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D'oh. I kind of assumed no DLC.






After DLC anyone works for Brady Lol.

I guess after Dlc the higher magic of Libra would be better.

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Oh, so no DLC?

In a no-DLC postgame, self-healing generally trumps procstack because you have less need for offense (no Dragonskin, EP combat is less dangerous) and more defense because you get mobbed if you're not fielding a ton of units and pouring money into Rescue. Brady already has Renewal and Lifetaker, give those a look. If you were to stick another proc on him (from Gregor, at least) I'd make mine Sol.

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Oh, so no DLC?

In a no-DLC postgame, self-healing generally trumps procstack because you have less need for offense (no Dragonskin, EP combat is less dangerous) and more defense because you get mobbed if you're not fielding a ton of units and pouring money into Rescue. Brady already has Renewal and Lifetaker, give those a look. If you were to stick another proc on him (from Gregor, at least) I'd make mine Sol.

No, there is DLC. XD

I kind of always swap out the faire for AT, because I thought just piling more and more damage in is boring compared to skills. (LB, Agg, TF all just add raw stats.)

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Who is Gregor!Brady's wife?

If you go double AT Gale, it may be Morgan-F, FeMU, Severa, Donnel!Nah/Kjelle/Noire.

Severa probably doesn't have Tomefaire.

Donnel!Kjelle/Noire never has Tomefaire.

These makes the double AT Gale pair unable to 6-hit KO some principal bosses (which means you have to take those enemies' counter damage, or unable to ORKO Anna - Gregor!Brady needs all the All+2, Spd Tonic & Dark Flier pair bonus to reach Spd.75).

Edited by MelonGx
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Gregor!Brady's wife is Chrom!Cynthia.

Severa does have TF, but Virion!Severa x Henry!Gerome is going for the 75 speed threshold.

I have two double AT Gale pairs, MaMU!Owain x Donnel!Noire + Lissa!Morgan x Ricken!Inigo.

Edited by Bloo
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Okay, I think I got my pairings sorted out. Mostly aiming for Days of Future Past and Apotheosis as "goals".


Basic plan was to have my favorite kids be the front line, primary fighters, with the rest supporting them. So Lucina, Severa, Owain, Morgan, and Inigo are set for that. I keep seeing people bring up Viron as a potential father for Severa, but if I'm not mistaken that would require a Swordmaster pair up to hit 75 speed (or not using Wyvern Lord), correct? Laurent will likely end up as an Assassin, wasting his magic potential a bit, to give Severa the speed she needs to hit 75.

Really unsure about Brady, Nah, and Kjelle (didn't even have anyone to pair her with, so no big loss). Nah especially, I'd like to make her work somehow, but her low speed and weird class sets don't seem to really make it appear like it'll work. Wasn't entirely sure about Laurent's father either, but Stahl seemed like the overall best choice out of what was left. As is, the bachelors are Ricken, Frederick, and Kellam.

Feedback would be appreciated; thanks!

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Wyvern Severas use All+2 and a Berserker support to hit 75 Spd. They have room for it, too (LB/GF/LF/Vengeance/All+2) thanks to not needing a procstack.

Just put Nah behind Brady and call it a day. Nah has enough Atk boosting skills to make a set out of as a Sage, Brady doesn't maind having a hard magical support, it should work out just fine. Give Nah Libra (Yarne is a physical dude, he can take Vaike) instead for more magical power, and then swap Nah's Libra and Brady's Virion if you'd rather Brady have Vengeance and get a little more DS (Nah can equip Skl+2) than a little more Spd on Brady and 1 more Mag on Nah. Or, since Ricken is free, if you really want Libra!Yarne then give him to Nah.

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For some reason, I completely blanked on All Stats +2. Is there any worth in changing Lon'qu out for Virion in this proposed arrangement other than hair color? Not sure who else he'd really help.

