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That Riven fact is something I learned from reading Riven's LoL wiki page. But that Frozen Heart fact was interesting.

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...Wow. 2 Ranked games in a row (both games we would've won, the first one by a landslide) = Drop-hacked and both are lost/gone from the match history like nothing happened. G fucking G. ;/

*1 won game = would've put me in my series for Plat 2. Clearly I'm not meant to be in said series/in Plat 2, or Riot's servers just really hate me tonight. >_>

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support usually although i trust myself to play anything in ranked

i'm not deluded enough to think i'm like "a plat player trapped in elo hell" or anything (fuck my mechanics are just barely not-shit even in bronze), it's just frustrating to repeatedly watch my teammates throw "winning by 20 kills 3 drags two towers and an inhib" games (it's also irritating as fuck to call baron when there are four bot trying to kill nasus and the rest of the team decides to go take blue)

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support usually although i trust myself to play anything in ranked

i'm not deluded enough to think i'm like "a plat player trapped in elo hell" or anything (fuck my mechanics are just barely not-shit even in bronze), it's just frustrating to repeatedly watch my teammates throw "winning by 20 kills 3 drags two towers and an inhib" games (it's also irritating as fuck to call baron when there are four bot trying to kill nasus and the rest of the team decides to go take blue)

but trick said to bait team for jungle buffs :<

Also, I got twithc recently. Used him a ton in bots and he is so fucking fun. 1v3'ing a bunch of bots is cool. Too bad it doesn't work that way in PVP. Also, I have read that he can jungle. The mere idea of a jungling twitch makes me giggle to myself because of how awesome it sounds... And man that mafia twitch is awesome, but so are all the mafia skins. Love them hats and suits (and Jinx's flapper outfit)

Edited by SlayerX
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support usually although i trust myself to play anything in ranked

i'm not deluded enough to think i'm like "a plat player trapped in elo hell" or anything (fuck my mechanics are just barely not-shit even in bronze), it's just frustrating to repeatedly watch my teammates throw "winning by 20 kills 3 drags two towers and an inhib" games (it's also irritating as fuck to call baron when there are four bot trying to kill nasus and the rest of the team decides to go take blue)

Ah, I see.

For supports, I'd say 2 things:

1. Get used to having to basically play a 2v1 lane (derpy ADC = you may as well be fighting the bot lane alone).

2. Tanky or bursty supports- IE. Thresh, Leona, Blitz; Zyra, Lux, Nidalee, Annie can help carry games. Especially if you build the latter ones more AP'ish as opposed to supporty/durable builds, you can basically turn yourself into a carry-nuke and literally carry the game on your back (so long as you don't get yourself caught/killed).

Sometimes you'll have to leave your ADC to die if it means you getting out if you build APC. But Bronzie games basically just boil down to, "Whose team is worse?" and "Can I put these 4 others on my back and make it to the nexus before said back breaks?"

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hmm, alright

for the most part i play the early-s4 holy trinity of supports (thresh/annie/leona) and braum, if i had to pick my three best supports it would be leona/braum/annie (in that order), maybe throw karma in there somewhere. maybe i should just get the whole "DIE FOR YOUR TEAM'S SAKE" mentality out and just build carry :+

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If you have the mentality of "die for your team's sake", I suggest picking up Zyra ASAP. Her passive is perfect for martyrs.

As for me. . .the amount I sacrifice for my team is proportional to how hard I think they're trying to win the game. If I get a mid who only wants to steal kills, an ADC who rages (or is a bot), and a top/jungler that won't stop arguing, I ignore all of them and go full carry. If I get a team who I think is trying, even if they're not that great, I'll gladly lay my life down for them.

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hmm, alright

for the most part i play the early-s4 holy trinity of supports (thresh/annie/leona) and braum, if i had to pick my three best supports it would be leona/braum/annie (in that order), maybe throw karma in there somewhere. maybe i should just get the whole "DIE FOR YOUR TEAM'S SAKE" mentality out and just build carry :+

All of those are good solid supports, as is Zyra (as Eclipse mentioned). And don't get me wrong- I main/do Adc/support/mid mostly in my games, and I'm all for "I'm willing to die if it means getting my carry out." 'cause it's what supports generally need to do (or should want to do) if it means saving a carry and otherwise coming up on top in team fights.

But after a while- as I like to say, "I can save newbie players, I don't mind saving/helping weaker (less experienced) players along, or those who fall behind early game. But I just can't help/save stupid."

