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Favorite/Ugliest/Cutest/Most Annoying Female/Male Child Awards!


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Is it wrong if I like her support with Yarne :(

Not at all!

I find it HILARIOUS, rather than cruel.

Female Morgan's smile, to me, is adorable. And when she smiles and pulls Yarne's ears, I can't help but smile too.

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Morgan-F is a sadistic horrible spoiled brat. D8 She's worse than Severa. Her treatment of Yarne is abusive and cruel, and if I wasn't playing in Casual mode, that bitch would be dead. She's a disgrace and I hated her supports. Nothing about her is "charming" or "cute" or "hilarious". I wish she was a bit more like Morgan-M, a loveable dork instead of a horrible rotton daughter that shames this father so.

8U The Yarne incident hits me on a deep personal level, it's why I can't forgive her cruel, awful, disgustingly sadistic treatment of him. Yarne has been through enough.

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I don't think I've said my favorites yet..

Favorite? Severa, because she just seems interesting, more than annoying.

My least favorite would have to be Lucina.. there's nothing really wrong with her, but she just bothers me sometimes.

I wish Chrom and Cordelia marry each other.. I've always wanted my Several to activate Aether.

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Sometimes I see Miriel as Leonard's mother in The Big Bang Theory, and Laurent as Sheldon cooper from the same show perhaps this is because It's my favorite show (Excluding Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

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Let's see... For me that'd be, from top to bottom:


Cynthia, Morgan (F)

Severa, Noire, Lucina, Owain, Inigo, Brady, Yarne, Morgan (M)

(insert space here)

Kjelle, Gerome

(insert even more)

(space here)


I like most children, except the overly serious stalker Laurent.

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My body is ready for the flames!

I can't stand Inigo. I can't stand Owain. Severa's whole deal never rubbed me the right way anyhow. (I TIRE OF THEM AAAAAALLL!!!!!)

I like Gerome though. Nah is cool, so is Kjelle. And Laurent. (mostly). I'm inclined to like Yarne because he's the son of my waifu, and therefore, my son. I guarantee you if it wasn't for Panne, I'd have NEVER used him.

Augh...but I like everyone. I can't hate them completely. They all came from a future that was practically shit. They have a reason, and a damn good one, for being who they are.

Edited by sL360
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If it makes you feel better I don't hate any of the kids. Severa is just my least favorite because of her bitchiness.


She share's that Dual Strike killed the enemy quote with Gerome. Which is funny. (and helps point out that that he's the opposite gender counterpart to her. They're both Tsunderes.)

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Who do you like most of these three?

Owain - 17 votes

Severa - 17 votes

Lucina - 20 votes

And who's your least favorite of the least favorites?

Severa - 27 votes

Yarne - 19 votes

Laurent - 14 votes

A special congratulations to Severa for getting into BOTH categories!


Two other categories have been added.

Worst of the Best? & Best of the Worst?

Pick your favorites.

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Hooray for my top three favorites making it into the top. Nice to know that I make popular choices.

And after playing the game further after making my first vote a few days ago, Yarne has overtaken Laurent for my least favorite.

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Severa can legitimately win all of these.

I better hope she DOES, except the worst of the best... and worst of the worst!!!

'Cause I've taken ENOUGH insults of mah precious little girl.

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She's currently winning every single category. Her biggest margin is Best of the Worst, though. So, yay?

Yay! Good to know that when it comes to three not liked characters, she's the most liked of them!

EDIT: *Sigh*. At the end of the day, these results have come forth:

Best of the Best - Owain - 11 votes

Worst of the Worst - Severa & Laurent - 10 votes

Worst of the Best - Severa - 12 votes

Best of the Worst - Severa - 12 votes

Even if my girl was insulted, at least she won the most categories.

Now, onto more serious matters... we'll do Guys vs. Girls..

Who will win? Pick your favorite.

f90abac066e8c44e1d28f216ecf55d2c-d5v9rfh56e16a29532183fc5d710bc7fd9c75a9-d5v9rfoa1177085e30d547b33c08e852eb465d7-d5v9rg13c44d5ea9bc94c2ac9648300032dd1f2-d5v9rf0 vs. 094a760381ed94d73eabbecb2819cdf2-d5q8ov3f9b7a29301dc558a7e5dffec11504cff-d5qwvd80446cfa6d68e265c8bc0b5f5fc42dffe-d5v9rgd2bcd060e14d0b1cc8d521321c62a61a8-d5q8ov7


And after the top 2 has been picked for both genders, those 2 will face off and winner will achieve NOTHING, except praise.

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Poll's not letting me vote for some reason right now, but for female I'd have to say Lucina (although it's more because I like everyone else far less) and for male it's Laurent.

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