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It was. Pretty much everything I read is on fanfiction.net.

It would be really cool to have varying story lines depending on the player's choices, I agree. It kind of sucked that despite the fact that Awakening gives you various choices throughout the game, none of them actually change the option of the game.

Well none of them except the last one, which was ruined by a stinger. (Seriously, there's a time and a place for a stinger. And that wasn't it.)

But the whole thing may have been thematic in a way. (I KNOW it was Westbrick who first said this, but...) In short, the game is all about destiny and fighting fate, so in a way, the fact that the game railroads pretty hard with the choices you can make fits- you can't fight fate, but then there's the final choice at the very end of the game, the only one to matter at all. The fact that you can finally have some impact with your choice, even if it is binary (and one ending is completely totaled and in a lose/lose situation) is quite symbolic if you stop and put some thought to it- you've spent the entire game up to that point being railroaded by some "unseen" destiny, and now you've finally been given the chance to fight back and make a lasting choice with real impact.

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This is highly debatable, and more so it's how you personally feel. You can't say that "it's really in part to her not being so absolutely resolute that makes her a great character" with a straight face like it's fact, because it's not if others disagree with you.

What bothers me about that scene is Lucina's inconsistency. If Lucina decided in BOTH versions that it's murder and she couldn't go through with it, I'd be fine. if Lucina decided in BOTH versions that she had to go through with it for the sake of the world, I'd be fine. It's the fact that she only holds herself back in the version where the people who matter most to HER personally that she decides she can't do it that I'm calling out as a selfish choice and bothers me. And that's the big thing. TO HER PERSONALLY. I don't find it admirable that she holds back only when someone close to her is at stake while she's to willing to kill off anyone else's loved one.

Highly temped to link that fic where Lucina kills her MU husband anyway.

Actually I find that to be one ray of relatabilty in an otherwise almost completely forced and unbelievable character. I understand she is supposed to be traumatized and have her emotions repressed but all it comes out as is "i am robot to kill bad guys. change future."

But once again opinions and everyone needs to chill a little jesus its just video game characters being paired with other video game characters, why does this always turn into such a shitstorm

I mean saying "x/y is worse than rape"? Like there must seriously be something wrong with you. What the fuck, man. I know that's past and all but I still can't wrap my head around it.

Edited by Stahlypin
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Lol. Can't we all just accept the fact that we play this game differently and just move on. I like how over the course of two threads there's really no CLEAR consensus or guideline as to what exactly constitutes being under- or, in this case, OVERRATED because, for whoever is concerned, people care more about one thing or another (optimization, supports, etc.). This is a good thing in that it makes all of our approaches to this game fairly unique and diverse. If humanity was "Being John Malkovich," then life would be fucking boring and awkward as hell, you know that?

I swear from the optimization point of view, it's like this:

You like the support? Well, congratulations! You just screwed one of your kids! n00b.

And then fom the support/story point of view, it's like this:

Pssht! You and your optimization. You people are shallow and don't appreciate the effort that was placed into the supports!

Let's face it, there is always a compromise between the two, no pairing is better than the other for whatever the reason, and it really comes down to your personal tastes/preferences that determine how you play the game. After all, this is for "your money's worth." No one is barking orders at you. You do what you want. There's really no point in throwing salt at each other...Sheesh.

I won't lie, I play purely for optimization, but I've also done my fair share of supports (lol it's nearly complete except alternative marriages >_>') and can tell you that both are enjoyable aspects of this game. From the optimization point of view, optimizing only makes this game slightly easier. BUT (uh oh, the big but) you still have to grind, which is a HUGE pain in the arse. Why I personally go through and deal with this shit, I'll never truly know. Though, once I'm done, it's certainly worth one- to two-turning all the DLC maps (except Roster Rescue...DAMN YOU!!!). From the support/story point of view, I can tell you, "Holy shit! Most of these are fun and enjoyable!" especially during the grind because it kills time and certainly makes it worth the time and effort. While it's unnecessary (much like optimization) and makes the story somewhat convoluted and otherwise full of plot holes at times, it certainly brought out some of the best dialogues.

Anyway, you're all intelligible. You've probably read, heard, or thought about all this at one point or another. In fact, I'm probably not the first person to bring this crap up. But for whatever the reason, this is here and this thread exists...and we're all probably having a good time beating each other's heads in. xD

Just to clarify, I don't hate people if they play just for supports. I get all the supports myself, but in my main file I play for optimization. I do act like this, though. This thread was so entertaining to read.

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It kind of sucked that despite the fact that Awakening gives you various choices throughout the game, none of them actually change the option of the game.

I always wondered, when people give comments like these, how exactly should it.... you know, played out? Granted I don't play that many games in the first place, but the only game that I remembered doing something simmilar like this was the SMT franchise and its effect is rather minimal in a lot of places

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Just to clarify, I don't hate people if they play just for supports. I get all the supports myself, but in my main file I play for optimization. I do act like this, though. This thread was so entertaining to read.