Only reason I gave Yarne the Libra seed was so he could support Morgan, who will end up as either Sage or Sorcerer. Libra gives the Dark Mage skills to Yarne, so he gets extra support skills for Morgan to annihilate with. If I went with one of the "knights" (the three left), he'd only really have Dual Guard+ instead of the Dark Mage stuff as far as support goes. Not sure which is really better, but I figured lowering the enemy's avoidance would be better. Also, I can't even remember what class I had intended to make Yarne to support Morgan with. Trickster, maybe? Avatar is +Speed/-Def, so Sage Morgan without skills has 47 speed and Sorcerer would have 45, so I think she'd need a +speed pair up, even if it's just +1.

Ricken for Nah could work if Libra stays with Panne.

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If +1 is fine, use Dread Fighter. Trickster's pairup bonuses are cool but they're incredibly weak.

For Lon'qu!Severa vs Virion!Severa, the main difference is that the former gets Swordfaire and the latter gets Tomefaire for time not spent as a Wyvern Lord (Hero and Dark Flier like these). Lon'qu!Severa can hit 75 Spd as a Wyvern with an Assassin support and no All+2 as well. Both Lon'qu and Virion can go decently on several others but don't make or break any (Brady, Yarne and Nah are all cool with both of them, Lon'qu can also go on Laurent but doesn't break any thresholds that I care about over Gregor (he's better than Stahl, though)).

Anathema is fine, but Hit+20 also works for Berserker supports and is a lot more common. Stahl and Virion are both good sources, particularly for Yarne.

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Oh yeah, just remembered the thing I always forget when making teams and pairings and such...

I didn't leave anyone for healing/rescue staff duty. Is that something that needs to be done, or is it enough to just have it available as an option on offensive characters that are Sages and the like?

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Giving Staffbots supports just wastes units because they never see combat and don't need them- thus Staffbots are always best as Spotpass/DLC characters. Units who can support shouldn't be Staffbots except for aesthetic reasons. Logbook units can also get unlimited Boots, which all your Staffbots should have.

Generally, Staffbots are +Mag/-anything Valkyries with LB/TF/Mov+1/Acrobat/Anathema holding Valflame.

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I have read so many guides with so many different suggestions at this point I'm at a bit of a loss so I hope you guys can help me. Some of the guides seem outdated.

So far with some planning I think this is what Imma try to take into late game (gonna go for Apotheosis etc)

Olivia! Lucina
Chrom! Inigo
MU! Nah
Naw! Morgan
Stah! Yarne
Lon'Qu! Severa
Donelle! Kjelle
Ricken! Laurent
Libra! Brady
Henry! Cynthia
Vaike! Owain
Gregor! Gerome
Gaius! Noire

Is there any pairing in particular that is bad? If there is would you help recommend a different set of pairings? Also I'm still a bit confused as to what skills I should pass down from which parents. I KNOW that Galeforce should always be a priority at least from Mothers to pass down to sons but I don't know what else is important. Any advice guys?

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Most of the guides out there are outdated. This forum is good, though.

Assuming you meant Nowi!Morgan, Vaike!Owain seems to be the only eyebrow raiser- Owain needs either Libra or Ricken. If you give him Libra, give Brady Virion instead. If you give him Ricken, you might have to do a bit more shuffling to free up someone good for Laurent. Be aware that you will have to bench a child by marrying Avatar first Gen, but that's not too bad.

Have Olivia pass Lck+4 to Lucina, Donnel pass Underdog to Kjelle, Henry pass Despoil to Cynthia, and Gaius pass Sol to Noire. Everyone else doesn't matter, though passing Veteran to Avatar's children will speed up their training a little.

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Vaike!Owain is not good.

Change Vaike!Owain to Ricken!Owain.

Change Gregor!Gerome to Vaike!Gerome.

Change Ricken!Laurent to Gregor!Laurent.

Pass Axefaire to both Morgan and Nah if your MU is Str asset.

Edited by MelonGx
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Aww yes my mistake I meant Nowi! Morgan.

