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Musical Chairs Mafia, Town Wins, the Mod Loses


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I'm still not 100% about Objection. He's been pretty scummy, but I'm just remembering the lynch in Touhou, and he's explained himself this game even less than then. I don't think his Elie thing is scummy -- I don't think he incorporated personal things in a good way, but the whole position is null imo. "Still keeping my vote as it is though, as I'm not seeing any reason to change it yet." pings me though, as he doesn't seem to look elsewhere since his vote is justified. ATE (appeal to emotion) about the active lurking thing slightly scummy, would be more scummy from some other people imo. Would scum let Objection slip off to sea with hardly a word in his defense like this?

This paragraph on Objection kind of bothers me. If he's explained himself even less than in Touhou, a game where he was town, doesn't that look bad for him? Isn't explaining less a scummy thing? I also don't see why AtE would be scummier from other people. And scum don't really want to tie themselves to Objection in that manner. Alternatively, you could be scum defending him here, so why should the rest of us accept this reason as to why Objection is not scummy?

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This paragraph on Objection kind of bothers me. If he's explained himself even less than in Touhou, a game where he was town, doesn't that look bad for him? Isn't explaining less a scummy thing? I also don't see why AtE would be scummier from other people. And scum don't really want to tie themselves to Objection in that manner. Alternatively, you could be scum defending him here, so why should the rest of us accept this reason as to why Objection is not scummy?



-Because his reasoning is often unintuitive and I in retrospect I thought the wagon in Touhou was bad and based on that weirdness.

-Not being in the thread to defend yourself against a lynch is null, not scummy.

-Posting style and experience.

-Coulda pushed the lynch elsewhere.

-I present the question. Is it associatively reading to act as if I were town and no scum are defending or deflecting from Objection, or to act as if I were scum and I'm scum and I'm defending him? You have to consider both ends imo. I think it was worth mentioning, to explain my perspective and to hopefully get people to consider that idea.

Objection if you see this please claim.

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Terra hasn't posted in more than 48 hours either. >_>

Strege- By Objection explaining less, I thought you meant explaining worse. But okay then, if him explaining less is in your words a nulltell, then why are you using it as a reason for why you don't think he's that scummy? And considering both possibilities for why nobody other than you is defending Objection, it's a nulltell. So again, why is it a reason for why he shouldn't be lynched?

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@Refa: Not the biggest fan of your defense of "Probably over exaggerated on the amount of effort he put in, but eh, semantics." Semantics are half the game, and exaggeration is how teh scum win. It seems like that bit just brushes off my suspicion (which I will go into more detail in, but time is really short for me atm -- I really am sorry because I know not being able to respond to suspicion sucks). As for the other parts of your response, I'm afraid I literally don't understand what you are saying; would you mind restating it?

The point was that he put an unnecessary amount of effort into discrediting what I said (this is what I was referring to in the other part of my response, quotes below) rather than actually well, proving why what I said was wrong.

- Refa: If you're accusing me because of my stance on Elieson, you sure made the wrong impression right here.

You should be picking on Kay then, that guy hasn't posted in a while. You're making a cheap excuse for jumping on my wagon and I don't like it.

I know, I know. Just asking for an explanation. And I did say it gave me a wrong impression, it's like he changed his opinion when he saw my post. Speaking of which, he changed opinions a lot. What happened to bearclaw and Darros?

The reason I said I exaggerated is because well, it's still really not like, a super long post, but eh...relative to the size of his other posts, still seems like a lot.

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Every single person other than Objection (who's not going to self-vote) and Darros (who's already stated he wont be here) who's posted in the last 24 hours is currently voting Objection. So we need someone to come back I guess. Scorri's probably our best bet since I know she's around somewhere, just highly demotivated due to issues irl.

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Seriously, who the hell says "whatever, I'll just sleep past deadline in this game I haven't posted in in 48 hours"? I'm pretty apathetic about this game but I can still be assed to check the thread right now.

##Vote: Extension if that counts for anything.

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I guess FYPOV it's a tossup between whether you think a D1 no lynch or a D1 PR mislynch will be more hurtful for the town. Personally I think a D1 no lynch is worse, but meh. A case can be made that the mislynch is worse, particularly in an open setup.

##Vote: Extension though I doubt it'll matter.
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I think Kay is scummy but I don't think her not hammering is indicative. I've been on this thread pretty much for the last 30 minutes and unless she's viewing anonymously, she hasn't been in the thread.

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Town should have some sense of obligation going "man maybe I should check that mafia thing I signed up for". This applies to Elie and scorri who decided not to post 40 minutes before deadline too.

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Hell, even NNR hasn't been on since this morning. Maybe somebody will hammer past deadline and it'll count if he doesn't check the thread in time, I dunno.

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