No need for clarifications. Wasn't making that kind of assumption...or at least, I hope no one thinks or perceived this thread in such a way.

I personally think for threads like this, it's better that people don't take what others say as a grain of salt and ignore a few comments . On the other hand, there were a few instances where I thought, "How is this an overrated pairing?" I tell you, it's hard not to throw salt back when it gets caught in my eyes. >_<

Makes me a little...no, screw that...VERY upset when I read a few comments when the said "overrated" pairings can be great from an optimization point of view. And it certainly makes me grit my teeth to see some people say such-and-such is a terrible pairing when the support is undeniably good. The challenge of reading almost any comment that disagrees with your worldview is falling back on your morals and overcoming your preconceptions of someone as being arrogant. After all, this is the internet. You really can't say such-and-such about so-and-so without really getting to know them. T^T

Edited by kDog214
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The only other scene it might add some depth to is the one where they refer to each other as "two halves of the same whole". And that whole deal about the Avatar being a sly cat. Pet nicknames, anyone?

As Shadowofchaos pointed out, Chrom says the same thing to the male Avatar, meaning by default, he strictly means it in a friendship sense. My proof that this doesn't mean anything? I have Kent use a similar line about him and Sain in my FE7 fanfic, but Sain and Fiora are the primary pairing in it. Kent is referring to how strong his friendship with Sain is and how they make a great team.

As for pet names, Freddy Bear, anyone? He's one of only two characters that the Avatar gives a nickname to. I hear that the other is Tiki (Tiki-wiki).

Edited by Anacybele
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Pet name means nothing

Glade and Finn has no pet name for each other. They are only a drinking buddy, and the best of buds. And guess what? No other character in the series can be defined as "two halves of the same whole" as much as they do

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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As Shadowofchaos pointed out, Chrom says the same thing to the male Avatar, meaning by default, he strictly means it in a friendship sense. My proof that this doesn't mean anything? I have Kent use a similar line about him and Sain in my FE7 fanfic, but Sain and Fiora are the primary pairing in it. Kent is referring to how strong his friendship with Sain is and how they make a great team.

As for pet names, Freddy Bear, anyone? He's one of only two characters that the Avatar gives a nickname to. I hear that the other is Tiki (Tiki-wiki).

I think the point was about adding additional meaning, not changing anything, thus the whole 'the pairing adds to the story' thing. Could be wrong, though. This thread is a lot convoluted when I read it with some actual sleep behind me.

To go for your example - given how Frederick seems to thoroughly dislike that nickname in the supports (his reaction no matter which one is used), I'd assumed that was Avatar trolling/teasing Frederick. That, however, was MY interpretation. You got a different one (or maybe appropriated the embarrassing nickname afterwards).

...I think I need more sleep. Not sure if that even makes sense.

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Yeah, but if Frederick became Female Avatar's husband, I can see him deciding to let her use it, but not in public. But this is just headcanon, so it doesn't mean anything.

I was just trying to point out that a pet name doesn't necessarily mean anything, as Dragon Boner said.

Oh, and Chrom calls Freddy "Frederick the Wary" but they're obviously just good buddies with Frederick being obsessed with his duty. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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noooo Lucina/Severa


Actually, I'm really surprised at how heated this thread got for a few pages there.

I'm not used to defending any of my pairs because, haha, it's my game and/or headcanon and I do what I want but wow. Remind me to never go out of my way to make a thread to put down popular pairs.

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Yeah, but if Frederick became Female Avatar's husband, I can see him deciding to let her use it, but not in public. But this is just headcanon, so it doesn't mean anything.

I was just trying to point out that a pet name doesn't necessarily mean anything, as Dragon Boner said.

Oh, and Chrom calls Freddy "Frederick the Wary" but they're obviously just good buddies with Frederick being obsessed with his duty. xP

Frede-niku seems more insulting than silly. So, there is no way she'd use that during their marriage, even though she was kidding the first time she said that.

That is DEFINITELY not a pet name.

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Frede-niku seems more insulting than silly. So, there is no way she'd use that during their marriage, even though she was kidding the first time she said that.

That is DEFINITELY not a pet name.

That's your opinion then. My personal headcanon is that she DOES use it once in awhile as Freddy's wife. We'll just have to agree to disagree yet again. :P

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That's your opinion then. My personal headcanon is that she DOES use it once in awhile as Freddy's wife. We'll just have to agree to disagree yet again. :P

It's Japanese. It *IS* the canon. :P

The "cute" Freddy-bear is dependent on where you live.

...just like how Sairi/Say'ri is obviously COMPLETELY Japanese in the Japanese game... while in the localization it's leaning more towards a "mix of China" for Valm in general.

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Actually, I'm really surprised at how heated this thread got for a few pages there.

I'm not used to defending any of my pairs because, haha, it's my game and/or headcanon and I do what I want but wow. Remind me to never go out of my way to make a thread to put down popular pairs.