Ricken! Owain, Vaike!Gerome, and Ricken! Laurent sounds solid I will probably go down that path.

Thanks a bunch. Been trying to patch together all the information out there from multiple guides and its absolute massive headache. Some of it is outdated. Some of it tells wrong information its rather frustrating.

Also still don't quite understand how people figure out who to pair who with and which people they should leave as supports. Is it mostly based off of who they can get S level supports with? Also are there any particular children or parent pairs and skills that are good to pair together for combat?

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Hi, I was wondering how to make the master race of super soldiers in order to tackle both routes of Apotheosis without Limit Breaker.

I had a thread wanting to clear only the normal route but I changed my mind because I think minmaxing can be quite fun.

Anyways here are the pairings that I've thought of:

Chrom x Sumia
Lissa x Ricken
Sully x Donnel
Olivia x Libra
Cherche x Stahl
Maribelle x Lon'qu
Miriel x Gregor
Nowi x Vaike

Tharja x Gaius
Cordelia x Frederick

I'm not too sure on what their parents should pass down ( Probably Galeforce for those who can, most likely ), 2nd gen pairings and where the main unit fits into all of this though, so these are things I need input on.

I don't have a set way of playing, so to speak, I just want to reliably beat Apotheosis without Limit Break.

This might take a bit of grinding..

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Hi, I was wondering how to make the master race of super soldiers in order to tackle both routes of Apotheosis without Limit Breaker.

I had a thread wanting to clear only the normal route but I changed my mind because I think minmaxing can be quite fun.

Anyways here are the pairings that I've thought of:

Chrom x Sumia

Lissa x Ricken

Sully x Donnel

Olivia x Libra

Cherche x Stahl

Maribelle x Lon'qu

Miriel x Gregor

Nowi x Vaike

Tharja x Gaius

Cordelia x Frederick

I'm not too sure on what their parents should pass down ( Probably Galeforce for those who can, most likely ), 2nd gen pairings and where the main unit fits into all of this though, so these are things I need input on.

I don't have a set way of playing, so to speak, I just want to reliably beat Apotheosis without Limit Break.

This might take a bit of grinding..

Give Lon'qu to Cordelia instead, and then maybe MaMU to Maribelle? If not, then maybe Henry.

Edited by Bloo
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Hi, I was wondering how to make the master race of super soldiers in order to tackle both routes of Apotheosis without Limit Breaker.

I had a thread wanting to clear only the normal route but I changed my mind because I think minmaxing can be quite fun.

Anyways here are the pairings that I've thought of:

Chrom x Sumia

Lissa x Ricken

Sully x Donnel

Olivia x Libra

Cherche x Stahl

Maribelle x Lon'qu

Miriel x Gregor

Nowi x Vaike

Tharja x Gaius

Cordelia x Frederick

I'm not too sure on what their parents should pass down ( Probably Galeforce for those who can, most likely ), 2nd gen pairings and where the main unit fits into all of this though, so these are things I need input on.

I don't have a set way of playing, so to speak, I just want to reliably beat Apotheosis without Limit Break.

This might take a bit of grinding..

If you want to reliably beat Apo without Limit Break then use a Vantage/Vengeance male s ranked with Lucina.

Anyway, do Freddy bear x Olivia, Virion x Maribelle, and LQ x Cordy

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These are my pairings, probably aren't that good but w/e:

Chrom x Olivia - Gives a boss Inigo w/ Rightful King and Luna, aswell as passing down Myrmidon to Lucina for Astra and Swordfaire

Lissa x Lon'qu: These two were kinda left out from my other pairings, people prefer Libra!Owain but I never really liked it, might try it at some point. Nothing really else to add.

Vaike x Sully - With Vaike being able to pass down Mercenary to Kjelle (iirc) aswell as Axefaire or Counter etc, its pretty good.

Gaius x Tharja - I enjoy this because Gaius can pass down Pegasus Knight to Noire, who doesn't normally get it, and I think gives good speed too.

