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Not using Braves just unlocks Manakete and Taguel. But all Manaketes and Taguels need MU to get both Luna and Galeforce, which doesn't change anything from those suggestions above.

Oh that's RIGHT! Manaketes and Taguels can't use brave weapons. So are you saying they're just usable, or are they actually good when you don't factor in brave weapons? (ignoring their lack of access to the skills you mentioned)

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Oh that's RIGHT! Manaketes and Taguels can't use brave weapons. So are you saying they're just usable, or are they actually good when you don't factor in brave weapons? (ignoring their lack of access to the skills you mentioned)

Manakete will be good since without Braves you maximum hit during a battle will be dropped from 12-hits to 4-hits, which means you'll probably be counter-striked by the enemy and unable to 4HKO some enemies in Apo. In this case high defense/resistance becomes important.

Wait. If 4-hits cannot KO some enemies in Apo, then the Galeforce+Luna for the all-out strategy becomes overrated.

That means if Braves are prohibited, Galeforce and offensive procs will be less important if the unit can't 4HKO enemies. They will be taken place by some defensive skills.

This makes the situation complicate. I'd suggest you do a backup save before you marry them and try the pairs you're interesting.

Edited by MelonGx
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I'm not sure about that, but on the matter of Pav/Gis, it's often much better to have one tank having high DEF and Pavise and one tank having High RES and Aegis; Kjelle isn't inclined to either situation.

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Wait. If 4-hits cannot KO some enemies in Apo, then the Galeforce+Luna for the all-out strategy becomes overrated.

That means if Braves are prohibited, Galeforce and offensive procs will be less important if the unit can't 4HKO enemies. They will be taken place by some defensive skills.

This makes the situation complicate. I'd suggest you do a backup save before you marry them and try the pairs you're interesting.

Luna becomes exponentially less useful for ORKOes as your Atk (including number of hits) goes down to the point where I don't even bother equipping it. Bosses take special strategies anyway so you won't miss it there, and on the masses it both doesn't make a big enough difference and is unreliable due to fewer hits. It still makes a great damage booster in general, just can't be used for KOes. Vengeance is practically required for reliable ORKOes. Speaking of which, Killer weapons are also great with no Braves, it's very easy to surpass 50 listed crit on the lead unit if you try. With Wrath active, some support units can even do it. Luna crit = pain.

Manaketes and Taguel: Manaketes should be OK with the right skills/mods, though they still mostly come from Avatar. Taguel are interesting because with Beaststone+ they're the fastest class in the game, though if you use Balmung (with Braves off the table, legendary weapons are really good!) then they lose that title again.

Speaking of legendary weapons, the ones that give you skills are fun with no Braves because you can effectively use them for another skillslot without losing any hits. Luna and Vengeance deserve special mention here.

DS is almost more important than it is with Braves, your damage output is much lower so you need to milk every source you can to get kills.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Making a MaMU file. Working with these constraints:

1. All combat pairs have S support

2. Any gen 2 S support pair is deployed before gen 1 (except Chrom and wife)

3. Maximum possible number of actions per player phase

gen 1

Chrom x Sumia

Lissa x Ricken

MaMU x Aversa

Frederick x Panne

Sully x Donnel

Virion x Maribelle

Stahl x Olivia

Vaike x Cherche

Miriel x Gregor

Lon'qu x Cordelia

Gaius x Tharja

gen 2

Lucina x Laurent

Cynthia x Owain

Morgan x Inigo

Severa x Gerome

Noire x Brady

Kjelle x Yarne


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Going for the Shadowgift Morgan, I see... Interesting.

Raftina I have not so much a comment as a question... Why Virion for Brady instead of like say Henry? I assume it's mod-related because Virion doesn't give much in the way of class sets, where Henry only adds to it.

...ah... I see you've left out Nowi and Nah. Actually nvm I think that answers my question.

Pretty unorthodox but interesting pairings.

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Do you mean you have to deploy the parents in any map where you deploy their children? If not I don't get this rule.

I think Rafty means that all kids will always be deployed before parent pairs are sent out. IE, the kids always have higher priority, if I'm understanding.

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Typically maximum attacks/turn sets use 3rd Gen Morgan for 7 2nd Gen pairs, though if you have something specific in mind for Shadowgift (as in, something Micaiah/Katarina can't do) then it's fine. The one pairing that seems a little odd is Morgan x Inigo, Stahl!Inigo is definitely physical but Aversa!Morgan is magical. Since Noire has the tools to go either physical or magical you may want to swap her with Morgan (Morgan/Brady and Noire/Inigo) instead.

Virion!Brady: Henry!Brady can choose between Vengeance and Luna as his offensive proc. Virion!Brady is stuck to Luna, but has two more Spd. It's mostly a matter of taste. I think. Let me check.

Virion!Brady@Sage's Spd (Sage support): 42(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(Sage support) +2(tonic) =70 (doubles Thronie). With a DF support instead, it goes up to 75 (Doubles Anna/NS). I'd say that's a pretty big difference, Virion!Brady is definitely superior in most cases.

