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BK with Lance?


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Well, as most of ya'll know, the BK comes with an S in Lance skill, with the possibility of making SS in that area.

So I was on P1-9 just now, and I decided for the heck of it to give the BK a Javelin to mess around with (since I wanted to see Javelin Eclipse). So after I saw that, I set Battle Animations to off, and when enemies brought BK into 1 panel melee range, the Javelin sprite changed to a very elaborate Lancer sprite that I've never seen before. It was long, had three distinct gold ridges about it, and had a large tip on it. It kind of looked like a Silver Lance, except for the gold ridges.

I dunno if this has been discussed or found out before (probably has), but I was thinking that maybe BK also (at one point in this game's development) had his own SS Lance, since I don't ever recall seeing a Lance that looked like the one his sprite was using. If there is any information on this, I'd be interested to know.

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I noticed it too. I had him cleave through the door in 1-E with a Javelin I game him and it turned all bad ass.

I wtf'd.

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  • 3 months later...

Tried it out, saw it, and felt like it was a waste. And for what I've been reading, when it comes to using lances, I'm guessing he's all like "Use brings about wear, tear, and rust. And that's a real waste."

Yeah, that's right, I took his lance away from him after I had my fun. (He doesn't use one anyways when he's not on your team, so I'm figuring "What's the point of letting him keep it?".

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