Nowi x Donnel - Aptitude and Armsthrift for Nah aswell as I'm guessing high Luck modifier, its just overall good.

Ricken x Miriel - With Ricken being able to Second Seal into a cavalier class, giving Luna and Aegis for Laurent is great, aswell as high magic for him too.

Cordelia x Stahl - Stahl gives some good growths to Severa aswell as Cavalier AND Myrmidon for Astra, Luna etc

Maribelle x Henry - Sorcerer Brady is cool and good magic too iirc, nothing much else to say.

Cherche x Virion - I like this just because I thought passing down Bowbreaker to Gerome was a cool gimmick, considering I think he works best as a Wyvern Lord.

Gregor x Panne - The last pairing that was left behind after all the others, and I think its pretty good imo.

Freddy x Sumia - These guys compliment each other well in terms of stats as well as giving Luna and PavGis to Cynthia, its good.

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These are my pairings, probably aren't that good but w/e:

Chrom x Olivia - Gives a boss Inigo w/ Rightful King and Luna, aswell as passing down Myrmidon to Lucina for Astra and Swordfaire

Lissa x Lon'qu: These two were kinda left out from my other pairings, people prefer Libra!Owain but I never really liked it, might try it at some point. Nothing really else to add.

Vaike x Sully - With Vaike being able to pass down Mercenary to Kjelle (iirc) aswell as Axefaire or Counter etc, its pretty good.

Gaius x Tharja - I enjoy this because Gaius can pass down Pegasus Knight to Noire, who doesn't normally get it, and I think gives good speed too.

Nowi x Donnel - Aptitude and Armsthrift for Nah aswell as I'm guessing high Luck modifier, its just overall good.

Ricken x Miriel - With Ricken being able to Second Seal into a cavalier class, giving Luna and Aegis for Laurent is great, aswell as high magic for him too.

Cordelia x Stahl - Stahl gives some good growths to Severa aswell as Cavalier AND Myrmidon for Astra, Luna etc

Maribelle x Henry - Sorcerer Brady is cool and good magic too iirc, nothing much else to say.

Cherche x Virion - I like this just because I thought passing down Bowbreaker to Gerome was a cool gimmick, considering I think he works best as a Wyvern Lord.

Gregor x Panne - The last pairing that was left behind after all the others, and I think its pretty good imo.

Freddy x Sumia - These guys compliment each other well in terms of stats as well as giving Luna and PavGis to Cynthia, its good.

Chrom!Inigo is fine.

Lon'qu!Owain has class overlap so is kinda bad.

Vaike!Kjelle has class overlap with not much new stuff. Kjelle has default Swordfaire so AF isn't needed and Counter is kinda bad.

Gaius!Noire pretty much best Noire.

Donnel!Nah nothing really going for her except Galeforce, and Gaius is better for that because of Vantage and better speed mods, and Donnel generally goes to Kjelle as well.

Ricken!Laurent godly magic stat, iffy classes. (Luna isn't amazing on its own.)

Stahl!Severa pretty good.

Henry!Brady again, pretty good.

Virion!Gerome is good, but should end as a Bowfaire Warrior.

Gregor!Panne is nice, but unorthodox (I think) compared to Stahl or Virion who are generally Yarne's best parents.

Frederick!Cynthia speed mods kinda get gimped, and class overlap, only really gaining Aegis. Henry or Chrom are much superior.

Are these pairings already set in stone, or can they be changed?

Also who did your avatar marry?

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Is there some sort of updated guide on what various children excel at when building a team (ie: not every child gets Avatar as a parent, and takes into account other children so the same 2-3 fathers aren't repeated ad nauseum)? Googling for information on suggestions just ends up giving stuff from a year ago, which is vastly different from what I keep seeing suggested here.

Example, I've seen multiple references to using Nah as either a magic attacker or magic support, but such a thing was completely unheard of a year ago. It'd be nice to get an idea of what may have been missed/updated over the past year without having to trial and error pairings.

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