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Assuming Chrom and his wife are deployed, gen 1 marriage has 1 more APT for all deployment limits 8 or above. This is because gen 1 marriage allows 3 double GF pairs, while gen 2 marriage only allows 2 double GF pairs (or 3 double GF pairs and 1 no GF pair, which has the same APT as 2 double GF pairs and 2 single GF pairs).

Ah right. It's hard to remember that Noire is actually better as physical because of the lack of Tomefaire. That is a better set, but I'll probably keep Inigo x daddy's little demoness for the support points.

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Correct. I wanted the extra GF pair to maximize actions per turn, and Aversa seemed most appropriate because she has a damage proc, while Emmeryn and Say'ri do not (well, Say'ri does, but Astra is unreliable).

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Why decided Magical x Physical?

Already answered:

Ah right. It's hard to remember that Noire is actually better as physical because of the lack of Tomefaire. That is a better set, but I'll probably keep Inigo x daddy's little demoness for the support points.

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How about mine? I've been thinking these for a while












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How about mine? I've been thinking these for a while

ChromxOlivia *


Vaike xMaribelle

GaiusxSully *?


Lon'quxCordelia *

LibraxMiriel *


AvatarxTharja *

Gregor/Stahl FrederickxPanne

Virion/Frederick VaikexCherche

* = fine

Donnel doesn't really have anything to offer Nowi; he gives her Galeforce, but Donny!Nah has no offensive procs (activatable skills like Luna) so it's sort of a waste. Donnel and Gaius are best as parents for any of the girls since they can give the Pegasus tree to girls who don't already have them, but I think it's generally agreed on that Gaius x Tharja and Donny x Sully are best in terms of the mods the dads give their kids. But uh, in theory Gaius x Sully should be fine if you're doing MU x Tharja.

People will also tell you to pair Cherche with Gregor, Vaike, or Henry for the Barbarian tree since they say Berserker is Gerome's best class. Moving Vaike from Maribelle to cherche and pairing Mari with Ricken is probably better.

Also, you may want to consider swapping Libra on Miriel with Stahl or another Myrmidon, since Laurent really likes to have Vantage and Libra basically gives him nothing useful besides mods.

Fred is a bad dad for postgame Cynthia and is pretty much best for Yarne since Yarne basically doesn't need anything from his dad.

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Well, I agree with most people,HenryxCherche has worked out. great for me particularly because I like tomebreaker as a skill to.pass Gerome along with Swordbreaker from Cherche so he can serve as a nice tank then grab Axefaire and Sol with Slowburn and go straight to Apothosis.

I've used GregorxNowi as well and while I like it, well...idk, I feel Yarnes classes are... bad for Apotheosis Future Past, etc so Gregor could help.with that a lot.

Also, DonnyxSully... I think they really dont go with each other, like, they fuck each others.modifiers and gaius can pass Kjelle Peg Knight, Sol which I like.

With Maribelle and Lissa, I was.searching for more...physical oriented sons, Ive got Noire, Morgan and Laurent for Magic, Severa and Cynthia for Dark Flying action, so I planned.for them to be Dread.Fighters, but it seems as if most people use Owain as a Sage and Brady as a Dark Knight

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Most people will tell you DonnyxSully is the best pairing for both of them.

Also Dark Knight is pretty inferior to Sage, even with the extra movement.

You might want to read through both this thread and another thread about the Classes that might give you a better idea of what kind of stuff is most effective for Apo. I'm not really an expert on the subject, I'm mostly just parroting what I've heard from other people because I basically only have theoretical knowledge.

Edited by BANRYU
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I guess Ill read it but just for curiosoty, the thing. Is I dont.consider Apotheosis hard, I mean... I've cleard both paths about5 times with different parents children cmbination and for the.most.part I think you could use anything and do well.

The thing is once I got yelled at for using a ChromxMU(+Mag -Lck) Morgan with L Breaker, Sol, Tomefaire, Galeforce, And Rightful King because apparently that makes me stupid. After that I stopped thinking there are BEST parent/children combinations,I just like seeing everyones opinions

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Oh well in that case I'm basically completely unqualified to answer your question lol. You'll probably do fine no matter what you go with, then.

A lot of people in here have generally agreed-upon 'best' combos, but most people are pretty open about it at least in terms of which ones are effective. A lot of people here will tell you Chrom x FeMU is bad, but I certainly hope none of them are calling you stupid (anymore, at least).

I think as long as you understand why a pairing is not optimal or 'bad' it's fine to use it if you want that challenge or whatever. For instance, I go MUxTiki even though I know Tiki is really bad and pretty much everyone 2nd gen makes a better wife in terms of combat *shrug*

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Hi all, this is my first playthrough for Fire Emblem: Awakening and I was hoping to have you all review my pairings.

Chrom x Olivia = Lucina & Inigo
Fred x Panne = Yarne
Stahl x Cordelia = Severa
Vaike x Cherche = Gerome
Donnel x Sully = Kjelle
Lon'qu x Miriel = Laurent
Ricken x Lissa = Owain
Gauius x Tharja = Noire
Gregor x Nowi = Nah
Libra x Maribelle = Brady
Henry x Sumia = Cynthia

Now my big problem here is that I'm trying to find the best pair for my male avatar. He's +Strength -Luck and I wasn't sure who'd be the best pairing for him. Suggestions?

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