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Can you dress well and go out without having to worry?


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I mentioned in one of my earlier topics (about two weeks ago) that over here in my country, there's a problem regarding safety/security. And this sort of has to do with what I mean...

I have alot of fine clothing that I simply can't just put them to use whenever I wish, considering it catches people's attention into thinking you're "a person of money" and maybe even robbers, encouring them to go for you. People here are rather judgemental in these aspects, and seeing you with nice clothing brands (brands that are either too expensive or not found over here) can get negative attitude towards you.

Do you guys have to worry about that in other countries, say, 1rst world places like the U.S? I remember not having to worry about that over there (assuming it's a relatively nice and safe area)...

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when i lived in the inner city, it even mattered if you were poor. you get trouble wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhoods.

that being said, polos and stuff don't matter. i would imagine a man in a suit from my old neighborhood probably shouldn't be roaming the streets late at night unless he knew what he was doing.

in the two cities i live in now (one a suburb, the other a college city), i don't have to worry at all. it's pretty nice.

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I mentioned in one of my earlier topics (about two weeks ago) that over here in my country, there's a problem regarding safety/security. And this sort of has to do with what I mean...

I have alot of fine clothing that I simply can't just put them to use whenever I wish, considering it catches people's attention into thinking you're "a person of money" and maybe even robbers, encouring them to go for you. People here are rather judgemental in these aspects, and seeing you with nice clothing brands (brands that are either too expensive or not found over here) can get negative attitude towards you.

Do you guys have to worry about that in other countries, say, 1rst world places like the U.S? I remember not having to worry about that over there (assuming it's a relatively nice and safe area)...

I don't want to sound like an idiot, but don't you think you're overreacting? you're argentine right? Argentina is far from being a dangerous country! It actually has a lower murder rate than the united states. I live in Brazil that is like one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and I dress with fine clothes all the time but I've never been robbed or anything. I actually use my iphone on the subway all the time and nothing happened to me! So unless you live on a really bad neighborhood, I honestly believe you're exaggerating and that could be bad for your life. Seriously, those things don't happen that often! I was born in one of the most violent cities of one of the most violent countries in the world (i don't live in that city anymore though) and nothing has ever happen to any of my extended family members, and believe me they're all "targets" since we're all from middle upper class.

If you don't believe me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_murder_rate

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I live in a safer, small town. I'm a little afraid of Indianapolis when I'm there from the stories I hear from the news or from my dad (dunno if I'm overreacting or not x3), but I've never worried about how nice I dressed anywhere (Although, it's not like I own many expensive things since I'm from a poor family~). But, I've actually never heard of anybody worrying about dressing too fancy in my life, either.

Nobody, I don't know all that much about the city Soul's from (aw I also forget which one he's from too, I forget if it was Buenos Aires or not), but from what I've heard, if he really is overreacting, it isn't without reason... If I were in his shoes I would probably also be timid about these things. Either he's had really bad luck there or he lives in a bad place.

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Hmm... If he doesn't then maybe I shouldn't have brought it up...

(oh yes it's Buenos Aires~ I saw from his other topic he made...)

And it seems he's worrying about robbery, and I'm preeeeeeeeetty sure murder rate must not completely correspond with that

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Short answer is no. You can walk around in expensive clothes in my country without getting into trouble. The color doesn't even matter(yet). Teenagers here have started to imitate those American gangs, but I've not yet heard of them adhering to specific colours.

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Depends where and when you go outside. If it's a night out at a poor district with reputation for crime, then you best not attract any attention and be able to adequately respond to people who will come up to you with an intention to rob you, and use appropriate body language and tone of voice to maintain an advantageous position of power.

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In Poland when you wear club scarf( I don't know how you call it in USA, but it looks that: click) of city A in city B you have high chance to lose your teeth, wallet and telephone. But if you don't walk at small and dark streets in late night and don't wear club scarf of football team of another city you probably won't get trouble.

In my town it's really hard to lose teeth "just because".

