can get RoA before 25 minutes your either insanely fed and taking kills from the laners or flat out lying. There's no way you'll have it while it's still relevant and it takes a while to stack. I mean, if you're doing her top, then maybe, but she doesn't have much dueling capability so it's very risky up there.

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