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Yeah, good pairings won't help you get through the earlygame. It's always the same.

On vanilla Lunatic, you'll mostly be using females as combat units and males as supports later on, due to most of the good units the game offers you being female. Miriel, Sumia, Cordelia, Nowi, Panne and Cherche all make powerful 1st gen leads, and Lissa and Maribelle are both extremely useful as staffbots- Sully, Tharja and Olivia are pretty much the only ones that don't see much use, the first due to coming at a bad time, the second due to having crippling Hit issues and coming at a time when your available trainee slots should have just been all filled, and the third due to bad bases.

That said, you should pick 3-4 of those plus as many staffbots as you want, and build your team around them and their husbands. Chrom fits very well with Sumia, and is forced anyway so you might as well do that. Avatar can support anyone well, so should either go with what's best for Morgan (Cordelia) or someone he can support even better than average (Nowi). Miriel and Cherche also work as partners for Avatar, but don't marry Panne, Lissa or Maribelle- they ruin Morgan's starting class. Stahl is a bit of an RNG gamble to use due to his Spd, but can support anyone pretty well and makes a good father to a lot of kids. Frederick has very early availability and good synergy with Cordelia, making it easy for him to build supports. Vaike also has good availability, stat boosts, and inheritance potential, but tends to drop off so don't pair him with someone you want to use until endgame. Gregor has very fast supports with Nowi and is extremely beneficial as Laurent's dad, and is one of the better male combat units in the game.

When stepping up to Lunatic+, most of that remains the same. The main changes are that Nowi gets a lot worse, while Miriel (and by extension Gregor) gets a lot better.

Anyway, if you're having trouble early on, you may want to either do a quick run on Hard (if you haven't played the game since launch, you're probably very rusty), check out The Lunatic Club (link in my sig, and it's always on the front page), or both.

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I have Miriel, Maribelle, and Nowi of the females unpaired.

For the males I have Lonqu, Henry, and Libra.

Who should pair with who for optimal results?

Also. I paired up Fredrick with Olivia. What's the dodgetanking build for Inigo?

Edited by DukeC
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Lon'qu x Miriel, Libra x Maribelle and Henry x Nowi, no contest.

Inigo has pretty much every +Avo skill in the game that doesn't activate based on turn count, so he can run whatever he wants. But for Apo, he'll want to take a Breaker (or two), the obligatory LB/GF, and then Avo+10 and just about any other +Hit/Avo skill (Patience and Outdoor Fighter are most likely to be active, but Tantivity is also a good choice). For added Avo, be an Assassin with an Underdog Bow. Superior weapons are also available if you want to run Lancebreaker and Bowbreaker at the same time, or would like an extra skillslot for Agg or Luna. GF can also be dropped if you want three +Hit/Avo skills.

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Can you explain why those pairings are good?

Also, I don't have DLC anymore because I sold my 2ds and had to erase everything (still kept Awakening because I was planning on getting a new 3ds when the new Fire Emblem came out but....I caved)...only to go get another 2ds a month later. Sigh.

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Lon'qu give Laurent good modifiers and vantage without hurting his magic.

Henry gives Nah physical and Magical options. She is very versatile.

Libra gives Brady the option to go Sorcerer.

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What is the typical Virion!Ingo set-up?

I wanted to know since I always do Freddy!Inigo and wanted to do something different.Also I may go Stahl!Inigo to try get something similar to Chrom!Inigo since Chrom!inigo is my favourite Inigo but I now use Chrom for Cynthia since I really like the pairing compared to Chrom!Inigo.

Also doing some new pairings:



Stahl!Inigo(I never did this before and wanted to try something similar to Chrom!Inigo,my favourite Inigo like I said above)

Libra!Brady(I have tried this once but I never got to use it for Apo and I wanted to try Brady as a Sorc)


Chrom !Cynthia*

Vaike!Severa(I have yet to try this also even though on my previous list I did put this down I never got to it so I am going to try it out now)



Lon'qu!Yarne(I know this is typically use as fodder for a MaMorgan but I honestly just like the paring and was wondering what would be an optimal set-up)

Kellam!Laurent(Pretty much what I said with Yarne,I am a fan of the pairing and I like how he gets Preist and Luna and I was wondering about an optimal set-up)



*-Means I have tried the pairing and am going to use it.

So I know I got off topic from Virion!Inigo to my pairings for a potential run but yeah.By the way these are pretty much set in stone by the way so I might not be making any changes.

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A few more questions :

What is a good ending class for Donnel!Kjelle, her skills probably gonna look like LB/GF/Luna/AT/Lancefaire (or Swordfaire) ?

Would, for Gaius!Noire, a set-up in the likes of LB/GF/Luna/Astra/-Faire (either Lance, Sword or Bow) good ? If not, what should I change ?

Is General a good support class (it stinks in Lead because crap Spd, but high Str and decent Skl could make it decent in support ?)

