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Support sounds like its going to be extremely fun in the preseason. They'll actually be able to do something now other than pretty much be a ward and ping bot.

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They can't be wardbots now considering the 3 ward limit that'll be in place. Everyone will have to do their part now to light up the map.

I know, i'm excited. Now everyone can be warding instead of telling the support to go ward jungle by themselves when the enemy team cannot be seen.

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I still don't really feel like other people are going to be warding, at least not heavily.

You also have to remember when people reach full build that they'd only be able to help with warding via the Totem Trinket.

I do enjoy being able to build items, but I haven't yet had the chance to try and play the changes on the beta yet. Morgana seems like a good choice what with being able to afford a Zhonya's now, but I'm still sticking to my guns of Support Ashe or even Ashe in general being incredibly strong what with her free Clairvoyance. Quinn might also be used a bit more thanks to her W too.

Kage's gives money for autoing enemy champions now which Ashe would be doing, and even though it gives AP it'll slightly help her ult. The AOE slow is nice with her slows as well.

My Ashe build is looking like

Sightstone, CDR Boots, Zeke's Herald, Manamune, Runaan's, Shard of True Ice

With Runaans and Manamune I have enough mana for constant Frost Shot on and every Runaan's proc will slow. Switch to the Lens trinket and have two semi-global Clairvoyances.

I'm just really excited about her this season.

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That ward slot is quite desirable for solo laners ;D

Kage's gives money for autoing enemy champions now which Ashe would be doing, and even though it gives AP it'll slightly help her ult. The AOE slow is nice with her slows as well.

If I recall correctly, effects like these are cancelled if you CS.

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The meta in terms of jungle seems like it would change, since some junglers won't be as effective when every lane "certainly" as some ward coverage. Some champions like Zac who can hang out in absurdly obscure places and fling himself to a location don't seem like it'll make a difference, but I worry for Master Yi, Nunu, Warwick and the like, although feel as if Evelynn is going to dominate.

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That ward slot is quite desirable for solo laners ;D

If I recall correctly, effects like these are cancelled if you CS.

true, but in an ideal game I won't be taking farm and cancelling the effect

I played on the PBE all day and I must say I love the changes. I've been avoiding support for like 2 months now and preferring Mid, ADC, or Jungle, but with these changes I am fine with autolocking supports all day long.

I tried less common supports like Karma, Heimer, Zilean, Morgana. Tried the Soraka changes too. They were great, and the added money really helped. Some games, I had more than the jungler or top laner, and I had an Urgot game where I didn't do great specifically and most kills went to the jungler or support so I ended up with like 3/7/10 but our Ziggs that game had 20 kills and Soraka didn't have any deaths until after laning phase so I felt I did fine. Soraka ended up with more money than I did that game.

I have noticed some issues trying to itemize though. WoTA doesn't have the aura so it's just self spellvamp which was weird and they might be fixing that, but otherwise EVERYTHING HAS CDR. Like I'm going over the cap almost every game. Masteries give at least 5% if not 10% for specing utility and then the AP branch of Offense, but basically everything gives 20% CDR now. It just bugs me but I guess I'll have to get used to going over the CDR cap.

And here I was bothered by Zyra's seeds getting their CDR nerfed.

Lux has also been amazing and I will likely be playing much more of her as support. Still have to see if Nidalee does anything with the income. :P

they had some weird changes to her spears just tonight though

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Highlight of this game was blocking three Caitlyn shots (why she kept shooting Jayce is beyond me). My first death resulted in full CDR and a Lich Bane. After that, we basically stormed back and won.

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inb4 +0

That already happened to me.

I was going to try to climb in tonight, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Server issues FTL. It doesn't help stuff is broken...like Kindlegem is still 950 (despite showing 850 in shop), Challenger tier broke with the sheer amount of new recruits that came in and just....ugh.

This end of season is really coming out to be a train wreck, to be honest.

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Not to mention that shitty Challenger problem that's happening.

I have 4800 IP, and I'm not sure what to get. I want more junglers. I want more ADCs. I want more top laners. I want more supports. Considering the following:




Jarvan IV


Lee Sin





Bleaaaaa decisions.

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Out of that list, Ezreal is probably the most consistently strong champion. He still sees play at pretty well all levels in pretty much every meta, he's pretty flexible.

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I'm on a 7 game losing streak =_=

My last game, my instalock jungle Heimer came to bot lane at 5 minutes. Dived Soraka under tower, gave Graves red buff. Proceeded to feed the rest of the game

One before that, jungle Twitch. Leads his blue buff way from us while we're trying to leash. Complains about not leashing. There's a duo top lane so no jungler, my lane opponent Malzahar decides to run off to take wolves and wraiths ever time his lane is pushed, gets hella fat. I die once to him when twitch is ganking, and twitch doesnt even clean up. The rest of the game went really well

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Not to mention that shitty Challenger problem that's happening.

I have 4800 IP, and I'm not sure what to get. I want more junglers. I want more ADCs. I want more top laners. I want more supports. Considering the following:




Jarvan IV


Lee Sin





Bleaaaaa decisions.

how many people do you not have?

I only need like 34 champions left, and most are top laners or a few adcs or junglers

I'd reccommend either Vayne or save up for Quinn, as both can be used in the top lane

Kennen can also be used also a psuedo adc and goes top or mid

just get cheaper supports like janna or soraka, and I feel like Lux, Morgana, Karma, Zilean, and others will be doing much better in Season 4 so you don't really need a super expensive support right now, especially since Zyra's nerfs hurt and Lulu just isn't that great; Nami is just kind of meh and Thresh is usually banned

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well first of all you should probably get Jarvan or Caitlyn

I would say Amumu, Janna, Morgana, Fiddlesticks, Nidalee, and Nasus would be good picks who can go jungle/mid/support/ depending, and Nidalee and Nasus are good tops too.

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