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i usually wear simple black/white T-shirt with my usual hooded black jacket half covering my t-shirt whanever i went to lower district/Poorer part, since that was what most people do On the lower side, But it feels weird to wear such on cities tho... (so i cover all my t-shirt with jacket sometimes)

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Dude I live in the Dominican Republic, now THAT'S dangerous.

But no don't worry about it, as long as you aren't out by yourself too late at night...

Just don't be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

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No, no, generally nothing happens to people with expensive clothes over here, although it'd do you well to do what the Romans do, when in Rome. It just makes socializing with people easier.

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Pretty sure walking around any place late at night is dangerous, though some places more than others.

Regardless, I'm in NYC, when I dress up its usually shirt/tie/pants which is pretty normal since you can usually spot one or two other adults dressed like this on the streets. So yeah, I really don't have to worry.

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I don't want to sound like an idiot, but don't you think you're overreacting? you're argentine right? Argentina is far from being a dangerous country! It actually has a lower murder rate than the united states. I live in Brazil that is like one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and I dress with fine clothes all the time but I've never been robbed or anything. I actually use my iphone on the subway all the time and nothing happened to me! So unless you live on a really bad neighborhood, I honestly believe you're exaggerating and that could be bad for your life. Seriously, those things don't happen that often! I was born in one of the most violent cities of one of the most violent countries in the world (i don't live in that city anymore though) and nothing has ever happen to any of my extended family members, and believe me they're all "targets" since we're all from middle upper class.

If you don't believe me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_murder_rate

Murder rate /=/ crime rate and Buenos Aires /=/ all of Argentina.

To sum up, I believe the question “how bad is crime in Buenos Aires” is best answered by a quote I read in a report prepared by the US Overseas Security Advisory Council:

Crime is a serious problem in Argentina that can be managed with common sense precautions.”

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Pretty sure walking around any place late at night is dangerous, though some places more than others.

I don't think you understand how ridiculously safe my neighborhood is. I mean, someone shoplifted at the local Walgreens and it made the news. And the "crime tracker" thing the news had found one "theft" (which considering that people will go to the local 7-11 and leave their car unlocked and running while they're inside is ridiculously easy to do) within a two mile radius of the crime within the past month. That's it. As long as you don't do anything stupid (i.e. try sneaking into someone's house in the middle of the night) nothing bad will happen to you, or at least on purpose.

Although I don't know why you'd bother dressing well here. The fanciest place within five miles of my house is a Zupas.

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Pretty sure walking around any place late at night is dangerous, though some places more than others.

Regardless, I'm in NYC, when I dress up its usually shirt/tie/pants which is pretty normal since you can usually spot one or two other adults dressed like this on the streets. So yeah, I really don't have to worry.

cops are so bored in my area they'll send like 5 fucking cars to a shoplifting call. seriously.

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Argentina is getting pretty bad in crime, but I live in Venezuela, which is much worse. People get robbed here in the poor neighborhoods, which consist of about 80% of neighborhoods and sometimes you get robbed in the city or nicer areas (especially if you have some really nice stuff). In the rich areas people get kidnapped so people have a whole different thing to worry about there. Rich people basically live in prisons or they just don't care. Anyway, I go out all the time and I never think twice about what I wear. I know it is reckless, but fuck living life scared all the time, lol. Also, I don't live or wander in a bad ghetto. If you go to a bad place then you should never wear nice clothing. You will always get robbed, maybe killed. People say you shouldn't go out at night here and wear nice clothing, but honestly it is so bad here that it isn't about that. People get robbed or hurt for anything here. That classist stereotyping is a coverup for how bad people really are, in my opinion.

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I'm always dressin' nice. I didn't want to be that stereotypical, unpolished nerd in school so I always kept up with the latest trends and styles. Now that I'm a working adult I can afford to slack though :P

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In my place, not dressing well is the problem. And the criminals here only target your expensive motorbike or your shiny jewelry, they dont bother with your wallet. Dont be an arrogant peacock and you will be fine.

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i usually wear a hoodie, a beanie, a pair of nike air max trainers and some scruffy but comfortable trousers. so no, i don't dress well when i go outside....

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