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20 Peg --> 10 Cav --> Paladin all the way. As an archer she will benefit greatly from Galeforce but still she will still suffer from low bow rank. As a cavalier she retains lance rank and gets discipline to build sword rank.


Virion!Inigo is... underwhelming. He would take for a good hard support Zerker because Hit +20 but that wastes his lead potential as a galeboy. He does have a high skill mod and sniper access so maybe Czar can think of a 100% Dual Strike build for him.


Gaius!Noire typically goes Sniper but Bowfaire Assassin is an option.

Donnel!Kjelle typically goes Hero but Lancefaire Wyvern Lord is also an option

General gives Skl and Str which is always appreciated. However, it gives + Def as well which is no bueno for post game. There is always another support class that is better than it. It's main competition would be Warrior.

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Actually General gives no Skl, it's just another +Str/Def class. It has much better Skl than its 50 Str competitor (Berserker), making it a better hard support if the lead doesn't care about Spd (like Lon'qu!Severa), but it doesn't give any. That said, Vaike!Nah is its best user and Fred!Inigo/Vaike!Severa can do it OK as well.

I'd go Peg(10) -> Cav(20) myself. Earlier Discipline means earlier Brave Lances, which means more KOes for GF and thus easier training.

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Just gonna quote myself a bit but what are god Apo or just ingame set-ups for Kellam!Laurent and Lon'qu!Yarne.I know Kellam!Laurent is not the best but Laurent gets Preist(So Renewal) and Luna and now I know some are gonna say what about Libra,well Maribelle has him.

I was thinking along the lines of:



Renewal/DS+/Luna/Tomefaire/Lifetaker(Yes I don't use LB for in-game)


Astra/Mov +1/Deliverer/Acrobat?/Counter

(Yes I use base classes in ingame and I know that Yarne's ingame set-up is shit)

As for Apo and if I decide to use them I was thinking:


DS+/Luna/LB/TF/Healtouch(He will most likely carry some Physic staves around)



DS+/TF/Luna/Vengeance/LB/Hex or Anathema

Yarne-Griffon Rider

Deliverer/LB/SB/Lance Breaker/AF

Probably stupid but then again I may not use them.Thoughts.(Yes these pairings are set in stone by the way)

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Chrom!Cynthia has monstrous enough offense to get KOs without Braves, getting Braves is just icing. Cav 20 is still a very good suggestion. I have a bad habit of early promoting >_>


Laurent gets very little from Kellam. The best he gets is Luna. You could opt to have him lead.

Yarne only really wants a +Hit skill as a Zerker. Because LQ gives Wyvern tree, Yarne can use both Str +2 and Tantivity. That's the best I can think of.

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Just an odd question here but who is the best 1st gen wife for MaMU that produces only Morgan and no one else?I assume it will be Aversa but what about Say'ri or Flavia etc.?

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Say'ri DOES have an offensive proc (Astra), but Astra is not as good as Aversa's Vengeance when they are managed properly so Say'ri still loses to Aversa.

Actually, the have fairly similar class sets. Pegasus Knight and Wyvern Rider are in common. The catch is that Aversa gets Dark Mage's class tree, which is much more useful than Myrmidon's class tree. And Aversa ALSO gets Shadowgift on top of this for extra options if you want to exploit it.

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Considering just Morgan?

Nowi would get my vote. Manakete and veteran synergize really well. Sully is also up there because cavalier Morgan has 2 weapon types, both at C rank, and also discipline + veteran.

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If it's the childless mothers, then it's a contest between Anna and Say'ri (assuming you do complete Anna's paralogue as soon as the chapter opens). Else it would only be Say'ri. Anna has a little availability on Say'ri, but you then weigh that against base class (and that class skills)

I think Tiki, as well as Flavia, Emm, and Aversa, comes too late for a relevant Morgan (feel free to make a point against it).

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Sully or Sumia maybe? They both join early, give Morgan a good starting class, and can pass down good skills for inheritance.

Considering just Morgan?

Nowi would get my vote. Manakete and veteran synergize really well. Sully is also up there because cavalier Morgan has 2 weapon types, both at C rank, and also discipline + veteran.

Seems you both missed the point... I was specifically talking about the females who don't have a child attached to them.

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They might have interpreted it as using the mother strictly for Morgan's sake. Disregarding what Avatar gives Cynthia or Kjelle (even if you were to never recruit those 2) would still somewhat hold true to what you were asking for.

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If it's the childless mothers, then it's a contest between Anna and Say'ri (assuming you do complete Anna's paralogue as soon as the chapter opens). Else it would only be Say'ri. Anna has a little availability on Say'ri, but you then weigh that against base class (and that class skills)

I think Tiki, as well as Flavia, Emm, and Aversa, comes too late for a relevant Morgan (feel free to make a point against it).

I'm inclined to agree with this. Some of the later ones could hypothetically have use for Morgan on 0% growths but outside of anything like that availability trumps all.

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