I agree, but it was so entertaining to read.

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I would say Virion!Inigo and Vaike!Kjelle are both overrated, from a gameplay perspective. Oh, and Ricken!Brady. And Henry!Inigo. Henry!Gerome too. Also Donnel!Nah.

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Lon'qu!Olivia - Generic as all hell. Plus Inigo looks the opposite of good with black hair.

Chrom!MU - Fanservice, here we go.

Lon'qu!Cordelia - Broody guy with hyper-competent girl, big whoop.

Stahl!Cordelia - So sappy it gives me diabeetus.

Stahl!Sully - They're both cavaliers so they MUST be together!

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Lon'qu!Olivia - Generic as all hell. Plus Inigo looks the opposite of good with black hair.

Chrom!MU - Fanservice, here we go.

Lon'qu!Cordelia - Broody guy with hyper-competent girl, big whoop.

Stahl!Cordelia - So sappy it gives me diabeetus.

Stahl!Sully - They're both cavaliers so they MUST be together!

[/waits patiently for the Rey-ge to ensue]

As Shadowofchaos pointed out, Chrom says the same thing to the male Avatar, meaning by default, he strictly means it in a friendship sense. My proof that this doesn't mean anything? I have Kent use a similar line about him and Sain in my FE7 fanfic, but Sain and Fiora are the primary pairing in it. Kent is referring to how strong his friendship with Sain is and how they make a great team.

As for pet names, Freddy Bear, anyone? He's one of only two characters that the Avatar gives a nickname to. I hear that the other is Tiki (Tiki-wiki).

Right. But if they are married then it doesn't HAVE to be in strictly a friendship sense - what way you take a certain line depends on how you're playing the game and your own interpretations. Since I've only married Silvia to Chrom once, that's the only time the line actually seemed romantic. To my sister, the only time she sees that line is when she's married to Chrom, which is pretty much all the time. It's romantic to her, because that's the only context she sees it in.

The line is ambiguous - it COULD be used either way and doesn't carry a specific connotation to it.

All in all, the discussion we're having is over a very subjective thing so the way you see something and the way someone sees it could - and probably would - vary immensely.

There's also the Male Avatar's version, Frederickson. I actually really like that one, although Freddy Bear eventually wins out.

Yeah, the Male Avatar calls Tiki Tikiwiki in their support conversation.

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Yeah, you're right, Vashiane. But I believe that that line can be romantic too, but only depending on the situation. I've only ever seen it as strictly friendship, however, so in my case, it's harder to see it as romantic. Not only do I not plan to marry an Avatar to Chrom, but as I mentioned before, I used a very similar line for Sain and Kent in a fanfic for FE7, so yeah.

Another reason FrederickxFemale Avatar stands out to me more than the others though, is that Frederick is the only one that gives the Avatar a kiss of any kind in his confession. And he still plays a bigger role than the other non-Spotpass males the female Avatar can marry barring Chrom. Also, the knight captain with the tactician? That's one hell of an army they'll train!

I wasn't even considering any of this stuff when I first decided on Freddy though. I just thought "ooh, he doesn't trust her? How interesting it would be if he ended up marrying her!" After I did the marriage, it just started working for me more and more.

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Yeah, you're right, Vashiane. But I believe that that line can be romantic too, but only depending on the situation. I've only ever seen it as strictly friendship, however, so in my case, it's harder to see it as romantic. Not only do I not plan to marry an Avatar to Chrom, but as I mentioned before, I used a very similar line for Sain and Kent in a fanfic for FE7, so yeah.

Another reason FrederickxFemale Avatar stands out to me more than the others though, is that Frederick is the only one that gives the Avatar a kiss of any kind in his confession. And he still plays a bigger role than the other non-Spotpass males the female Avatar can marry barring Chrom. Also, the knight captain with the tactician? That's one hell of an army they'll train!

I wasn't even considering any of this stuff when I first decided on Freddy though. I just thought "ooh, he doesn't trust her? How interesting it would be if he ended up marrying her!" After I did the marriage, it just started working for me more and more.

Right - just like how many sister wouldn't be able to see that line as anything BUT romantic, you see it in only a platonic light.

Some of the confessionals have little romantic gestures like that and they're really sweet. Like Cordelia's to a Male Avatar, or Emmeryn and Tiki's hugs. Frederick's kiss on the hand is adorable, I'll give you that. Henry and Priam also reach out and touch the Avatar's cheek, and Virion holds her hand.

Yeah, I really wish some of the other characters actually stayed in the plot. After Chapter 14 anyone who's not named Lucina, Frederick, Chrom, Flavia, Basilio, or the Avatar is pretty much kicked to the curb. It's disappointing, considering that are some hidden gem cast members buried in there.

Actually, hearing your take on that is really, really interesting. If you want, we could continue this discussion in a PM so that way we don't end up derailing the topic. ^_^

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