If a carry's going out and blatantly getting themselves killed (and otherwise not even doing anything for a team fight), your best chances (if playing Zyra, Annie, Lux, Morg, etc.- someone who has the potential to be a nasty AP carry) would be let them die and use the time that the enemy takes to jump on them (the said stupid carry) and utilize it to cast everything you have to obliterate the squishies and attempt to win the team fight that way. Because it does you no good in trying to keep someone like that alive, when they're more of a detriment than anything for you guys as a whole. (And hey, if they keep getting caught, use 'em as live bait maybe?)

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hmm, alright

for the most part i play the early-s4 holy trinity of supports (thresh/annie/leona) and braum, if i had to pick my three best supports it would be leona/braum/annie (in that order), maybe throw karma in there somewhere. maybe i should just get the whole "DIE FOR YOUR TEAM'S SAKE" mentality out and just build carry :+

To a point this can work. It can allow you to transition to trying out solo lanes (if pick order permits) and truly being able to build and share power, carrying your team. Regardless, a lot of play boils down to making the right judgement calls yourself and staying positive (or at least neutral) to ensure your team isn't as likely to be hampered by infighting. By considering each match a learning experience to the best of your ability, you should eventually start winning more and, at the very least, will gradually climb in ranking.

It also helps to watch some other players and try to analyze their plays. It can be streamers, players you're casually spectating and the like. Understanding what they did mechanically right or wrong while being as objective as possible and then attempting to incorporate the same or similar practice could improve your play. Watch replays of yourself if possible (BaronReplays works very well at the moment) and analyze any mistakes you may have made.

Also on role-specific/additional advice:

* Try to go with playmaker supports (the ones you're choosing are pretty good at doing this) Supports with heavy damage output can help but supports with solid CC on top of that are even better. Utility is also reasonably good to have especially since it can help shut down fed enemy players. In addition, some utility-based supports can go rather tanky and having a tanky champion of any sort allows your team to stay in the fight longer and potentially end up punishing enemies who build glass cannon.

* Use pings effectively. Try to use them to coordinate ganks (using assist/targeted pings) and say where you're going and what you're doing. Quick communication is very helpful.

* Not all players are created equal. Sometimes you might just get that terrible ADC. Instead of just abandoning them to a horrible fate try to help them out with constructive criticism and attempt to coordinate (just try not to type too much - typing can quite literally get you killed ingame). If that doesn't work out, try to improve the strengths of your team by going off to help pushes for objectives during later stages of the game.

* Try to play around your team comp if possible. You can pull off crazy stuff like this. On a related note, objectives are great but be careful about throwing due to too much focus on objectives, particularly Baron or base races, etc. If you think it's unsafe to take an objective, do not be afraid to use the Careful ping a few times.

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in addition to what everyone else said.

you main support, there's your problem.

in lower elo, like bronze, teammates and the enemy for that matter, aren't good enough to make use of what you got to offer, so you have to play easy to use champions (or complexed champions that you can go 20/1/4 with) that the bronzie's can't handle, beat your laning opponent, unless your jungle, but both after that involve helping your other hands so they can catch back up and win, unless you play as aback door champion, then you split push all game because bronzies can't handle backdooring.

the general opinion is if you don't deserve to be in bronze, then you'll do what everyone esle said and the above and you should be able to carry yourself out of it, its what my friends have done and its what i've done. granted i'm stuck in silver this season but last season i was silver 1.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Messed around last night for the first time in i duno how many weeks, 21/1/14 was my best match by the end as Ryze. This was in Int.Bots btw. I think I'm getting a little better...but I should really begin diversifying my Champ base. I don't have much of a feel for anyone aside from Ryze, and just a little bit of Irelia.

Played with an Ashe who managed to kill a Taric before minions even spawned. I didn't even think that was possible.

Interest, what do you mean by "Objectives"?

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Messed around last night for the first time in i duno how many weeks, 21/1/14 was my best match by the end as Ryze. This was in Int.Bots btw. I think I'm getting a little better...but I should really begin diversifying my Champ base. I don't have much of a feel for anyone aside from Ryze, and just a little bit of Irelia.

Played with an Ashe who managed to kill a Taric before minions even spawned. I didn't even think that was possible.

Interest, what do you mean by "Objectives"?

