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I wanna do that too because of my innate hatred for Marksmans.

I hath found my next target :P:

My 'net has been really bad as of late, and I'm not sure why. It's irritating, because playing LoL at 180 ping as Pantheon is, um, really bad (I'm accustomed to half that).

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Holy crap jinx seems great to use. And that smexy ult :o. The cooldown on it is just awesome.

I probably just suck, but it's incredibly hard to hit. It's like maybe twice the hitbox of a Nid Spear but at global range so you can't really account for people running.

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I got out of a funny game. Mechanically, that Urgot was good. When it came to his ult. . .let's say that switching with Nasus the tank, in the middle of your own team, is not a bright move. :P:

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Fire at the enemy fountain all day.

Doesn't it explode at minions? Nope, it doesn't according to the wiki. That idea seems to work very well considering how low that cool down is after 40% CDR and level 16

Edited by SlayerX
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Why do people have this idea that it makes them cool to get high, queue up for PvP and then announce it? Can you report for this kind of behavior?

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Why do people have this idea that it makes them cool to get high, queue up for PvP and then announce it? Can you report for this kind of behavior?

I would say so. Specially in ranked. It obviously will affect their reaction time and ability to play. If they are high on ranked they most likely won't be playing as well as they can and as a result their team is jst going to suffer. I'd say it'd fall in the intentionally grieving.

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Why do people have this idea that it makes them cool to get high, queue up for PvP and then announce it? Can you report for this kind of behavior?

How high they claim to be is usually inversely proportional to how high they really are and inversely proportional to their intelligence.

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