Objectives are basically the means of gaining grounds against your opponents and otherwise harnessing an advantage in some way, shape, or form. This includes turrets (destroying them and pushing a lane), Dragon (global gold for the team), Baron (gold + buffs), and inhibitors. Breaking turrets not only gives the team gold, but also removes "map control" and vision from the enemy team, which makes it harder for them to safely push out a lane without wards. Baron can swing the tides of fights due to the buffs (and extra gold for the team), while dragon gives more moneys for the team throughout the game. Destroying inhibitors can swing the balance of a lane heavily in your favor (if it's theirs that's broken) and can also be utilized to redirect their attention/priorities and force the enemy team to split themselves accordingly (if they choose to always fight/contest 5v5 fights outside of their base and ignore the Super Minions pounding on their doorstep, they can easily lose their nexus turrets as a result).

This is what determines Bronzies/Silvers to Golds and on, imo. People get a better feel (as they go up in ranking) of when they should/can safely push a lane to take a turret, when they can secure Dragon/Baron without risking it getting stolen or dying for it, and if they can successfully get an inhibitor or not (if they end up overstaying their welcome in the enemy team's base, they're liable to getting killed and counter-pushed (and if things like Dragon/Baron are up at that time, they could also lose that as well)). Fights revolving around said objectives are also liable for turning the tides of a game in either direction, based on how the fight pans out (if people get caught, split, or otherwise get combo'd), especially wrt Dragon/Baron fights.

Edited by Eurykins
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Objectives are basically the means of gaining grounds against your opponents and otherwise harnessing an advantage in some way, shape, or form. This includes turrets (destroying them and pushing a lane), Dragon (global gold for the team), Baron (gold + buffs), and inhibitors. Breaking turrets not only gives the team gold, but also removes "map control" and vision from the enemy team, which makes it harder for them to safely push out a lane without wards. Baron can swing the tides of fights due to the buffs (and extra gold for the team), while dragon gives more moneys for the team throughout the game. Destroying inhibitors can swing the balance of a lane heavily in your favor (if it's theirs that's broken) and can also be utilized to redirect their attention/priorities and force the enemy team to split themselves accordingly (if they choose to always fight/contest 5v5 fights outside of their base and ignore the Super Minions pounding on their doorstep, they can easily lose their nexus turrets as a result).

This is what determines Bronzies/Silvers to Golds and on, imo. People get a better feel (as they go up in ranking) of when they should/can safely push a lane to take a turret, when they can secure Dragon/Baron without risking it getting stolen or dying for it, and if they can successfully get an inhibitor or not (if they end up overstaying their welcome in the enemy team's base, they're liable to getting killed and counter-pushed (and if things like Dragon/Baron are up at that time, they could also lose that as well)). Fights revolving around said objectives are also liable for turning the tides of a game in either direction, based on how the fight pans out (if people get caught, split, or otherwise get combo'd), especially wrt Dragon/Baron fights.

Blue and red buffs count as objectives too, granted they aren't global objectives but contesting buffs is definitely important.

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Blue and red buffs count as objectives too, granted they aren't global objectives but contesting buffs is definitely important.

Yeah, that is true. But on the other hand, they're more easily dropped/given to the other team in lieu of not being caught in a teamfight that could wind up giving the other team another objective, like baron and/or dragon. People (often the junglers) consider it well-worth if he/she dies to secure dragon/baron kill for their team; dying for (and in that sense, losing) said other buffs, red or blue, generally isn't worth it.

objectives are for noobs

Lol. Spoken like a true diamond player. =P

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stealing blue/red and dying doesn't really accomplish anything other than ~50g into your own pocket (oh good i gift-wrapped their buff for them) whereas baron/drag does a fair bit more

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stealing blue/red and dying doesn't really accomplish anything other than ~50g into your own pocket (oh good i gift-wrapped their buff for them) whereas baron/drag does a fair bit more

That's why I chose not to list them amongst the "Objectives" list, because they're not core objectives of the games that people are/should be (since I know some people still do anyways) willing to die in order to obtain. If one or two people die for a turret, or Baron, or Dragon, it can still be worth it. But red/blue buff? May as well back off, and then kill the person later in a team fight (or just catch them out of position) to get the gold + buff back.

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I am in a BOT GAME where we are ahead by a lot, I WILL BUILD NASUS THE WAY MY CEREAL TELLS ME TO! So kindly STFU about me decision to grab my favorite item (Iceborn Gauntlet) and shove it on him.

(BTW, is anyone else being randomly booted?)

EDIT: Other fun randomness included a MS Janna (530 MS before the game ended, and that was with a level 3 W), and nearly got my DFG Lux (which I KNOW is an awful idea, but I have a sick sense of humor).

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